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This study analyzes the effects of performance related pay on productivity exploiting a change in the payment structure of a large Dutch marketing company. Specifically, we investigate the consequences for company sales of higher fixed pay in combination with lower bonuses. Exploiting shift level data of individual workers we find that average productivity decreases when the pay structure shifts more to fixed pay. Further analysis shows that this drop in productivity is larger for older workers and for high-ability employees, while over time the negative effect of the new system becomes smaller.  相似文献   
Leo 《领导文萃》2009,(18):124-126
面试官的原则是:没有人是十全十美的,只要不断提高自己的意识,同时具备相关的能力,这就是个优秀候选人。  相似文献   
Leo  Krijn  Gijs  Harry 《Long Range Planning》2003,36(6):533-542
This paper examines the effect on the market valuation of large Dutch companies following the announcements of international strategic alliances during the period 1985–1992. The effects are distinguished by type of alliance and country of origin of the partnering firms. While international strategic alliances are generally found to have a positive effect on a company’s market value, strategically and culturally distant foreign partners generate a strong negative effect. The results underscore the importance of conducting a strategic, operational and cultural audit of the partnering companies and the envisaged partnership. The audit needs to be taken as a starting point in developing the essential co-operation skills to make the alliance work and should become integrated within a comprehensive performance scorecard.  相似文献   

Recent studies, in finding that community variables such as percentage Black and income inequality have significant effects on police size and expenditures, call into question the findings of earlier research. However, these recent studies are themselves subject to serious methodological limitations and leave open the question of whether it is class or racial conflict which affects the deployment of police resources. In this study we estimate several simultaneous equation models of police size per capita in 1971 for 88 non-Southern cities. Bach of these models holds constant the effects of per capita police size in 1960. Racial composition and racial inequality are found to be the only significant predictors of the growth in the number of police per capita.  相似文献   

This article has made it clear that the social control the Leiden aliens police were able to exert from 1918 onwards, both on aliens and Dutch citizens, was enabled by a combination of increased monitoring as well as the administrative power that went with it. More concretely, it was a logical consequence of the revolution in the migration regime that took place throughout the western world around the time of World War I. This case nuances the quite bleak picture of the attitude of the aliens police towards foreign female servants. Thus, it is argued that servants were not play-things in the hands of the local police, although their legal as well as discretionary powers were considerable. The combination of age, gender and social position made them a special category in the eyes of the police. Because they were young and female the police regarded them, on the one hand, as vulnerable. When this image dominated, policemen showed paternalistic behaviour and sometimes acted as surrogate parents. Their attitude is well captured by the concepts of 'bureaucratic paternalism' and 'caring power'. On the other hand, domestic servants could also be considered as a moral threat. Most of them having come from working-class backgrounds, they easily fitted the image of women of loose moral standing who could endanger the public morale of the Netherlands. This ambivalent image of foreign domestic servants explains the corresponding variation in the treatment of complaints.  相似文献   
Rogers Brubaker, Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany (Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 1992). Pp.270. ISBN 0 674 13177 0

Gérard Noiriel, Le creuset français. Histoire de l'immigration XIXe‐XXe siècles (Paris: Seuil, 1988). Pp.437. ISBN 2 02 010104 7

Gérard Noiriel, La tyrannie du national. Le droit d'asile en Europe 1793–1993 (Paris: Calmann‐Levy, 1991). Pp.355. ISBN 2 7021 1980 8

Leslie Page Moch, Moving Europeans: Migration in Western Europe since 1650 (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1992). Pp.257. ISBN 0253 33859 X  相似文献   
This study investigates the role of dynamic information in identity face recognition at birth. More specifically we tested whether semi‐rigid motion, conveyed by a change in facial expression, facilitates identity recognition. In Experiment 1, two‐day‐old newborns, habituated to a static happy or fearful face (static condition) have been tested using a pair of novel and familiar identity static faces with a neutral expression. Results indicated that newborns manifest a preference for the familiar stimulus, independently of the facial expression. In contrast, in Experiment 2 newborns habituated to a semi‐rigid moving face (dynamic condition) manifest a preference for the novel face, independently of the facial expression. In Experiment 3, a multistatic image of a happy face with different degrees of intensity was utilized to test the role of different amount of static pictorial information in identity recognition (multistatic image condition). Results indicated that newborns were not able to recognize the face to which they have been familiarized. Overall, results clearly demonstrate that newborns' face recognition is strictly dependent on the learning conditions and that the semi‐rigid motion conveyed by facial expressions facilitates identity recognition since birth.  相似文献   
L'impact de la société moderne sur l'identité et les traditions ethniques a été très documenté. Une quantité considérable de recherches portant sur un large éventail de groupes ethniques ont traité de la relation entre l'ethnicité au Canada et le processus de modernisation. Le but de cet article est de voir dans quelle mesure les médias sont un indicateur de l'impact de la modernisation chez les Mennonites, au Canada et aux États-Unis. The impact of modern society on ethnic identity and ethnic traditions has been widely documented. A substantial body of research involving a wide range of ethnic groups has dealt with the relationship between ethnicity in Canada and the processes of modernization. The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which exposure to the mass media is an indicator of the impact of modernization on Mennonites in Canada and the United States.  相似文献   
Longitudinal research designs involve data collection at multiple time points to measure change over time. Therefore, identification of the same respondents is essential at each time point so that data from the same respondents can be matched for comparison over time. Subject-generated identification codes permit an anonymous means to track respondents over multiple data collection points. This article describes the evolution of subject-generated identification codes, techniques to improve respondent match rates, and the authors' experience using this mechanism in a longitudinal study of staff registered nurses working in hospitals. Challenges, recommendations, and implications for using subject-generated identification codes are discussed.  相似文献   
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