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Abstract. We propose an objective Bayesian method for the comparison of all Gaussian directed acyclic graphical models defined on a given set of variables. The method, which is based on the notion of fractional Bayes factor (BF), requires a single default (typically improper) prior on the space of unconstrained covariance matrices, together with a prior sample size hyper‐parameter, which can be set to its minimal value. We show that our approach produces genuine BFs. The implied prior on the concentration matrix of any complete graph is a data‐dependent Wishart distribution, and this in turn guarantees that Markov equivalent graphs are scored with the same marginal likelihood. We specialize our results to the smaller class of Gaussian decomposable undirected graphical models and show that in this case they coincide with those recently obtained using limiting versions of hyper‐inverse Wishart distributions as priors on the graph‐constrained covariance matrices.  相似文献   
对化学吸附制冷系统中吸附剂颗粒之间以及整个吸附床的传热传质特性进行了分析,并总结了目前国内外强化吸附床传热传质性能的主要措施和方法.分析比较了两种用于化学吸附制冷的典型吸附床结构,在此基础上设计了一种新型的吸附床.  相似文献   
全国清真食品管理法规制定应注意的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
制定全国清真食品管理法规时,应当对清真食品概念界定、清真食品标识使用、执法主体、违规处罚等问题进行重点考量,以更好地落实民族、宗教政策,切实保障信仰伊斯兰教各民族的风俗习惯,维护民族团结,共建和谐社会。  相似文献   
This study evaluates four group sessions of the Incredible Years (IY) Parenting Training Program used for the first-time in two child welfare agencies in New York State. Few studies have examined process and evaluation outcomes of evidence-based parenting programs in child welfare. Qualitative staff interviews and surveys on parenting behaviors were used to examine program processes, improvements in parenting behaviors, and participant satisfaction. Program participation was associated with less parental distress, defensive responding, dysfunctional parent-child interactions, child difficulty, total stress, and greater empathy and social support. The effectiveness of this evidence-based, parent education program in the context of a child welfare population, as well as implementation challenges and recommendations, are discussed.  相似文献   
养猪业是农村经济的重要组成部分,是畜牧业的主导。山西省地处黄土高原,有发展养猪业的资源优势。运用简单比较法,对山西省生猪产品在不同的饲养方式下与全国生猪产品在同种饲养方式下进行对比分析,揭示了山西省生猪产品生产在成本、价格、收益方面与全国同指标(平均)水平对比的优(劣)势状况,畜产品质量安全状况,并提出提升山西省生猪产品竞争力的对策建议。  相似文献   
介绍了以氯化钙一氨为工质对的吸附式两床循环制冷装置,并在此实验装置上进行了实验研究,得出了以氯化钙一氨为工质对的连续循环制冷系统的制冷量、性能系数COP随时间的变化关系.结果表明,此装置的制冷效果优于设计指标,设计的壳管式吸附器具有实用性.  相似文献   
On Block Ordering of Variables in Graphical Modelling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  In graphical modelling, the existence of substantive background knowledge on block ordering of variables is used to perform structural learning within the family of chain graphs (CGs) in which every block corresponds to an undirected graph and edges joining vertices in different blocks are directed in accordance with the ordering. We show that this practice may lead to an inappropriate restriction of the search space and introduce the concept of labelled block ordering B corresponding to a family of B - consistent CGs in which every block may be either an undirected graph or a directed acyclic graph or, more generally, a CG. In this way we provide a flexible tool for specifying subsets of chain graphs, and we observe that the most relevant subsets of CGs considered in the literature are families of B -consistent CGs for the appropriate choice of B . Structural learning within a family of B -consistent CGs requires to deal with Markov equivalence. We provide a graphical characterization of equivalence classes of B -consistent CGs, namely the B - essential graphs , as well as a procedure to construct the B -essential graph for any given equivalence class of B -consistent chain graphs. Both largest CGs and essential graphs turn out to be special cases of B -essential graphs.  相似文献   
构建社会主义和谐社会符合穆斯林的宗教信仰和根本利益   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
和谐是人类普遍的追求,是历史发展的永恒主题。实现社会和谐,建设美好社会,是世界上各民族、各宗教孜孜以求的共同社会理想。现在党和国家提出构建社会主义和谐社会,那么中国穆斯林这样一个信仰伊斯兰教的中华民族的组成群体如何在构建和谐社会的过程中发挥自己的作用,作出应有的贡献?本文以宗教和社会主义相适应,各民族携手共建和谐社会这个角度,从对和谐社会的理解和认识、伊斯兰教的和谐观、中国穆斯林应该为构建社会主义和谐社会这一共同目标而不懈努力三个方面探讨了伊斯兰教和穆斯林群众对构建社会主义和谐社会应有的认识、态度及实践。  相似文献   
在柏拉图思想体系中,“理念”论是其核心,它充分彰显了古希腊人追问永恒、绝对之终极本体的渴求,尤其是其“两重世界”的划分和“善”的理念之绝对先验性和超越性以及“回忆说”表现出的一种神学倾向,与中世纪基督教思想一拍即合,为基督教中彼岸世界与上帝之“合理”存在和“光照论”提供了思想根基。在一定意义上说,柏拉图的“理念”论为中世纪基督教神学的产生提供了理论的核心。  相似文献   
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