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William James is remembered as the philosopher of pragmatism, but he was principally the founder of modern scientific psychology. During the period of his most intense scientific involvement James developed a trenchant critique of science. This was not a rejection of science but an attempt to identify limitations of the contemporary conceptualization of science. In particular, James emphasized the failure of science to understand its basis in human emotions. James developed a scientific theory of emotions in which the importance of emotion in cognition and decision-making is central. James' appreciation of the significance of emotions in science has continuing value. Nevertheless, his characterization of science in terms of its method introduces tensions in his account that an emphasis on the social dimensions of science, which he implicitly acknowledged, tends to resolve.  相似文献   
This paper examines the role of race in elections where oneof the candidates is black. Using the 1982 California gubernatorialelection between Tom Bradley and George Deukmejian as a casestudy, the paper shows that whereas racial attitudes were asignificant influence on the voting decisions of whites, Bradley'sbackground did not stimulate an unusual level of racially motivatedbehavior. The paper argues that the impact of a candidate'srace on voting depends on a number of contextual factors, includinghis prior record and campaign style. The paper also proposesa technique for comparing the results of biracial electionswith contests where ah1 the candidates are white as a methodfor estimating the level of racial voting.  相似文献   
Les sociologues canadiens ont eu tendance à concevoir un état institutionnel complet en terme d'institutions 'parallèles' qui inhibent ou servent d'alternatives à la participation dans les institutions de la société'en général'. Dans ce document, nous suggérons des prolongements à la notion d'un état institutionnel complet en examinant la relation entre les styles organisationnels développés par les communautés juive, italienne et grecque de Montréal et les politiques, lois et actions miees en oeuvre par le gouvernement québécois. À travers 1'étude des facteurs qui permettent ou inhibent le développement des écoles de jours ethniques de chaque communauté, nous décrivons les différentes formes d'état institutionnel complet dans ces différentes communautés. Notre recherche suggère également que les relations actuelles entre ces trois communautés et le gouvernement du Québec constituent un nouveau 'contrat social' dans lequel le gouvernement supporte la maintenance de la diversité ethnique en échange d'une mumission aux lois telles la francisation des fonctions et institutions communautaires.  相似文献   
Discourses of Child Protection and Child Welfare   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Correspondence to Gordon Jack, University of Exeter, Department of Social Work and Probation Studies, Amory Building, Rennes Drive, Exeter EX4 4RJ Summary The history and dominance of the discourse of child protectionand its influence over social work practice with children andfamilies is discussed in the light of recent research into theoperation of child protection systems in the UK and elsewhere.The often negative effects of current approaches on professionals,parents, and, particularly, children are highlighted. The issuesof confidentiality and empowerment appear to be of central importancefor current debates about the welfare of children and youngpeople. Three strategies for change are outlined and discussed. It isargued that a fundamental challenge to the child protectiondiscourse is required. Parallels are drawn with the changeswhich occurred in attitudes and responses towards football supporters,following the Hillsborough disaster in 1989. The dangers and shortcomings of the present reliance on a diseasemodel of ‘abuse’, with its focus on individual pathology,are analysed. Support is provided for the development of a newdiscourse, which acknowledges the social contexts within whichallegations of ‘abuse’ arise, and without whichsocial work will continue to be restricted to a procedurallydominated conservative orientation to child welfare.  相似文献   
Correspondence to Alan Rushton, Course Director, M.Sc. in Mental Health Social Work, Social Work Department, The Maudsley Hospital, 101 Denmark Hill, London, SE5 8AZ, UK Summary It has frequently been recommended that statutory child protectionservices in Great Britain need greater provision of specialistsupervision to support front line social workers. This qualitativestudy, based in social services departments in London, usedthe focus group method to explore the provision of supervisionby team managers in a very pressurized work environment. Thestudy highlights the difficulty of protecting adequate supervisiontime but shows how supervisors can use their skills to conductcase related discussion concerned with developing professionalskills. ‘Inquisitorial’ and ‘empathic-containing’functions are identified and an approach is proposed for combiningthem in training courses for child protection supervisors. Thepaper recommends that supervision training needs to be expanded,to be more precisely targeted, and that outcomes need to berigorously and appropriately assessed.  相似文献   
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