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This study explores the moderating role of ethnic identity in the relations between racial microaggressions and depressive symptoms. Using survey data from 353 Asian-American college students, we found that racial microaggressions significantly predicted depressive symptoms and accounted for 24% of the variance in a hierarchical multiple regression analysis. In addition, ethnic identity moderated the relations between racial microaggressions and depressive symptoms. Thus, ethnic identity buffers Asian-Americans against the negative mental health effects of racial microaggressions. Implications for research and practice in the field of social work are discussed.  相似文献   
Effect sizes are an important component of experimental design, data analysis, and interpretation of statistical results. In some situations, an effect size of clinical or practical importance may be unknown to the researcher. In other situations, the researcher may be interested in comparing observed effect sizes to known standards to quantify clinical importance. In these cases, the notion of relative effect sizes (small, medium, large) can be useful as benchmarks. Although there is generally an extensive literature on relative effect sizes for continuous data, little of this research has focused on relative effect sizes for measures of risk that are common in epidemiological or biomedical studies. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to extend existing relative effect sizes to the relative risk, odds ratio, hazard ratio, rate ratio, and Mantel–Haenszel odds ratio for related samples. In most scenarios with equal group allocation, effect sizes of 1.22, 1.86, and 3.00 can be taken as small, medium, and large, respectively. The odds ratio for a non rare event is a notable exception and modified relative effect sizes are 1.32, 2.38, and 4.70 in that situation.  相似文献   
The immigrant detention system in the United States is civil, rather than criminal, and therefore nonpunitive. However, in practice, detained immigrants lacking many basic constitutional protections find themselves in facilities that are often indistinguishable from prisons and jails. In this paper, we explore the crisis of immigrant imprisonment at the affective level, focusing on the painful experiences of immigrant detainees, while also emphasizing its systemic and racialized nature. Specifically, we place a review of a growing body of research that draws connections between immigrant detention and mass imprisonment alongside the findings from numerous reports issued by human rights organizations on the conditions of confinement within immigrant detention facilities. Using a “pains of imprisonment” framework, we highlight four particularly prominent “pains”: containment, exploitation, coercion, and legal violence. We suggest the infliction of such pain, especially when contextualized within a broader history of Latina/o oppression, demonstrates that immigration prisons are in fact punitive, “lawless spaces” where penal oppression is exercised. We conclude with a call for sociologists to become more attentive to this crisis, and to appreciate the similarities between immigration detention and other forms of racialized social control—namely, mass incarceration.  相似文献   
This article is about the role of the professional social worker in a child placing agency. It emphasizes the worker's central role in coordinating or managing the various facets of family foster care.Many aspects of family foster care are discussed, with emphasis upon permanence and the tasks of the social worker with the respective participants. The article briefly examines these activities, such as working with the child, the birth parents and the foster parents, within the contexts of the primary mission which is to restore family relationships or to help the child to find and build new ones.Mr. Terpstra is employed by the U.S. Children's Bureau where he serves as a specialist in family foster care, child care insittutions and licensing of children's services.  相似文献   
Impacts of privatization: Use of multimodal survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Given current local government fiscal stress, the privatization of public services has been considered as a way to balance local government budgets and improve community service efficiencies. However, along with economic efficiency, the social efficiency of the privatization should be considered. Social efficiency not only incorporates economic efficiency but also includes accountability and equity. In this study, the economic and social impact of the potential privatization of a local utility (Churchill County Communications) is estimated. A web-based questionnaire was employed to collect data quickly and efficiently from CC Communication's employees and employ the questionnaire results in the analysis. Using and augmented input–output model of Churchill County, the analysis showed that privatization would reduce Churchill County employment by 279 jobs and reduce county household income by $36.171 million. In addition, the county could lose up to 14,735 hr of volunteer time and $85,233 in charitable donations if CC Communications were privatized.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a unified framework for defining and fitting stochastic, discrete‐time, discrete‐stage population dynamics models. The biological system is described by a state‐space model, where the true but unknown state of the population is modelled by a state process, and this is linked to survey data by an observation process. All sources of uncertainty in the inputs, including uncertainty about model specification, are readily incorporated. The paper shows how the state process can be represented as a generalization of the standard Leslie or Lefkovitch matrix. By dividing the state process into subprocesses, complex models can be constructed from manageable building blocks. The paper illustrates the approach with a model of the British grey seal metapopulation, using sequential importance sampling with kernel smoothing to fit the model.  相似文献   
A retailer places orders periodically for items that are shipped by a wholesaler. Items that are not sold perish randomly and independently of one another, with the perish probability depending on the age class. We consider a first-in-first-out policy for depleting items. We model this problem as a Markov decision process with stochastic demand, unit holding, outdating and ordering costs, plus unit penalty costs for lost sales. We prove convexity for the penultimate period and show convexity may not hold any earlier. A dynamic program can be solved optimally for small instances. We introduce both a one-stage-lookahead heuristic and a heuristic which is a combination of two existing standard approaches, the newsvendor and periodic review models. For simulated data, we compare these heuristics to the optimal solution for small problem instances and to further lookahead policies for larger problem instances. We show that the two new heuristics achieve results close to optimal. Our numerical study, which includes real data from a large European retail chain, highlights that products perishing independently from each other strongly affect model behavior compared to existing approaches from the literature.  相似文献   

It will soon be rare for research-based institutions not to have a digital repository. The main reason for a repository is to maximize the visibility of the institution’s research outputs (provide Open Access), yet few contain a representative proportion of the research produced by their institutions. Repositories form one part of the institution’s Web platform. An explicit, mandatory policy on the use of the repository for collecting outputs is needed in every institution so that the full research record is collected. Once full, a repository is a tool that enables senior management in research institutions to collate and assess research, to market their institution, to facilitate new forms of scholarship, and to enable the tools that will produce new knowledge.  相似文献   
This article studies the effects of incorporating the interdependence among London small business defaults into a risk analysis framework using the data just before the financial crisis. We propose an extension from standard scoring models to take into account the spatial dimensions and the demographic characteristics of small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs), such as legal form, industry sector, and number of employees. We estimate spatial probit models using different distance matrices based only on the spatial location or on an interaction between spatial locations and demographic characteristics. We find that the interdependence or contagion component defined on spatial and demographic characteristics is significant and that it improves the ability to predict defaults of non–start‐ups in London. Furthermore, including contagion effects among SMEs alters the parameter estimates of risk determinants. The approach can be extended to other risk analysis applications where spatial risk may incorporate correlation based on other aspects.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B immunization is recommended for all American children, and hepatitis A immunization is recommended for children who live in areas with elevated disease rates. Because hepatitis A and B occur most commonly in young adults, the authors examined the cost effectiveness of college-based vaccination. They developed epidemiologic models to consider infection risks and disease progression and then compared the cost of vaccination with economic, longevity, and quality of life benefits. Immunization of 100,000 students would prevent 1,403 acute cases of hepatitis A, 929 cases of hepatitis B, and 144 cases of chronic hepatitis B. Hepatitis B vaccination would cost the health system $7,600 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained but would reduce societal costs by 6%. Hepatitis A/B vaccination would cost the health system $8,500 per QALY but would reduce societal costs by 12%. Until childhood and adolescent vaccination can produce immune cohorts of young adults, college-based hepatitis immunization can reduce disease transmission in a cost-effective manner.  相似文献   
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