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A partir d'un indice synthétique des dispositions réglementaires sur les congés annuels et familiaux en Europe occidentale, aux Etats‐Unis, au Canada, en Australie, au Japon et en Corée, les auteurs classent ces pays quant au soutien à l'équilibre entre travail et famille. Les Etats‐Unis arrivent derniers: les employeurs ne sont pas tenus d'accorder des congés annuels, et les salariés ne peuvent prendre plus de douze semaines de congés par an pour raisons familiales. Ces normes comparativement basses s'expliqueraient par une conception fondée sur le libre marché et un postulat d'égalité de rapport de forces entre employeur et salarié. Vision qui n'est pleinement partagée par aucune des autres démocraties examinées. 相似文献
Singapore, like many developed countries, is facing the challenge of a rapidly aging population and the increasing need to provide long-term care (LTC) services for elderly in the community. The Singapore government’s philosophy on care for the elderly is that the family should be the first line of support, and it has relied on voluntary welfare organizations (VWOs) or charities for the bulk of LTC service provision. For LTC financing, it has emphasized the principles of co-payment and targeting of state support to the low-income population through means-tested government subsidies. It has also instituted ElderShield, a national severe disability insurance scheme. This paper discusses some of the challenges facing LTC policy in Singapore, particularly the presence of perverse financial incentives for hospitalization, the pitfalls of over-reliance on VWOs, and the challenges facing informal family caregivers. It discusses the role of private LTC insurance in LTC financing, bearing in mind demand- and supply-side failures that have plagued the private LTC insurance market. It suggests the need for more standardized needs assessment and portable LTC benefits, with reference to the Japanese Long-Term Care Insurance program, and also discusses the need to provide more support to informal family caregivers. 相似文献
Angela K. Perone Ruth E. Dunkle Sheila Feld Huei-Wern Shen Min Hee Kim Garrett T. Pace 《Journal of gerontological social work》2013,56(6):682-700
Little research focuses on the mental health of caregivers (CGs) who stop providing care to their community-dwelling spouse. We examine depressive symptoms of former primary CG spouses who stopped caregiving over a two-year follow-up period when the care recipient (CR): (1) no longer has functional problems; (2) continues having functional problems; or (3) dies. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study (2000–2014), we located 2,370 couples who were both 50+ at baseline and where one partner provided help with ADL and/or IADL limitations but did not do so two years later. OLS regressions stratified by gender indicated that both male and female former spousal CGs whose CR died had significantly more depressive symptoms than those who ceased caregiving when their spouse did or did not still have functional problems. Former wife CGs who were older and whose husbands had more baseline ADLs had fewer follow-up depressive symptoms; wife CGs whose husbands had a nursing home stay had more depressive symptoms. Former husband CGs who had provided longer monthly hours of care had fewer follow-up symptoms. Findings underscore the importance of targeting mental and physical health services to both former caregiving husbands and wives, especially after spousal death. 相似文献
Hee‐Kyung Kwon Martha A. Rueter Mi‐Sook Lee Seonju Koh Sun Wha Ok 《Journal of marriage and the family》2003,65(2):316-325
In response to the recent economic crisis in Korea and its negative effects on families, the current study examined the interrelationships among economic pressure, emotional distress, marital conflict, and marital satisfaction for 236 Korean couples. The family stress model ( Conger & Elder, 1994 ; Conger, Rueter, & Conger, 2000 ; Conger, Rueter, & Elder, 1999 ) was tested using structural equation modeling. The results generally supported the theoretical model, showing that economic pressure negatively affects marital satisfaction via emotional distress and marital conflict. The results also implied cultural differences in the process of family stress. Korean husbands' emotional distress did not affect marital conflict or marital satisfaction, suggesting that Korean husbands may differ from their wives in their reaction to emotional distress from economic pressure. 相似文献
Rikki Abzug Paul DiMaggio Bradford H. Gray Michael Useem Chul Hee Kang 《Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations》1993,4(3):271-300
Case studies suggest that important changes in the composition and structure of boards of trustees of non-profit organisations have occurred in recent decades. The nature of these changes, and how they may vary across industry and locale, are not well documented. This pilot study compares changes in structure and board membership of three elite non-profit organisations in two cities at three points in time: 1925, 1955 and 1985. This study focuses on governing boards of the major art museum, largest non-profit hospital and local United Way of Boston and Cleveland. Board members' biographical data are used to assess models of board diversification based on environmental pressures and changes in local elites. We find evidence that trusteeship varies historically, regionally and across industries, and we set the stage for broader-based empirical comparative work on changes in non-profit boards of trustees. 相似文献
