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Estimation of Common Cause Failure Rates Based on Uncertain Event Data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is known that the Fisher scoring iteration for generalized linear models has the same form as the Gauss-Newton algorithm for normal regression. This note shows that exponential dispersion models are the most general families to preserve this form for the scoring iteration. Therefore exponential dispersion models are the most general extension of generalized linear models for which the analogy with normal regression is preserved. The multinomial distribution is used as an example.  相似文献   
K McInnis 《Child welfare》1991,70(5):571-580
This article examines three distinguishing characteristics of Hmong culture, and gives examples of the problems these differences can create in serving Hmong children and their families.  相似文献   
Data from a survey of 58 gay men and 58 lesbians are compared to college men and women on Spence and Helmreich's (1978) Personality Attributes Questionnaire measures of masculinity, femininity, and androgyny. Lesbians had higher M scores than college women, and gay men had lower M scores than college men, with F scores being similar across sexual orientation groups, within gender. Androgyny measures differed only by gender, not by sexual orientation. Further analysis shows that lesbians' high M scores come largely from their high self-ratings as independent, while college men's high M scores reflect strong competitiveness. Questions are raised about the validity of these measures for comparing these groups.  相似文献   
Large innovating firms are a major source of the world's technology, and in the 20th century have shown great resilience in absorbing successive waves of radical innovations. The key characteristics of these firms derive from the properties of their innovative activities. First, given the specific, differentiated and cumulative nature of technological development, the range of possible choices about both product and processed technologies open to the firm depends on its accumulated competence. Second, given functional and professional specialization, the implementation of technological choices requires organization and orchestration across disciplinary, functional and divisional boundaries. Third, given cumulative development and uncertainty, the improvement of these competences requires continuous and collective learning. Fourth, in the light of these characteristics, systems for allocating resources must take into account the benefits of learning by doing, as well as the benefits of outcomes. As a consequence, the technical function in large firms involves not just the implementation of innovations, but also the definition of appropriate divisional objectives and boundaries, the exploration of radical technologies, and the formation of technological expectations about the future.  相似文献   
Confederate asset price stabilization policies appear to have increased the velocity of circulation and counterproductively channeled inflationary pressures into other areas of the economy. Three successive monetary reforms encouraged holders of Treasury notes to exchange these notes for bonds by imposing deadlines on their convertibility. We show that Confederate funding acts aimed at precipitating the conversion of currency into bonds did temporarily suppress currency depreciation. These acts also triggered upsurges in commodity prices, however, because note holders rushed to spend the currency before their exchange rights were reduced.  相似文献   
This study explores the similarity of touch behavior and touch attitudes among dating and married couples. Touch behavior showed a strong matching effect for seriously dating and married couples. Z-tests revealed that correlations between relational partners were significantly stronger for marrieds than for serious or casual daters. Results for attitudes concerning touch showed a statistically significant but weak relationship between dyadic partners though the correlation strengthened in closer relationships. As was the case in previous studies, results showed that women reported less positive attitudes toward opposite-sex touch than men. A linear contrast in proportions demonstrated that men initiated touch significantly more in casual romantic relationships, but women initiated touch more in married relationships. Together, these data suggest that patterns of matching may vary as a function of relationship stage, while patterns of touch initiation may vary as a function of both relationship stage and sex.She will be at Pennsylvania State University in the Fall.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1991 meeting of the Western States Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ. The authors thank Johanna Bailey, Brigitte Bellocq, Trish Brehault, Shaun Cantor, Ronan Collver, Vico Guerrero, Lisa Kaplan, Erika Nelson, and Dan Riley for assistance in data collection and entry.  相似文献   
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