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The basic concepts and application of spectral analysis are explained. Stationary time series and autocorrelation are first defined. Autocorrelation is related to the familiar concepts of variance and covariance. The use of autocorrelation analysis is explained in estimating the interdependent relationship of a time series over discrete time lags. In order to measure the behavior of the time series using autocorrelation, it would be necessary to examine a very large number of autocorrelation lags. Alternatively, the technique of Fourier analysis can be used to transform the autocorrelation function of the time series into a continuous function, termed a spectrum. The spectrum has a one to one correspondence to the autocorrelation for the time series and has the advantage of representing all possible autocorrelations over the discrete time lags. The spectrum can then be examined as a measure of the behavior of the time series. Spectral analysis indicates the reliability of the analysis of autocorrelated variables when familiar statistical techniques such as sample means and variances are used. The application of spectral analysis to management science problems in three general areas is illustrated: (1) inventory demand, (2) transportation simulation, and (3) stock market price behavior. Spectral analysis was used to detect cycles and trends in the data. Analyses were focused on the spectrum which provides a measure of the relative contribution of cycles in a band of frequencies to the total variance of the data.  相似文献   
Goal programming (GP) is designed to resolve allocation problems with conflicting goals. Both goals and constraints are incorporated in the allocational decision, and the objective function is stated in a way that, upon solution, yields a result “as close as possible” to the priority-weighted goals. The present paper applies GP methodology to the investment decision of dual-purpose funds (DPFs), that are required by law to pursue allocational decisions with potentially conflicting objectives. It provides an empirical demonstration that DPF managers could have improved their investment selection and subsequent performance by the use of GP methodology. Finally the paper stresses the importance of sensitivity analysis to improve both the goal-ranking and target-selection aspects of the methodology and provides a limited but illuminating empirical demonstration of post-optimality analysis.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to comment on and give historical perspective to two methdologies for estimating parameters of beta distributions. Fielitz and Myers [3] [4] developed and advocated a methodology using the method of moments, while Romesburg [20] advocated a methodology usingthe method of maximum likelihood. However, what Fielitz and Myers presented as new research and suggested as an area needing further study is ground already trampled. The authors have prepared a graph to underline the superiority of the maximum likelihood method in fitting beta distributions.  相似文献   
This article provides an analysis of my personal experience and research on the need for sub-Saharan African economic transformation. It contains relevant references to econometric modeling which are consistent with this analysis. After presenting the causes of African failures, ranging from the alleged role of slavery and colonization, to trade composition and relative decline, to present day problems of governance, low level of foreign investment in Africa, and mass unemployment, the article concludes with an agenda for the transformation of sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   
We consider the problem of density estimation when the data is in the form of a continuous stream with no fixed length. In this setting, implementations of the usual methods of density estimation such as kernel density estimation are problematic. We propose a method of density estimation for massive datasets that is based upon taking the derivative of a smooth curve that has been fit through a set of quantile estimates. To achieve this, a low-storage, single-pass, sequential method is proposed for simultaneous estimation of multiple quantiles for massive datasets that form the basis of this method of density estimation. For comparison, we also consider a sequential kernel density estimator. The proposed methods are shown through simulation study to perform well and to have several distinct advantages over existing methods.  相似文献   
Breslow and Holubkov (J Roy Stat Soc B 59:447–461 1997a) developed semiparametric maximum likelihood estimation for two-phase studies with a case–control first phase under a logistic regression model and noted that, apart for the overall intercept term, it was the same as the semiparametric estimator for two-phase studies with a prospective first phase developed in Scott and Wild (Biometrica 84:57–71 1997). In this paper we extend the Breslow–Holubkov result to general binary regression models and show that it has a very simple relationship with its prospective first-phase counterpart. We also explore why the design of the first phase only affects the intercept of a logistic model, simplify the calculation of standard errors, establish the semiparametric efficiency of the Breslow–Holubkov estimator and derive its asymptotic distribution in the general case.  相似文献   
For semiparametric models, interval estimation and hypothesis testing based on the information matrix for the full model is a challenge because of potentially unlimited dimension. Use of the profile information matrix for a small set of parameters of interest is an appealing alternative. Existing approaches for the estimation of the profile information matrix are either subject to the curse of dimensionality, or are ad-hoc and approximate and can be unstable and numerically inefficient. We propose a numerically stable and efficient algorithm that delivers an exact observed profile information matrix for regression coefficients for the class of Nonlinear Transformation Models [A. Tsodikov (2003) J R Statist Soc Ser B 65:759-774]. The algorithm deals with the curse of dimensionality and requires neither large matrix inverses nor explicit expressions for the profile surface.  相似文献   
The paper and the special issue focus on the activity of statistical consulting and its varieties. This includes academic consulting, consulting to and in industry as well as statistics in public media.  相似文献   
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