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Several demographic trends have changed family formation in the United States resulting in fewer babies being made available for adoption. At the same time the number of transracial adoptions appears to be increasing. We use the 5% Public Use Microdata Sample of the 2000 census and the National Survey of Adoptive Parents to examine the social and demographic characteristics of those who adopt transracially. Transracial adoption of Hispanic and Asian children, but not Black children, is associated with higher income and education levels. It is less likely in the South, but more likely among those who have had military experience. 相似文献
ABSTRACTThis paper deals with Bayes, robust Bayes, and minimax predictions in a subfamily of scale parameters under an asymmetric precautionary loss function. In Bayesian statistical inference, the goal is to obtain optimal rules under a specified loss function and an explicit prior distribution over the parameter space. However, in practice, we are not able to specify the prior totally or when a problem must be solved by two statisticians, they may agree on the choice of the prior but not the values of the hyperparameters. A common approach to the prior uncertainty in Bayesian analysis is to choose a class of prior distributions and compute some functional quantity. This is known as Robust Bayesian analysis which provides a way to consider the prior knowledge in terms of a class of priors Γ for global prevention against bad choices of hyperparameters. Under a scale invariant precautionary loss function, we deal with robust Bayes predictions of Y based on X. We carried out a simulation study and a real data analysis to illustrate the practical utility of the prediction procedure. 相似文献
Leila Golparvar 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(24):7258-7274
ABSTRACTIn this paper, under Type-I progressive hybrid censoring sample, we obtain maximum likelihood estimator of unknown parameter when the parent distribution belongs to proportional hazard rate family. We derive the conditional probability density function of the maximum likelihood estimator using moment-generating function technique. The exact confidence interval is obtained and compared by conducting a Monte Carlo simulation study for burr Type XII distribution. Finally, we obtain the Bayes and posterior regret gamma minimax estimates of the parameter under a precautionary loss function with precautionary index k = 2 and compare their behavior via a Monte Carlo simulation study. 相似文献
Leila Obier Schroeder 《Clinical Social Work Journal》1979,7(3):194-199
Recent jurisprudence should direct the attention of social workers to two areas of possible legal liability in their professional activities. The ethical responsibility for keeping a client's communications confidential may be outweighed by the broader obligation to protect a victim from a client's violence by reporting threats to legal authorities. Damage action against physicians for failure to report suspected child abuse opened the door to civil liability to others who have a mandatory reporting responsibility. 相似文献
The ultimate public health objective is the ability to predict and prevent disease, and not necessarily to identify an exhaustive list of potential disease risk factors. For any important public health outcome with multiple and potentially interrelated risk factors, an improved understanding of the contribution of individual and combinations of modifiable risk factors to the disease burden is essential for formulating an appropriate public health strategy. Partitioning techniques that divide the combined impact of multiple risk factors into exposure-specific components while taking into account the potential interrelations among those components, have been described in the epidemiological literature. In this article, we review and compare the available methods and options for such apportionment and apply them in a more general public health context as a method of selecting and prioritizing coronary heart disease (CHD) prevention strategies. 相似文献
Leila Patel 《Social Policy & Administration》2012,46(6):603-618
The potential and challenge of constructing a democratic developmental welfare state through synergistic state‐civil society relations is the focus of this article. The author argues that while South Africa's pluralist approach, involving a leading role for the state in partnership with voluntary organizations, is a viable policy option to address the country's developmental challenges, anomalies between policy proclamations and actual practice raises questions about the efficacy of the partnership model and the gendered nature of welfare provision. Key governance issues and challenges, namely financial policies and institutional capability, underlie current failures in the delivery of welfare and care services, resulting in the non‐realization of these constitutionally guaranteed social rights. Further public action is needed to remedy the situation. Non‐profit organizations can advocate for policy reforms and challenge the instrumental nature of state‐civil relations and the abrogation of state responsibility for welfare services in contemporary South Africa. 相似文献
Over the past decade, organizations have made significant investments in enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. The realization of benefits from these investments depends on supporting effective use of information technology (IT) and satisfying IT users. User satisfaction with information systems is one of the most important determinants of the success of those systems. Drawing upon a sample of 407 end users of ERP systems and working within the framework of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), this study examines the structure and dimensionality, and reliability and validity of the end‐user computing satisfaction (EUCS) instrument posited by Doll and Torkzadeh (1988) . In response to Klenke's (1992) motion to cross‐validate management information system (MIS) instruments and to retest the end user computing satisfaction instrument using new data, this study's results, consistent with previous findings, confirm that the EUCS instrument maintains its psychometric stability when applied to users of enterprise resource planning application software. Implications of these results for practice and research are provided. 相似文献
AbstractIn this paper, we assume that the lifetimes have a two-parameter Pareto distribution and discuss some results of progressive Type-II censored sample. We obtain maximum likelihood estimators and Bayes estimators of the unknown parameters under squared error loss and a precautionary loss functions in progressively Type-II censored sample. Robust Bayes estimation of unknown parameters over three different classes of priors under progressively Type-II censored sample, squared error loss, and precautionary loss functions are obtained. We discuss estimation of unknown parameters on competing risks progressive Type-II censoring. Finally, we consider the problem of estimating the common scale parameter of two Pareto distributions when samples are progressively Type-II censored. 相似文献
Guidelines from the American Heart Association (AHA) recommend that healthy adults limit their intake of dietary cholesterol to less than 300 mg per day. Since a large egg contains about 71% of that amount, the AHA recommends restricting egg consumption unless dietary cholesterol intakes from other sources are limited. We applied a risk apportionment approach to estimate the contribution of egg consumption and other modifiable lifestyle risk factors (e.g., smoking, poor diet, minimal exercise, and alcohol intake) to coronary heart disease (CHD) risk at the population level. Specifically, we categorized the U.S. adult population ages 25+ into distinct risk groups based on the prevalence of modifiable lifestyle risk factors and applied an apportionment model, typically used to assess risk contribution at the individual level, to estimate the contribution of egg intake to CHD risk. Our analysis shows that the combination of modifiable lifestyle risk factors accounts for less than 40% of the population CHD mortality. For the majority of U.S. adults age 25+, consuming one egg a day accounts for <1% of CHD risk. Hence, focusing on decreasing egg intake as an approach to modify CHD risk would be expected to yield minimal results relative to changing other behaviors such as smoking and other dietary habits. 相似文献