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Psychosocial Interventions for Maltreated and Violence-Exposed Children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Child sexual, physical, and emotional abuse as well as child neglect and domestic violence, community violence, and Childhood Traumatic Grief may result in significant and long-lasting emotional and behavioral difficulties. This article reviews randomized controlled studies that have assessed child mental health outcomes for maltreated and violence-exposed children. Key points of this review include the following: (1) maltreated and violence-exposed children typically experience more than one of these types of traumas; (2) effective psychosocial treatments are available to address Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and behavioral problems in these children; (3) it is likely that treatments which effectively reduce mental health symptoms in children exposed to one type of child maltreatment or violence exposure will also be effective for other or multiple types; and (4) mental health outcomes are not the only important outcomes to address in future treatment or intervention efforts. These future directions for treatment intervention research are addressed.  相似文献   
This article examines the different aspects of female genital mutilation (FGM) which is more commonly known as "female circumcision." It also discusses the Women-at-Risk Program in Canada, mental health issues, and Canadian laws and bans on this practice. Implications of FGM for the social work are also addressed. FGM is a global issue, occurring across different cultures and ethnic groups. It is estimated that between 85 and 14 million women have been mutilated worldwide. There are three forms of FGM: circumcision, excision, and infibulation. Despite the many serious risks arising from these procedures, the practice still continues for reasons that are often based on myths, tradition, and beliefs that religion requires it. Females can suffer from severe consequences of FGM. Various fields, which address health needs, however, failed to recognize the physical and psychological impact of the practice, and have not effectively trained health workers to confront this issue. Putting an end to FGM requires a global action from professionals in mental health, social work, medicine and nursing to challenge laws and lobby for new policies; advocate for the human rights of women and children; negotiate for changes in the health care system to address the needs of women have been mutilated; and create educational literature, thus, increasing awareness on FGM.  相似文献   
最近的数字显示 ,阿根廷的贫困率已达城市人口的 44%。阿根廷政府正面临多方面的压力。穷人和中产阶级渴望享有社会服务、医疗保障、教育和就业机会。国际货币基金组织要求阿根廷拿出一个经济计划 ,使政府支出随时处于审查之中。阿根廷危机的某些方面与其他新兴国家相似 ,但也有一些独一无二的特征 ,比如外债。据说 ,阿根廷的外债没有用于提高生产能力 ,而仅仅变成了私人资本外流的替代品。这一状况与1 997年韩国危机前夕的情况非常接近。然而 ,阿根廷的预算仍处于赢余状态 ,贸易占GDP的比例较低 ,2 0 0 1年的贸易收入仍超过贸易支出。此…  相似文献   
Many people with disabilities do not identify themselves as disabled or choose not to be part of a politically active community of disabled persons. This paper discusses both the barriers to the formation of a social movement of disabled people and the ways in which these barriers have been overcome. The role of public policy in the evolution of this movement is discussed, as are the current status and prospects of the disability rights movement.  相似文献   
The current revolution in sex roles is not simply the result of feminist ideology; it is a consequence of the demographic changes that have occurred during this century. Women seek work outside the home in response to a situation created, in part, by the decline in birth and mortality rates. Engaging in productive labor is not, however, a new activity for married women. In fact, the male "breadwinner" system of the last century has been a historical aberration. Women have traditionally participated in production. Feminism clearly provides an ideological basis for the new egalitarianism in marriage, but it is not possible to meaningfully examine the changing sex roles during this century without also examing the concurrent demographic trends.  相似文献   
Phillips NK 《Social casework》1982,63(10):586-592
This early intervention program serves children and parents. It includes a therapeutic infant day care center and a mother-child interaction group. Counseling is also provided for families with children in the center and for families with children under three years of age in the community.  相似文献   
This paper reports from a project investigating reactions within families when intra‐familial child sexual abuse was suspected, and family members’ responses to a therapeutic approach. Data were obtained from therapeutic sessions and follow‐up interviews with mothers, children and alleged perpetrators. Before treatment the mothers felt uncertain as to how to interpret the children’s unclear signs. The children had severe symptoms, but had seldom disclosed abuse. The alleged perpetrators were often not informed about the suspicions. The families were in a state of crisis and shock, and communication within the family was characterized by uncertainty about what to talk about and whether the suspicions should be shared. In most cases after treatment the conflicts had been reduced, the children had few symptoms, supervised contact had been established, and the clients were satisfied with the treatment. One conclusion is that therapeutic sessions, where family members share information about concerns and take part in the decisions of how to protect children, seem relevant and helpful to the clients in unclear abuse cases.  相似文献   
This article will demonstrate how schools of social work can collaborate with community agencies to provide a comprehensive and enriching educational experience for both student interns and participating agencies. An innovative partnership of a state school of social work with community agencies leading to a cutting-edge geriatric field education program is described. Case examples are used to illustrate the benefits of these partnerships, as well as challenges partners overcame in forging and sustaining partnerships. Necessary components of partnership development are detailed.  相似文献   
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