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Despite the prevalence of intimate partner violence and its social costs, we show that many counties lack services to help victims and that community resources play a significant role in determining the likelihood of service provision. Because resources are often generated at the local level and state and federal funding usually require a grant proposal, services for victims of intimate partner violence are more likely to be available in well‐resourced areas with a major college or university in the county. Analysis of the changes in the provision of services since the Violence Against Women Act was introduced suggests that funding needs to be specifically targeted to underserved areas.  相似文献   
Organizational Innovation: Studies of Program Change in Community Agencies by Howard B. Kaplan, with an introduction by Marshall Scott Poole. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2003. 239 pp., $109.00 cloth, $53.95 paper  相似文献   
This study reports the findings of interviews with fifty socialworkers who volunteered to describe their personal experiencesof depression in the workplace. The findings confirm the literatureon the stresses of social work and provide an account of theways in which the social workers sought to reconcile their mentalhealth needs with their role as professionals. The study suggeststhe potential for those working at all levels in social workagencies to support social workers who are experiencing depression.At a time of shortages in the profession in the UK, and of effortsto enable those with mental health problems to remain in orreturn to work, the experiences of those social workers interviewedillustrate the managerial, training and human resource imperativesto provide more supportive workplaces.  相似文献   
This book is a deeply personal treatise connecting experienceto the very tangible social constructs around Dis-Ability. We are writing as what Masefield calls TAP s – temporarilyable people – with experience of working in communitydevelopment and community arts: his own life exemplifies this.Masefield was a respected and successful theatre director andcommunity arts manager when, at forty-four, he developed a debilitatingand devastating myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), which renderedhim speechless and almost immobile. Indeed, one of the mostpowerful parts of the book is where he describes his own transitionfrom able to disabled like ‘trying to run a car on a torchbattery’. A very useful ‘way in’ to all ofthis  相似文献   
Recent research on children in out-of-home care has highlighted their demographic characteristics, their physical and mental health status, and case outcomes, yet the body of literature examining children’s perspectives on care is relatively limited. This review provides an overview of almost two dozen studies examining children’s experiences of care. Findings from studies involving interviews with current and former foster youth are reviewed in relation to four child welfare goals: (1) protecting children from harm; (2) fostering children’s well-being; (3) supporting children’s families; and (4) promoting permanence. Implications for improved child welfare practice are offered.  相似文献   
This article is based on research into the European Dimension in the primary curriculum undertaken through interviews with primary teachers in a range of different European countries (Denmark, England, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain) during 1995 and 1996 (Ritchie, 1996). Key questions for the research included the relationship between the treatment of the European dimension in the curricula of the countries concerned, and the teachers’ own ideas about Europe and the European dimension which underpin their practice. The article concludes with a discussion of the multicultural dimension in the curricula, and the relationship between this and teachers’ understanding of Europe and the European dimension. Recommendations for curriculum planners, teacher trainers and teachers as a result of the research findings are included.  相似文献   
This study examined 4‐ and 6‐month‐olds' responses to static or dynamic stimuli using behavioral and heart‐rate‐defmed measures of attention. Infants looked longest to dynamic stimuli with an audio track and least to a static stimulus that was mute. Overall, look duration declined with age to the different stimuli. The amount of time spent in sustained attention at 4 months, but not at 6 months, was related to stimulus discrimination. These results indicate that the decline in look duration typically observed during the middle of the 1st year for static stimuli does generalize to dynamic stimuli. The results further suggest that the amount of time spent in sustained attention during habituation may be an important indicator of processing in younger infants.  相似文献   
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