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There are two key motivations for this paper: (1) the need to respond to the often observed rejections of efficiency studies’ results by management as they claim that a single-perspective evaluation cannot fully reflect the operating units’ multi-function nature; and (2) a detailed bank branch performance assessment that is acceptable to both line managers and senior executives is still needed. In this context, a two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis approach is developed for simultaneously benchmarking the performance of operating units along different dimensions (for line managers) and a modified Slacks-Based Measure model is applied for the first time to aggregate the obtained efficiency scores from stage one and generate a composite performance index for each unit. This approach is illustrated by using the data from a major Canadian bank with 816 branches operating across the nation. Three important branch performance dimensions are evaluated: Production, Profitability, and Intermediation. This approach improves the reality of the performance assessment method and enables branch managers to clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses in their operations. Branch scale efficiency and the impacts of geographic location and market size on branch performance are also investigated. This multi-dimensional performance evaluation approach may improve management acceptance of the practical applications of DEA in real businesses.  相似文献   
In a recent article by Rosenthal, Zydiak, and Chaudhry (1995), a mixed integer linear programming model was introduced to solve the vendor selection problem for the case in which the vendor can sell items individually or as part of a bundle. Each vendor offered only one type of bundle, and the buyer could purchase at most one bundle per vendor. The model employed n(m+ 1) binary variables, where n is the number of vendors and m is the number of products they sell. The existing model can lead to a purchasing paradox: it may force the buyer to pay more to receive less. We suggest a reformulation of the same problem that (i) eliminates this paradox and reveals a more cost-effective purchasing strategy; (ii) uses only n integer variables and significantly reduces the computational workload; and (iii) permits the buyer to purchase more than one bundle per vendor.  相似文献   
Summary.  Non-ignorable missing data, a serious problem in both clinical trials and observational studies, can lead to biased inferences. Quality-of-life measures have become increasingly popular in clinical trials. However, these measures are often incompletely observed, and investigators may suspect that missing quality-of-life data are likely to be non-ignorable. Although several recent references have addressed missing covariates in survival analysis, they all required the assumption that missingness is at random or that all covariates are discrete. We present a method for estimating the parameters in the Cox proportional hazards model when missing covariates may be non-ignorable and continuous or discrete. Our method is useful in reducing the bias and improving efficiency in the presence of missing data. The methodology clearly specifies assumptions about the missing data mechanism and, through sensitivity analysis, helps investigators to understand the potential effect of missing data on study results.  相似文献   
Summary. The determination of evolutionary relationships is a fundamental problem in evolutionary biology. Genome arrangement data are potentially more informative than deoxyribonucleic acid sequence data for inferring evolutionary relationships between distantly related taxa. We describe a Bayesian framework for phylogenetic inference from mitochondrial genome arrangement data using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. We apply the method to assess evolutionary relationships between eight animal phyla.  相似文献   
In longitudinal survey research, certain questions can be rescinded illogically. For instance, respondents who at Time 1 report having had sexual intercourse may at Time 2 report never having done so. This paper reports measurement techniques and analyses of these types of inconsistencies from an ongoing longitudinal adolescent sexuality project. Inconsistencies in intercourse, masturbation, and other sexual behaviors are reported and compared to rates from other studies and other less sensitive behaviors within the same study. Three conclusions are presented: (1) inconsistencies should be considered a natural part of any longitudinal survey process and should be incorporated into the response model; (2) inconsistency rates in these particular data support the contention that adolescent sexuality data of appropriate quality for analytical purposes can be obtained; and (3) inconsistency rates in fact contain substantive information concerning the processes under consideration.  相似文献   
Large databases of routinely collected data are a valuable source of information for detecting potential associations between drugs and adverse events (AE). A pharmacovigilance system starts with a scan of these databases for potential signals of drug-AE associations that will subsequently be examined by experts to aid in regulatory decision-making. The signal generation process faces some key challenges: (1) an enormous volume of drug-AE combinations need to be tested (i.e. the problem of multiple testing); (2) the results are not in a format that allows the incorporation of accumulated experience and knowledge for future signal generation; and (3) the signal generation process ignores information captured from other processes in the pharmacovigilance system and does not allow feedback. Bayesian methods have been developed for signal generation in pharmacovigilance, although the full potential of these methods has not been realised. For instance, Bayesian hierarchical models will allow the incorporation of established medical and epidemiological knowledge into the priors for each drug-AE combination. Moreover, the outputs from this analysis can be incorporated into decision-making tools to help in signal validation and posterior actions to be taken by the regulators and companies. We discuss in this paper the apparent advantage of the Bayesian methods used in safety signal generation and the similarities and differences between the two widely used Bayesian methods. We will also propose the use of Bayesian hierarchical models to address the three key challenges and discuss the reasons why Bayesian methodology still have not been fully utilised in pharmacovigilance activities.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to develop a Bayesian local influence method (Zhu et al. 2009, submitted) for assessing minor perturbations to the prior, the sampling distribution, and individual observations in survival analysis. We introduce a perturbation model to characterize simultaneous (or individual) perturbations to the data, the prior distribution, and the sampling distribution. We construct a Bayesian perturbation manifold to the perturbation model and calculate its associated geometric quantities including the metric tensor to characterize the intrinsic structure of the perturbation model (or perturbation scheme). We develop local influence measures based on several objective functions to quantify the degree of various perturbations to statistical models. We carry out several simulation studies and analyze two real data sets to illustrate our Bayesian local influence method in detecting influential observations, and for characterizing the sensitivity to the prior distribution and hazard function.  相似文献   
The conceptual predictive statistic, Cp, is a widely used criterion for model selection in linear regression. Cp serves as an estimator of a discrepancy, a measure that reflects the disparity between the generating model and a fitted candidate model. This discrepancy, based on scaled squared error loss, is asymmetric: an alternate measure is obtained by reversing the roles of the two models in the definition of the measure. We propose a variant of the Cp statistic based on estimating a symmetrized version of the discrepancy targeted by Cp. We claim that the resulting criterion provides better protection against overfitting than Cp, since the symmetric discrepancy is more sensitive towards detecting overspecification than its asymmetric counterpart. We illustrate our claim by presenting simulation results. Finally, we demonstrate the practical utility of the new criterion by discussing a modeling application based on data collected in a cardiac rehabilitation program at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.  相似文献   
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