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Breslow and Holubkov (J Roy Stat Soc B 59:447–461 1997a) developed semiparametric maximum likelihood estimation for two-phase studies with a case–control first phase under a logistic regression model and noted that, apart for the overall intercept term, it was the same as the semiparametric estimator for two-phase studies with a prospective first phase developed in Scott and Wild (Biometrica 84:57–71 1997). In this paper we extend the Breslow–Holubkov result to general binary regression models and show that it has a very simple relationship with its prospective first-phase counterpart. We also explore why the design of the first phase only affects the intercept of a logistic model, simplify the calculation of standard errors, establish the semiparametric efficiency of the Breslow–Holubkov estimator and derive its asymptotic distribution in the general case.  相似文献   
Thinking possibilistically in a probabilistic world   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lee Clarke 《Significance》2007,4(4):190-192
We cannot live on the knife edge of disaster all the time. We cannot even think about disastrous extremes with any clarity, says Lee Clarke . For 300 years we have equated thinking probabilistically with thinking rationally, but is that enough for thinking about terrorism, air crashes—or even God?  相似文献   
In recent issues of this journal it has been asserted in two papers that the use of h-likelihood is wrong, in the sense of giving unsatisfactory estimates of some parameters for binary data (Kuk and Cheng, 1999; Waddington and Thompson, 2004) or theoretically unsound (Kuk and Cheng, 1999). We wish to refute both these assertions.  相似文献   
We show that smoothing spline, intrinsic autoregression (IAR) and state-space model can be formulated as partially specified random-effect model with singular precision (SP). Various fitting methods have been suggested for the aforementioned models and this paper investigates the relationships among them, once the models have been placed under a single framework. Some methods have been previously shown to give the best linear unbiased predictors (BLUPs) under some random-effect models and here we show that they are in fact uniformly BLUPs (UBLUPs) under a class of models that are generated by the SP of random effects. We offer some new interpretations of the UBLUPs under models of SP and define BLUE and BLUP in these partially specified models without having to specify the covariance. We also show how the full likelihood inferences for random-effect models can be made for these models, so that the maximum likelihood (ML) and restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimators can be used for the smoothing parameters in splines, etc.  相似文献   
Box–Cox together with our newly proposed transformation were implemented in three different real world empirical problems to alleviate noisy and the volatility effect of them. Consequently, a new domain was constructed. Subsequently, universe of discourse for transformed data was established and an approach for calculating effective length of the intervals was then proposed. Considering the steps above, the initial forecasts were performed using frequently used fuzzy time series (FTS) methods on transformed data. Final forecasts were retrieved from initial forecasted values by proper inverse operation. Comparisons of the results demonstrate that the proposed method produced more accurate forecasts compared with existing FTS on original data.  相似文献   
Statistical procedures for the detection of a change in the dependence structure of a series of multivariate observations are studied in this work. The test statistics that are proposed are $L_1$ , $L_2$ , and $L_{\infty }$ distances computed from vectors of differences of Kendall's tau; two multivariate extensions of Kendall's measure of association are used. Since the distributions of these statistics under the null hypothesis of no change depend on the unknown underlying copula of the vectors, a procedure based on the multiplier central limit theorem is used for the computation of p‐values; the method is shown to be valid both asymptotically and for moderate sample sizes. Alternative versions of the tests that take into account possible breakpoints in the marginal distributions are also investigated. Monte Carlo simulations show that the tests are powerful under many scenarios of change‐point. In addition, two estimators of the time of change are proposed and their efficiency is carefully studied. The methodologies are illustrated on simulated series from the Canadian Regional Climate Model. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 41: 65–82; 2013 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
Abstract. We consider N independent stochastic processes (X i (t), t ∈ [0,T i ]), i=1,…, N, defined by a stochastic differential equation with drift term depending on a random variable φ i . The distribution of the random effect φ i depends on unknown parameters which are to be estimated from the continuous observation of the processes Xi. We give the expression of the exact likelihood. When the drift term depends linearly on the random effect φ i and φ i has Gaussian distribution, an explicit formula for the likelihood is obtained. We prove that the maximum likelihood estimator is consistent and asymptotically Gaussian, when T i =T for all i and N tends to infinity. We discuss the case of discrete observations. Estimators are computed on simulated data for several models and show good performances even when the length time interval of observations is not very large.  相似文献   
In this paper, within the framework of a Bayesian model, we consider the problem of sequentially estimating the intensity parameter of a homogeneous Poisson process with a linear exponential (LINEX) loss function and a fixed cost per unit time. An asymptotically pointwise optimal (APO) rule is proposed. It is shown to be asymptotically optimal for the arbitrary priors and asymptotically non-deficient for the conjugate priors in a similar sense of Bickel and Yahav [Asymptotically pointwise optimal procedures in sequential analysis, in Proceedings of the Fifth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Vol. 1, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1967, pp. 401–413; Asymptotically optimal Bayes and minimax procedures in sequential estimation, Ann. Math. Statist. 39 (1968), pp. 442–456] and Woodroofe [A.P.O. rules are asymptotically non-deficient for estimation with squared error loss, Z. Wahrsch. verw. Gebiete 58 (1981), pp. 331–341], respectively. The proposed APO rule is illustrated using a real data set.  相似文献   
Well-known estimation methods such as conditional least squares, quasilikelihood and maximum likelihood (ML) can be unified via a single framework of martingale estimating functions (MEFs). Asymptotic distributions of estimates for ergodic processes use constant norm (e.g. square root of the sample size) for asymptotic normality. For certain non-ergodic-type applications, however, such as explosive autoregression and super-critical branching processes, one needs a random norm in order to get normal limit distributions. In this paper, we are concerned with non-ergodic processes and investigate limit distributions for a broad class of MEFs. Asymptotic optimality (within a certain class of non-ergodic MEFs) of the ML estimate is deduced via establishing a convolution theorem using a random norm. Applications to non-ergodic autoregressive processes, generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic-type processes, and super-critical branching processes are discussed. Asymptotic optimality in terms of the maximum random limiting power regarding large sample tests is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
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