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In this paper we develop a Bayesian approach to detecting unit roots in autoregressive panel data models. Our method is based on the comparison of stationary autoregressive models with and without individual deterministic trends, to their counterpart models with a unit autoregressive root. This is done under cross-sectional dependence among the error terms of the panel units. Simulation experiments are conducted with the aim to assess the performance of the suggested inferential procedure, as well as to investigate if the Bayesian model comparison approach can distinguish unit root models from stationary autoregressive models under cross-sectional dependence. The approach is applied to real exchange rate series for a panel of the G7 countries and to a panel of US nominal interest rates data.  相似文献   
Attitudes toward the use of nuclear energy pose fundamental issues in the political debate about how to meet future energy needs. Development of new nuclear power facilities faces significant opposition both from knowledgeable individuals who display an understanding of the risks attached to various forms of power generation and those who follow strict politically based ideological dogmas. This article employs data from a 2005 Eurobarometer survey of UK citizens to examine the influence of both political preferences and knowledge in explaining support of nuclear power. Findings reveal that attitudes about nuclear power are highly politically motivated while the influence of knowledge about radioactive waste is dependent upon beliefs about the consequences of nuclear energy use. Perceptions of being informed about radioactive waste and trust in sources providing information about radioactive waste management also predict attitudes toward nuclear power generation.  相似文献   
An association between allergic disease, depression and suicidality has been reported. Objective: To explore the relationships between suicidality and asthma, allergy, internet addiction, stress, sleep quality, pain/discomfort, and depression, among emerging adults. Participants: 929 college students completed an online survey between October 2015 and April 2017. Methods: A cross-sectional study using multivariate analysis techniques was implemented. Results: Using structural equation modeling, we found that allergies and stress were directly related to pain/discomfort; pain/discomfort was associated to poor sleep, depression, and suicidality. Sleep quality was also affected by stress; while sleep, stress, pain/discomfort, and internet addiction were directly related to depression (all p < .05). Ultimately, four factors impacted suicidality: stress, pain/discomfort, depression, and, indirectly, sleep quality (all p < .05). Although allergy had some effects, these did not reach statistical significance (p < .09). Conclusion: Findings suggest that allergy might impact suicidality indirectly through increased pain/discomfort, poor sleep, and depression.  相似文献   
The purpose of this introduction and Special Issue (SI) is to offer a unique and timely opportunity to explore, revisit and critically examine key methodological debates and tensions with the purpose of advancing diversity and novel theorizing in the field. We join voices with the authors of the five papers of this SI to problematize taken-for-granted assumptions and research traditions and pave the way for inclusive and novel theorizing in management scholarship. We revisit four long-lasting debates that hinder methodological pluralism and diversity in management scholarship: (a) the quantitative-qualitative research divide, (b) the legitimacy of mixed-methods research, (c) the rigour versus relevance tension and (d) the lack of methodological innovation. We suggest that these debates are at least partly counterproductive because they create silos and opposing camps, thereby inhibiting an appreciation of different worldviews and collective learning. The dominance of functionalism and positivism in quantitative research and the inappropriate transfer of quantitative logics in qualitative research have led to a lack of diversity in empirical methodologies. The field's limited methodological diversity is further proliferated by a strict adherence to quality standards that have inadvertently promoted homogeneity. This introduction highlights the challenges and potential of mixed methods, which are gaining momentum owing to calls for methodological pluralism. We also call for a re-evaluation of quality standards to encourage more innovative and diverse research methodologies.  相似文献   
The asymptotic local power of least squares–based fixed-T panel unit root tests allowing for a structural break in their individual effects and/or incidental trends of the AR(1) panel data model is studied. Limiting distributions of these tests are derived under a sequence of local alternatives, and analytic expressions show how their means and variances are functions of the break date and the time dimension of the panel. The considered tests have nontrivial local power in a N?1/2 neighborhood of unity when the panel data model includes individual intercepts. For panel data models with incidental trends, the power of the tests becomes trivial in this neighborhood. However, this problem does not always appear if the tests allow for serial correlation in the error term and completely vanishes in the presence of cross-section correlation. These results show that fixed-T tests have very different theoretical properties than their large-T counterparts. Monte Carlo experiments demonstrate the usefulness of the asymptotic theory in small samples.  相似文献   
Rising healthcare costs, particularly pharmaceutical expenditures, have led to the implementation of several pharmaceutical pricing regulations and policies throughout the world. This paper undertakes a critical review of current policies, along with a discussion of alternatives for both on‐patent and off‐patent drug pricing mechanisms. Traditional direct and indirect price controls have failed to balance the objectives of efficiency and equity. Direct price controls do not restrain growth of costs and may not address the need for innovation. Indirect price controls fail to contain costs and do little to create a competitive off‐patent pharmaceutical market. For the on‐patent drug markets, we evaluate the use of profit controls, government purchase or auction of patents and Ramsey pricing. Each of these has its own merit, yet the integration of the often separate price and reimbursement decision‐making processes would seem to hold the most promise for governments and purchasers to obtain value for money. This approach could send signals to the industry to help direct research towards clinically relevant areas.  相似文献   

This paper proffers a dialogical theory of decision-making: decision-makers (DMs) are engaged in two modes of rational decisions, instrumental and existential. Instrumental rational decisions take place when the DM views the self externally to the objects, whether goods or animate beings. Existential rational decisions take place when the DM views the self in union with such objects. While the dialogical theory differs from Max Weber’s distinction between two kinds of rationality, it follows Martin Buber’s philosophical anthropology. The paper expounds the ramifications of the dialogical theory in understanding structures of exchange considering assessments of diverse thinkers.

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