This article proposes an adaptive sequential preventive maintenance (PM) policy for which an improvement factor is newly introduced to measure the PM effect at each PM. For this model, the PM actions are conducted at different time intervals so that an adaptive method needs to be utilized to determine the optimal PM times minimizing the expected cost rate per unit time. At each PM, the hazard rate is reduced by an amount affected by the improvement factor which depends on the number of PM's preceding the current one. We derive mathematical formulas to evaluate the expected cost rate per unit time by incorporating the PM cost, repair cost, and replacement cost. Assuming that the failure times follow a Weibull distribution, we propose an optimal sequential PM policy by minimizing the expected cost rate. Furthermore, we consider Bayesian aspects for the sequential PM policy to discuss its optimality. The effect of some parameters and the functional forms of improvement factor on the optimal PM policy is measured numerically by sensibility analysis and some numerical examples are presented for illustrative purposes. 相似文献
Yang-Jin Kim Chung Mo Nam Youn Nam Kim Eun Hee Choi Jinheum Kim 《Journal of the Korean Statistical Society》2011,40(3):281-290
In animal tumorigenicity data, the time of occurrence of the tumor is not observed because the existence of the tumor is looked for only at either the time of death or the time of sacrifice of the animal. Such an incomplete data structure makes it difficult to investigate the impact of treatment on the occurrence of tumors. A three-state model (no tumor–tumor–death) is used to model events that occurred sequentially and to connect them. In this paper, we also employed a frailty effect to model the dependency of death on tumor occurrence. For the inference of parameters, an EM algorithm is considered. The method is applied to a real bladder tumor data set and a simulation study is performed to show the behavior of the proposed estimators. 相似文献
This study investigated the effectiveness of a short‐term career exploration program for enhancing career maturity and quality of life in Korean adolescents. It further tested causality between career maturity and quality of life defined as school satisfaction and subjective well‐being. We used a cross‐lagged panel design to examine the links among career maturity, subjective well‐being, and school satisfaction, measured both before and 4 weeks after a career exploration program for 224 Korean middle school students. Study results indicated that 4 weeks after the program implementation, there were significant increases in career maturity, subjective well‐being, and school satisfaction. A significant causal relationship from the pretest score of career maturity to the posttest score of school satisfaction was found. Results suggest that the implementation of a short‐term career exploration program designed to increase career maturity also significantly promotes school satisfaction. Limitations of the study are discussed along with suggestions for future research. 相似文献
In this paper we consider the problem of constructing confidence intervals for nonparametric quantile regression with an emphasis on smoothing splines. The mean‐based approaches for smoothing splines of Wahba (1983) and Nychka (1988) may not be efficient for constructing confidence intervals for the underlying function when the observed data are non‐Gaussian distributed, for instance if they are skewed or heavy‐tailed. This paper proposes a method of constructing confidence intervals for the unknown τth quantile function (0<τ<1) based on smoothing splines. In this paper we investigate the extent to which the proposed estimator provides the desired coverage probability. In addition, an improvement based on a local smoothing parameter that provides more uniform pointwise coverage is developed. The results from numerical studies including a simulation study and real data analysis demonstrate the promising empirical properties of the proposed approach. 相似文献
This paper investigates the roles played by social enterprise and social activism in mitigating access inequalities in the artistic labour market in the UK. Our analysis focuses on underpaid internships as a primary form of access inequalities. By employing critical discourse analysis, this study contrasts the discourses of entrepreneurialism and voluntarism advocated by the government and social enterprises, with the counter‐discourse of precarity advanced by social activists. The central argument is that precarity is not simply an innate characteristic of artistic labour, but is also a social construct and discourse which is directly linked to social class and the experience of less privileged creative workers. 相似文献