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Pathways to Prevention is a developmental prevention project focused on the transition to school in a disadvantaged multicultural urban area in Queensland. The project incorporates two elements: The Preschool Intervention Program (PIP) promotes communication and social skills related to school success; and the Family Independence Program (FIP) (parent training, facilitated playgroups, support groups, etc) promotes family capacity to foster child development. Using a quasi-experimental design (N= 597), improvements in boys' but not girls' behaviours over the preschool year were found. FIP reached more than a quarter of the target population, including many difficult-to-reach families experiencing high stress. Case studies and other qualitative data suggest positive outcomes.  相似文献   
很少有人对春秋时期人类的迁徙活动作过系统的研究,本文根据详实的资料,把这一时期人类迁徙的具体原因总结为五种类型,并在此基础上,进一步提出春秋时人类之所以能够轻易迁徙,主要有3个基本的客观因素在起决定作用。  相似文献   
Although globalization has highlighted the danger of conflating state, society and nation, sociologists remain insufficiently alert to such banal nationalism. Newspapers offer a strong test case of the extent of diversity in the construction of state, national and social boundaries, since Billig and Anderson have argued they comprise a special case where their orientation to an audience simultaneously located in a state, society and nation allows them to reproduce a sense of national identity. However, despite the commonsense obviousness of the term, it proves remarkably difficult to define what the 'British national press' might comprise. Circulation density of titles varies substantially across different parts of the UK and editorial copy is altered to address diverse 'national' readerships. 'British' newspapers also circulate in other states, especially the Republic of Ireland. After reviewing how newspapers might be defined as 'national' and/or 'British', we conclude that both Anderson and Billig over-estimate the congruence, relevance and obviousness of state, society and national boundaries. If the conceptualization of such boundaries is problematic in the case of the press, it follows that it must be still more so for most other objects of sociological analysis, including that of 'society' itself.  相似文献   
秘舒  李吉瑞 《城市》2007,(9):29-32
一、研究目的 和平路商业街和鼓楼商业街是天津两条颇具特色的商业街,是时间与历史积淀的产物,代表了两种不同的文化底蕴.  相似文献   
本文阐述了在中国人均收入突破1000美元大关之后,通过实施富民战略,将经济增长模式由投资主导转向需求促进的必要性,并将富民战略的经济增长效应概括为扩张消费需求和投资需求、改善收入分配结构、促进产业结构升级等三个方面。  相似文献   
江泽民同志紧扣时代脉搏,围绕党的目标任务,提出了新形势下思想政治工作的主要内容是:以邓小平理论武装全党和教育人民;加强理想信念教育;深入进行爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义和艰苦创业精神的教育;努力加强社会主义道德和社会主义法制教育。  相似文献   
李蜜 《云梦学刊》2006,27(2):144-146
认知能力是语言能力的基石。外语教学的过程应当充分调动人的语言机制的潜能,发挥其语言认知能力,找到一条既能提高学生阅读水平又能培养其多方面能力的教学新路。  相似文献   
光绪初年 ,俄商违反中俄双方协定向蒙古地区偷运砖茶 ,经过总税务司赫德的核查发现 ,偷运砖茶数量巨大、后果严重 ,垄断了蒙古砖茶市场 ,排挤了华商 ,引起各国的不满。天津海关道提出制定《蒙古税则》以杜绝砖茶私售蒙古、恢复华商活力并增加财政收入。总理衙门以与成案不符 ,流弊滋多批驳。恰值曾纪泽赴俄解决崇厚所签条约的善后之行。他在《圣·彼得堡条约》中满足了俄国在蒙古及我国西北边境贸易的全部要求。这个以满足通商要求换回土地的谈判原则 ,对蒙古地区的损害至大 ,使俄国在蒙古的影响逐渐超过中国。辛亥革命以后蒙古闹独立 ,其源头之一就在于此  相似文献   
九一八事变后,中国在外交上选择诉诸国联.作为国联领袖的英国不愿认真履行《国联盟约》义务.英国以利益为取向,在远东政策上采取了选择性的应对策略:与己利益相关则积极干预,否则就消极推诿,甚至有时表现出纵容、支持日本侵华.不过,英国的这种反应并非纯粹的袒护日本或纯粹的依据九一八事变的事实支持中国,而是以其根本利益为着力点,不断转换.通过对英国内阁文件的解读,来观察英国政府决策层在九一八事变至1933年初对日本侵华的应对举措及其不同阶段的变化情况.  相似文献   
宋代诗学崇尚一种刚大之“气”,这与宋代尚“气”的士风有关。宋初欧阳修等人面对晚唐五代的衰靡而矫厉士风,当时的诗风崇尚一种雄健豪迈的“气格”,追求一种波澜阔大的气势,但容易失之于诗艺上的粗疏;北宋中后期以后,士风转向深沉内敛,诗学转而以“气韵”为高,将刚健之气内蕴于瘦硬的句律之中。苏轼、黄庭坚所代表的这两种诗风正是宋代诗学尚“气”的两种范式。  相似文献   
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