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The independent domination number of a graph is the smallest cardinality of an independent set that dominates the graph. In this paper we consider the independent domination number of triangle-free graphs. We improve several of the known bounds as a function of the order and minimum degree, thereby answering conjectures of Haviland.  相似文献   
Gambling pathology has been associated with elevated levels of distress, depression and impulsivity. The present investigation assessed whether these behavioral features would be evident among problem gamblers as they are among pathological gamblers. As well, given that gambling has been associated with increased life stress, as an objective index of ongoing distress, elevations of morning cortisol levels were assessed in problem and pathological gamblers relative to recreational gamblers, and their relations to depressive symptoms and impulsivity were assessed. Recreational, problem, and pathological gamblers (N = 140) completed the Beck Depression Inventory and the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11, and provided saliva samples at awakening, 30 min, 3.5 h, and 5.5 h afterward. Consistent with the view that problem and pathological gambling are associated with elevated life stressors, the rise of morning cortisol from awakening to 30 min following awakening was greater than in recreational gamblers. Heightened impulsivity was evident among both problem and pathological gamblers, whereas depressive symptoms were only evident among pathological gamblers. In neither instance were these psychological indices related to the morning cortisol rise. Indeed, increased depressive symptoms were not evident among problem gamblers, despite the fact that elevated morning cortisol levels were evident. The elevated morning cortisol rise may be secondary to gambling problems or distress related to gambling problems. Furthermore, the sustained morning cortisol elevations may be indicative of allostatic overload, and could potentially be a harbinger for potential health risks among problematic gamblers.  相似文献   
Objectives. Although Christian fundamentalist elites have become increasingly vocal in their support for Israel in the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, it is not clear that this rhetoric has produced differing attitudes about U.S. foreign policy in public opinion. This article examines whether such differences exist, and whether they are rooted in aspects of fundamentalist eschatology. Methods. Data from a national telephone survey on attitudes toward the Middle East conflict and U.S. policy were examined using multivariate regression and means comparisons. Results. These results demonstrate that Christian fundamentalists are the strongest supporters of Israel in America today. Fundamentalists have greater sympathy for Israel, oppose policies to pressure Israel, and are distinctive from all other groups in their high levels of support for continuing Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territories, as well as complete Israeli control of Jerusalem. Conclusion. Christian fundamentalists in America are distinctive on this vital issue in American foreign policy because of their literal interpretation of the Bible or their leaders' increased cues on Middle East policies, or both. This suggests that religion is now an important factor in understanding public opinion on U.S. foreign policy in the region.  相似文献   
The properties of a method of estimating the ratio of parameters for ordered categorical response regression models are discussed. If the link function relating the response variable to the linear combination of covariates is unknown then it is only possible to estimate the ratio of regression parameters. This ratio of parameters has a substitutability or relative importance interpretation.

The maximum likelihood estimate of the ratio of parameters, assuming a logistic function (McCullagh, 1980), is found to have very small bias for a wide variety of true link functions. Further it is shown using Monte Carlo simulations that this maximum likelihood estimate, has good coverage properties, even if the link function is incorrectly specified. It is demonstrated that combining adjacent categories to make the response binary can result in an analysis which is appreciably less efficient. The size of the efficiency loss on, among other factors, the marginal distribution in the ordered categories  相似文献   
This article examines structural change tests based on generalized empirical likelihood methods in the time series context, allowing for dependent data. Standard structural change tests for the Generalized method of moments (GMM) are adapted to the generalized empirical likelihood (GEL) context. We show that when moment conditions are properly smoothed, these test statistics converge to the same asymptotic distribution as in the GMM, in cases with known and unknown breakpoints. New test statistics specific to GEL methods, and that are robust to weak identification, are also introduced. A simulation study examines the small sample properties of the tests and reveals that GEL-based robust tests performed well, both in terms of the presence and location of a structural change and in terms of the nature of identification.  相似文献   
The hot hand bias is the widely documented bias toward overestimation of positive serial correlation in sequential events. We test for the hot hand bias in a novel real‐world context, the seeding of National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) basketball tournament teams. That is, we examine whether teams that perform relatively well heading into “March Madness” are seeded too high, and/or teams with poor recent performance are seeded too low. The seeds are determined by a 10‐member committee that only has implicit incentives, but these incentives are still substantial as the committee's decisions are highly scrutinized by the media, fans, and other stakeholders. We find that, contra the hot hand bias, the committee underreacts to signals of momentum heading into the NCAA tournament. Various results indicate this behavior can be attributed to both: (1) inattention to relatively detailed information indicating momentum; and (2) under‐appreciation of the predictive value of this information. Betting markets incorporate this information efficiently, but neglect some additional information that is predictive of winning NCAA tournament games but not of beating the spread. We note that the NCAA tournament has been highly popular and lucrative partly due to the “madness” (high frequency of wins by lower‐seeded teams), which the bias we document contributes to, making the persistence of bias less surprising. (JEL D83, L83)  相似文献   
We investigate the impact of military job relocation on spousal earnings and employment by creating a unique longitudinal database that tracks over 900,000 military spouses over the period 2001–2012, based on data from two administrative sources—military records on personnel and their dependents, and Social Security earnings records. This database allows us to estimate the effects of military change of station moves controlling for some key observable characteristics of the service‐member and household and controlling for individual spouse fixed effects. We find that military moves cause a substantial decline in spousal earnings in the year of the move, on the order of $2,100, or 14% of average spousal earnings. Moves also increase the likelihood that the spouse has no earnings for the year. We find larger earnings reductions for moves that cross state lines, and for older spouses, male spouses, and those with young children. The career costs persist over time and spouses continue to experience significantly lower earnings 2 years after the move. This persistence, combined with the typical military member experiencing a change of station move every 2 or 3 years, may substantially limit the ability of military spouses to accumulate human capital over time. (JEL H56, R23, J45, J16, J64)  相似文献   
Within the existing literature a number of competing explanations for jobless recoveries have emerged. On the one hand there is evidence of dynamic structural change including offshoring/globalization and technological advances that are resulting in the loss of middle‐skill (routine) employment. Other studies emphasize a less dynamic economy with slower growth, reduced labor market fluidity, a decline in startup activity, and even economic stagnation. This study exploits variation among U.S. states to assess the degree that stagnation and/or important structural changes in the economy contribute to the recent phenomenon of jobless recoveries. We find support for both the stagnation and structural change theories of jobless recoveries. On the stagnation side, we find evidence that lower startup rates are a significant predictor of jobless recoveries. We also find evidence that links dynamic structural change to the jobless recovery phenomenon. More specifically states experiencing a long‐run downward trend in the share of routine employment are more likely to experience a jobless recovery. Our results are consistent with the polarization theory where routine‐replacing technological advances permanently reduce demand for middle‐skill labor, thus contributing to jobless recoveries. (JEL E32, E24)  相似文献   
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