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荣辱观教育的实现方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行荣辱观教育是社会主义道德建设的重要任务。荣辱观教育需要坚持正确的荣辱衡量标准,明确义利的辩证统一关系;坚持道德价值的一元与多元的有机结合;坚持原则性与灵活性的结合,使荣辱观教育既具有内在的逻辑性和层次性,又具有现实针对性和可操作性。  相似文献   
素质教育是培养创新人才、构建和谐社会的重要教育实践环节,而潜在课程建设对素质教育具有不可替代的指导和促进作用。潜在课程指在学校自然环境、人文环境等因素影响下所构成的一种无形的、非正规的具有陶冶作用的集合体,具有潜在性、丰富性、持久性、经验性等特点,对大学生思想品德、实践能力等各方面的素质提高以及创新能力培养具有重要作用。高校潜在课程的开发和建设,为提高大学生综合素质,培养大学生创新能力提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
毛泽东农村调查研究方法是一个完整的科学体系,马克思的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义是毛泽东农村调查研究方法的理论基础,即方法论。矛盾分析法和阶级分析法是毛泽东农村调查研究的基本方法。典型调查、类型调查、普遍调查、实地访问、开调查会、表格调查法、文献法、历史法等是毛泽东农村调查研究的方式和具体方法。  相似文献   
解放思想,是党的思想路线的本质要求,是我们应对前进道路上各种新情况新问题、不断开创事业新局面的一大法宝,是中国特色社会主义的思想精髓。要把中国特色社会主义事业不断推向前进,必须在新起点上推进新的思想解放。  相似文献   
论老建筑再生与城市空间品质的塑造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过老建筑再生对于城市的价值意义的研究以及对城市与老建筑关系的分析,从多个角度阐述由老建筑再生所带来的城市意象、城市肌理、场所精神、城市色彩、城市风貌等要素的变化及其促进城市空间品质的提高,并结合国内外案例对这一观点行论证。  相似文献   
莎士比亚的语言是个久经探讨的问题。莎翁具有高深的语言锤炼艺术,他经常巧妙地运用多种修辞手法,文采飞扬,言简意深。在十四行诗中,莎士比亚多处使用多重复义,具体体现在对不同行业词语的使用,文化典故的运用,以及丰富多彩的意象上,这种释义的多重性体现了诗人丰富的思想内涵,增强了诗歌的审美意境。从诗歌三复义的角度,即语言复义、文化复义和美学复义,分析十四行诗中的多重复义,重审其美妙意境。  相似文献   
Many applications of nonparametric tests based on curve estimation involve selecting a smoothing parameter. The author proposes an adaptive test that combines several generalized likelihood ratio tests in order to get power performance nearly equal to whichever of the component tests is best. She derives the asymptotic joint distribution of the component tests and that of the proposed test under the null hypothesis. She also develops a simple method of selecting the smoothing parameters for the proposed test and presents two approximate methods for obtaining its P‐value. Finally, she evaluates the proposed test through simulations and illustrates its application to a set of real data.  相似文献   
Owing to the extreme quantiles involved, standard control charts are very sensitive to the effects of parameter estimation and non-normality. More general parametric charts have been devised to deal with the latter complication and corrections have been derived to compensate for the estimation step, both under normal and parametric models. The resulting procedures offer a satisfactory solution over a broad range of underlying distributions. However, situations do occur where even such a large model is inadequate and nothing remains but to consider non- parametric charts. In principle, these form ideal solutions, but the problem is that huge sample sizes are required for the estimation step. Otherwise the resulting stochastic error is so large that the chart is very unstable, a disadvantage that seems to outweigh the advantage of avoiding the model error from the parametric case. Here we analyse under what conditions non-parametric charts actually become feasible alternatives for their parametric counterparts. In particular, corrected versions are suggested for which a possible change point is reached at sample sizes that are markedly less huge (but still larger than the customary range). These corrections serve to control the behaviour during in-control (markedly wrong outcomes of the estimates only occur sufficiently rarely). The price for this protection will clearly be some loss of detection power during out-of-control. A change point comes in view as soon as this loss can be made sufficiently small.  相似文献   
Summary.  We discuss the inversion of the gas profiles (ozone, NO3, NO2, aerosols and neutral density) in the upper atmosphere from the spectral occultation measurements. The data are produced by the 'Global ozone monitoring of occultation of stars' instrument on board the Envisat satellite that was launched in March 2002. The instrument measures the attenuation of light spectra at various horizontal paths from about 100 km down to 10–20 km. The new feature is that these data allow the inversion of the gas concentration height profiles. A short introduction is given to the present operational data management procedure with examples of the first real data inversion. Several solution options for a more comprehensive statistical inversion are presented. A direct inversion leads to a non-linear model with hundreds of parameters to be estimated. The problem is solved with an adaptive single-step Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Another approach is to divide the problem into several non-linear smaller dimensional problems, to run parallel adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo chains for them and to solve the gas profiles in repetitive linear steps. The effect of grid size is discussed, and we present how the prior regularization takes the grid size into account in a way that effectively leads to a grid-independent inversion.  相似文献   
论东汉王朝对北匈奴的政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于谓汉欺之 ,谋欲犯塞 ;谓宜还南所掠生口 ,以慰安其意。”章帝从袁安议 ,许之 ,令“度辽及领中郎将庞奋倍雇南部所得生口 ,以还北虏 ;其南部斩首获生 ,计功受赏如常科”。企图平衡南、北匈奴的关系。由上可知 ,在光武帝建武二十七年至和帝永元元年 (公元 5 1- 89年 )期间 ,北匈奴或因“惧于见伐” ,或因欲与汉合市 ,多次遣使求和亲 ,而东汉王朝则出于“冀其交通 ,不复为寇”的目的 ,与北匈奴保持了时断时续的通使、合市关系。当然 ,由于北匈奴时时寇边侵掠以及东汉王朝在处理南、北匈奴问题上的摇摆性 ,东汉王朝对北匈奴采取的以通使、合市…  相似文献   
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