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One way in which a better understanding of social indicators to be employed in assessing the degree of social integration of aged ethnic minorities is to determine their time-use patterns for various daily activities. This paper reports on a research project undertaken in a planned community of La Villeneuve, France, which examines (a) the social context in which various activities took place, and (b) the duration and frequency of the activities. This was achieved through the combined techniques of time-budget analysis, social network mapping, and participant observations. Our data provides another dimension appropriate for social indicators research.  相似文献   
The study reported here examines the effects of differential teacher training in use of a drug education curriculum on students' knowledge levels, problem-solving and coping skills, attitudes towards planned decision making, behavioral intentions and tobacco and alcohol use. An experimental design was used to compare the effects of exposure to teachers who had either intensive staff development, in-service training or no training. The findings indicate a statistically significant difference between groups of students on the intention to drink alcohol. Students whose teachers had intensive staff development were less likely to intend to take a drink if offered than students whose teachers had in-service or no training. Possible reasons for a lack of significant results on other variables are the confounding influences of school, classroom and teacher effects.  相似文献   
We consider the problem of minimum variance unbiased estimation of a U-estimable function of two unknown truncation parameters based on independent random samples from two one-truncation parameter families. In particular, we obtain the UMVU estimator of the probability that Y > X.  相似文献   
Recently, many supersaturated designs have been proposed. A supersaturated design is a fractional factorial design in which the number of factors is greater than the number of experimental runs. The main thrust of the previous studies has been to generate more columns while avoiding large values of squared inner products among all design columns. These designs would be appropriate if the probability for each factor being active is uniformly distributed. When factors can be partitioned into two groups, namely, with high and low probabilities of each factor being active, it is desirable to maintain orthogonality among columns to be assigned to the factors in the high-probability group. We discuss a supersaturated design including an orthogonal base which is suitable for this common situation. Mathematical results on the existence of the supersaturated designs are shown, and the construction of supersaturated designs is presented. We next discuss some properties of the proposed supersaturated designs based on the squared inner products.  相似文献   
Helmut Anheier is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey; Research Associate, Institute for Policy Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.  相似文献   
A strong case has been made in the literature that the effective treatment of adolescents in long-term psychiatric hospitals or residential treatment centers must include treatment of the family. This highlights the need for a family treatment model that integrates a long-term psychodynamically oriented residential treatment approach with family systems theory. Such a model must take into account the stages of inpatient treatment and must address therapeutic management of the physical, emotional and psychological aspects of separation between the adolescent and the family. A bridge between family systems theory and psychoanalytic theory can be found in object relations theory. A four-stage model for working with families having a hospitalized adolescent member is described in which each stage builds upon the previous one. Progress through the stages depends upon the establishment of a relationship in which the family perceives the hospital as supportive, nonjudgmental, helpful and trustworthy.  相似文献   
Summary.  The problem motivating the paper is the determination of sample size in clinical trials under normal likelihoods and at the substantive testing stage of a financial audit where normality is not an appropriate assumption. A combination of analytical and simulation-based techniques within the Bayesian framework is proposed. The framework accommodates two different prior distributions: one is the general purpose fitting prior distribution that is used in Bayesian analysis and the other is the expert subjective prior distribution, the sampling prior which is believed to generate the parameter values which in turn generate the data. We obtain many theoretical results and one key result is that typical non-informative prior distributions lead to very small sample sizes. In contrast, a very informative prior distribution may either lead to a very small or a very large sample size depending on the location of the centre of the prior distribution and the hypothesized value of the parameter. The methods that are developed are quite general and can be applied to other sample size determination problems. Some numerical illustrations which bring out many other aspects of the optimum sample size are given.  相似文献   
A functional analysis of selected aspects of imaginative literature is presented. Reading imaginative literature is described as a process in which the reader makes indirect contact with the contingencies operating on the behavior of story characters. A functional story grammar is proposed in which the reader''s experience with a story is interpreted in terms of escape contingencies in which the author initially introduces an establishing operation consisting of a source of tension, which is resolved in some way by the outcome of the story. Although escape contingencies represent the functional basis for the structure of stories, they are to be understood in a context of many other reinforcers for reading fiction. Other contingencies that maintain reading are discussed. Functional analyses of imaginative literature have much to offer, both in improving literary education and in understanding the behavioral processes that occur on the part of the reader.  相似文献   
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