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This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of three proposed modifications to the structural characteristics of electronic gaming machines as harm minimisation strategies for non-problem and probable problem gamblers. Structural changes included reducing the maximum bet size, reducing reel spin and removing large note acceptors. Behavioural patterns of play were observed in 779 participants attending clubs and hotels. Observations were conducted in the gaming venue during regular gaming sessions. Eight experimental machines were designed to represent every combination of the modifications. 210 participants played at least one modified and one unmodified machine. Following play, the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) was administered. More problem than non-problem gamblers used high denomination bill acceptors and bet over one-dollar per wager. Machines modified to accept the one-dollar maximum bet were played for less time and were associated with smaller losses, fewer individual wagers and lower levels of alcohol consumption and smoking. It was concluded that the reduction of maximum bet levels was the only modification likely to be effective as a harm minimization strategy for problem gamblers.  相似文献   
The social model of disability has paid little attention to disabled children, with few attempts to explore how far it provides an adequate explanatory framework for their experiences. This paper reports findings from a two-year study exploring the lived experiences of 26 disabled children aged 7-15. They experienced disability in four ways—in terms of impairment, difference, other people's behaviour towards them, and material barriers. Most young people presented themselves as similar to non-disabled children: it is suggested they may have lacked a positive language with which to discuss difference. It is further argued that Thomas's (1999) social relational model of disability can help inform understandings of children's experiences, with 'barriers to being' having particular significance.  相似文献   
This paper outlines therapeutic group work with young childrenin response to acute community trauma in Northern Ireland. Thechildren in question were the focus of a highly publicized disputeconcerning access to their school. The work was carried outby NOVA, a Barnardo’s (Northern Ireland) trauma supportservice. Part one outlines the theoretical framework. It highlightsthe relevance of ‘continuous traumatic stress syndrome’(Straker, 1987) in this context and its challenge to individualistictrauma accounts. Developmental considerations in trauma arealso outlined and the role of protective factors is discussed.Consideration is also given to the socio-political context.Part two summarizes group preparation, process and perceivedbenefits. Process observations are made with reference to threekey outcome themes: (i) reducing fear; (ii) increasing control;(iii) restoring connections. Perceptions of group benefit frompre- and post-questionnaires are then outlined with referenceto implications for achieving these outcomes. Questionnaireresponses highlighted four tasks and processes for effectivepractice in this context: (i) communication; (ii) emotionalsupport; (iii) management strategies and (iv) meaningmaking.Further, active partnerships with the whole support matrix–parents,teachers and community–are highlighted throughout as centralto good outcome.  相似文献   
The effect of a test compound on neurogenically induced vasodilation in marmosets was studied using a non‐standard experimental design with overlapping dosage groups and repeated measurements. In this study, the assumption that the data were normally distributed seemed inappropriate, so no traditional data analyses could be used. As an alternative, a new permutation trend test was designed based on the Jonckheere–Terpstra test statistic. This test protects the type I error without any further assumptions. Statistically significant differences in trend between treatment groups were detected. The effect of the compound was then shown across doses using subsequent Wilcoxon rank‐sum tests against ordered alternatives. In all, the permutation test proved quite useful in this context. This nonparametric approach to the analysis may easily be adapted to other applications. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
如果你真的希望可以摆脱那些麻烦的年度考核,你可以做到。不过这可不是件容易的事在大多数企业,绩效考核就像看牙医一样盛行。你可能会想, 如果废除它,经理和雇员都会集体长舒一口气。但如果这样,激励、绩效工资差异,甚至绩效本身又将出现什么情况?绩效考核的本意,不就是推动、传达这些东西吗?  相似文献   
As often discussed in rational-choice literature, it is important to distinguish between so called low cost and high cost situations, if one wants to apply rational-choice models in order to explain social phenomena. But not only these two rather extreme and rare types of situations should be considered, but also the majority of real situations which are positioned somewhere between high and low cost situations. It is shown that in low cost situations a rational-choice explanation is not possible, whereas in high cost situations it would be possible. But it is not necessary, because a more parsimonious model (where the relatively relatively pretentious premise of maximization of utility does not have to be included) would lead to the same result. Only in the remaining types of situations rational-choice models are recommendable. These situations are characterized by opportunity costs that are unequal to zero but which are not distributed in favor of only one option. Therefore, it is appropriate to analyze in a first step the kind of situation in which the behavior under investigation occurs, and only then, in a second step, to develop an explanation model. This does not necessarily have to be a rational-choice model.  相似文献   
This study uses meta‐analytic procedures to examine the relationship between growing up in a violent home and subsequently becoming part of a violent marital relationship. Our meta‐analysis examines published and unpublished research studies that investigate the relationship between witnessing or experiencing family violence in childhood and receiving or perpetrating violence in an adult heterosexual cohabiting or marital relationship. The findings of this meta‐analysis suggest there is a weak‐to‐moderate relationship between growing up in an abusive family and becoming involved in a violent marital relationship. Differential effects of gender and sample type are also discussed.  相似文献   
β-Chloroprene is used in the production of polychloroprene, a synthetic rubber. In 2010, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the Integrated Risk Information System “Toxicological Review of Chloroprene,” concluding that chloroprene was “likely to be carcinogenic to humans.” This was based on findings from a 1998 National Toxicology Program (NTP) study showing multiple tumors within and across animal species; results from occupational epidemiological studies; a proposed mutagenic mode of action; and structural similarities with 1,3-butadiene and vinyl chloride. Using mouse data from the NTP study and assuming a mutagenic mode of action, EPA calculated an inhalation unit risk (IUR) for chloroprene of 5 × 10−4 per µg/m3. This is among the highest IURs for chemicals classified by IARC or EPA as known or probable human carcinogens and orders of magnitude higher than the IURs for carcinogens such as vinyl chloride, benzene, and 1,3-butadiene. Due to differences in pharmacokinetics, mice appear to be uniquely responsive to chloroprene exposure compared to other animals, including humans, which is consistent with the lack of evidence of carcinogenicity in robust occupational epidemiological studies. We evaluated and integrated all lines of evidence for chloroprene carcinogenicity to assess whether the 2010 EPA IUR could be scientifically substantiated. Due to clear interspecies differences in carcinogenic response to chloroprene, we applied a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for chloroprene to calculate a species-specific internal dose (amount metabolized/gram of lung tissue) and derived an IUR that is over 100-fold lower than the 2010 EPA IUR. Therefore, we recommend that EPA's IUR be updated.  相似文献   
Public Organization Review - This article addresses the extent to which culture has an impact in crisis management at the government level, exemplified by the corona crisis in Germany and Japan....  相似文献   
As the public policy uses of U. S. census data have expanded in recent decades, census undercount has become a contentious public issue. Concern centers on the fact that persons that are economically and socially disadvantaged are omitted at higher rates than others. In this paper we outline some of the contributions which sociologists can make to the undercount debate. First, the uses of census data are reviewed, with emphasis on how coverage errors affect social science research. Next, a conceptual model of the census enumeration process is offered, and its social system and census process components are described.  相似文献   
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