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Occupational stress is a widespread occurrence in the United States. It is a contributing factor to absenteeism, disease, injury and lowered productivity. In general stress management programs in the work place that include relaxation therapies, exercise, and biofeedback have been shown to reduce the physiological symptoms such as hypertension, and increase job satisfaction and job performance. Strategies to implement a successful stress management program include incorporating the coping activities into one's daily schedule, monitoring one's symptoms and stressors, and being realistic in setting up a schedule that is relevant and attainable. A short form of meditation, daily exercise program and the use of heart rate or thermal biofeedback can be helpful to a worker experiencing occupational stress.  相似文献   
Separation and loss: Assessing the impacts on foster parent retention   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Foster family homes are utilized as the primary substitute care arrangement for over one-quarter million dependent children annually in the United States. An unsuccessful retention of foster family homes permeates the country's foster care system, thus requiring a determination of the major factors which contribute to foster parent retention or loss. To this end, a comparative census survey of a statewide foster parent population was conducted. When respondents from currently licensed homes were compared with those previously licensed on factors pertaining to the separation and loss experience, significant differences were found in two major dimensions: (1) training and (2) agency services and supports. Both dimensions were indicated to be viable factors of foster parent retention.  相似文献   
Seldom emphasized in clinical writings are the ways in which lesbians construct and revise multiple narratives to create and navigate their lesbian identity within the clinical relationship. Case material is presented to show how the examination of the psychic meaning of the move from lesbian child to lesbian woman can be explored retrospectively through the collaborative therapeutic relationship set forth in the constructivist approach. To address the potential countertransference problems for clinicians working with this population, the concept of countertransference amnesia is introduced to describe a particular type of forgetting that reproduces within the clinical relationship the subtle forms of discrimination that restrict lesbian expression within the culture at large. This work also seeks to liberate lesbian identity formation from previous explanations and to demonstrate the construction of a lesbian identity as a psychically organizing process, which integrates inner and outer experience and allows the girl or woman to adapt to the social world.  相似文献   


Exclusive breast milk provides complete nutrition for a baby’s first six months of life. In Australia, breastfeeding initiation rates are high, however duration rates are low. Although numerous studies have explored the reasons behind low levels of breastfeeding, few have examined the experiences of women who maintain exclusive breastfeeding for the recommended six-month duration.


This paper will present an in-depth, idiographic interpretation of first-time mothers’ experience of exclusive breastfeeding for six months in Australia.


Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to explore how five new mothers understood their six-month exclusive breastfeeding journey. Face-to-face, semi-structured interviews were conducted retrospectively, transcribed in full, and analysed using the flexible seven-step approach of interpretative phenomenological analysis.


Three higher-order themes were identified: (1) exclusive breastfeeding is a personal choice, (2) exclusive breastfeeding is harder than expected, and (3) everyone has something to say about breastfeeding.


The mothers were not prepared for public debates around infant feeding methods, where mothers judge each other and give advice that supports their own goals, both of which create an unnecessary divide between mothers. Despite these issues, the findings highlight the personal and social meanings aligned with exclusive breastfeeding and point to the significance in fostering determination as a means to achieve exclusive breastfeeding goals. This qualitative reflection contributes a nuanced understanding of mothers’ lived experience of exclusive breastfeeding, deepening our understanding and enabling appropriate strategies and support for the longevity of exclusive breastfeeding, as well as direction for continued research.  相似文献   
Analysis of data in the form of a set of points irregularly distributed within a region of space usually involves the study of some property of the distribution of inter-event distances. One such function is G, the distribution of the distance from an event to its nearest neighbor. In practice, point processes are commonly observed through a bounded window, thus making edge effects an important component in the estimation of G. Several estimators have been proposed, all dealing with the edge effect problem in different ways. This paper proposes a new alternative for estimating the nearest neighbor distribution and compares it to other estimators. The result is an estimator with relatively small mean squared error for a wide variety of stationary processes.  相似文献   
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