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Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the drinking patterns of club and intramural college athletes and compare their alcohol consumption, perceived norms around the excessive use of alcohol, experience of negative consequences, and employment of protective strategies with those of campus varsity athletes. Participants: A total of 442 undergraduate students attending a private, suburban institution in the Northeast participated in the American College Health Association National College Health Assessment-II Web survey in spring 2011. Thirty-five students identified themselves as varsity athletes, 76 identified as club sport athletes, and 196 students identified themselves as intramural athletes. Methods: Survey responses were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. The Pearson's correlation coefficient and test for independence were applied to identify significant relationships between athlete status and identified variables related to alcohol use. Results: Results indicated that there were significant correlations between athlete status and all variables, to varying degrees. Conclusions: These findings have implications for campus health promotion professionals and athletics program coordinators seeking to address high-risk alcohol use among college athletes.  相似文献   
This paper assesses the hypothesis that in markets where information is lacking concerning the price and the quality of a commodity and the commodity is variable in its supply, sellers will tend to form long‐term, stable relationships with buyers. Data from a coastal Alabama community are used to test the nature of exchange relations between commercial shrimp fishers and the dealers to whom they sell. It is further hypothesized that the social aspects of these exchanges will better predict stable relationships than will economic aspects. The evidence presented supports the stated hypotheses. Finally, the relevance of this research for social theory is discussed.  相似文献   

A survey of social workers employed in mental health services was conducted in Victoria in mid-1997. Approximately 300 social workers were identified as working in the sector. About half were employed in adult clinical services, 23% in psychiatric disability services, 12.4% in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, and the rest in a range of other services. More than 90% worked in a community based service or team. The number of entry-level (SW I) positions in clinical services was found to have declined over the last ten years from 61 to 14, resulting in a lack of opportunities for social workers to gain experience in base grade positions, and difficulty in recruiting to SW II positions. Major issues of concern reported by social workers included: the lack of accommodation and other community resources for consumers; diminished opportunities for professional development, supervision, and discipline-specific training; lack of professional recognition; increasing workloads; and organisational emphasis on throughput rather than quality.  相似文献   

Although there have been major declines in the incidence of measles and rubella in the United States since licensure of vaccines, the incidence of disease in adolescents and young adults has not declined nearly as markedly as that in younger children. As a result, an increasing proportion of cases have occurred in adolescents and young adults. In 1978, 26% of all reported measles cases in which age was known occurred in those 15 years of age and older, and 76% reported rubella cases occurred in this age group. Outbreaks of both diseases have been reported from high schools, military bases, colleges, and universities. During a recent outbreak of measles involving a university, a 22-year-old university employee contracted measles and died of measles encephalitis. In addition to the direct effects of these diseases, the implications of the current pattern of occurrence of two infections known to have adverse effects on the developing fetus are obvious.

Improvements in immunization levels and declines in disease incidence have been brought about effectively by the enactment and enforcement of immunization requirements for school-age children and military recruits. Colleges and universities should also institute immunization requirements as a condition of enrollment.  相似文献   
This study reviews the creation and testing of a model of Therapist Personal Agency during MFT training. A model including self-efficacy, trainee developmental level, supervisor working alliance, family of origin relationships, and psychological states was supported by data collected from a national sample of MFT students. The model supported by the data was consistent with much of the previous research regarding the correlates of therapist self-efficacy. Furthermore, the model accounted for 20% of the variance in therapist performance as measured by therapist reports of the working alliance. The results also highlighted the importance of attending to the relationships, interactions, and experiences that take place within the training environment and secondly, the added value that may accrue from focusing on the trainee's extended network of family relationships. A brief case example serves to illustrate the importance of tending to Therapist Personal Agency. In sum, this study provides preliminary support for holistic training methods that focus upon the whole person of the therapist.  相似文献   
Financial capability is receiving increasing interest among policy makers, who wish to reduce problem debt and welfare dependency and increase savings and general skills. We examine whether financial capability has impacts on psychological health independent of income and financial resources more generally using a nationally representative survey. Data from the British Household Panel Survey 1991-2006 are used to construct a measure of financial capability, which we relate to respondents’ psychological health using the 12-item General Health Questionnaire. Estimates from within-group panel data models indicate that financial capability has significant and substantial effects on psychological health over and above those associated with income and material wellbeing more generally. For men, having low financial capability has an effect larger than that associated with being unemployed, while for women it is similar to that of being divorced. Furthermore having low financial capability exacerbates the psychological costs associated with unemployment and divorce, while high financial capability reduces these costs.  相似文献   
Suicidal behavior among children and adolescents is a national problem and schools can be an effective context for suicide prevention and intervention efforts. School-wide screening programs are viewed as most effective from a public health standpoint, although they garner the least support from school administrators. The purpose of this article is to examine administrators' perceptions of three school-based suicide prevention models while also capturing opinions on barriers and benefits to implementation. Data were gathered through interviews with seven principals from one Midwestern state. Findings reveal agreement among principals that schools play a key role in suicide prevention, but they differ on which type of prevention approach is most appropriate. School principals believed the school-wide screening program included more barriers to implementation than either the in-service or the curriculum-based program, largely due to the likelihood of parental disapproval. Limitations of the study and implications for improving suicide prevention efforts are discussed.  相似文献   
This article examines evidence of sampling or statistical biasin newspaper reporting on campaign finance. We compile all storiesfrom the five largest circulation newspapers in the United Statesthat mention a dollar amount for campaign expenditures, contributions,or receipts from 1996 to 2000. We compare these figures to thoserecorded by the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The averagefigures reported in newspapers exceed the figures from the FECby as much as eightfold. Press reports also focus excessivelyon corporate contributions and soft money, rather than on themore common types of donors—individual—and typesof contributions—hard money. We further find that thesebiases are reflected in public perceptions of money in elections.Survey respondents overstate the amount of money raised andthe share from different groups by roughly the amount foundin newspapers, and better-educated people (those most likelyto read newspapers) showed the greatest discrepancy betweentheir beliefs and the facts.  相似文献   
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