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Michaël Bonnal 《Journal of Labor Research》2010,31(1):53-66
I investigate the role of labor standards in international trade. While the literature has used many different measures of
labor standards, I use two: the rate of work injuries and the rate of strikes and lockouts — allowing me to construct both measures for 112 countries from 1980 until 2004. This allows dynamic panel data methods to
be used in estimation. Three measures of the quality of institutions are also used for the same period: the number of years
the chief executive is in office, the concentration of a country’s legislature measured by the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index,
and whether the legislature is controlled by a party representing a special interest. The results show that countries with
better labor standards and institutions do trade more — their exports to GDP ratio is higher. 相似文献
The commonly made assumption that all stochastic error terms in the linear regression model share the same variance (homoskedasticity) is oftentimes violated in practical applications, especially when they are based on cross-sectional data. As a precaution, a number of practitioners choose to base inference on the parameters that index the model on tests whose statistics employ asymptotically correct standard errors, i.e. standard errors that are asymptotically valid whether or not the errors are homoskedastic. In this paper, we use numerical integration methods to evaluate the finite-sample performance of tests based on different (alternative) heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors. Emphasis is placed on a few recently proposed heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimators. Overall, the results favor the HC4 and HC5 heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors. We also consider the use of restricted residuals when constructing asymptotically valid standard errors. Our results show that the only test that clearly benefits from such a strategy is the HC0 test. 相似文献
This article tests different P-E (person-environment) fit dimensions in order to assess their impact on three work outcomes: job satisfaction; organizational commitment; and stress perception. Findings shows that P-E fit dimensions have differentiated effects on its dependent variables. This study contributes to several important academic discussions. The first concerns the model tested, which contains several P-E fit dimensions. The second scientific contribution is to consider P-E fit dimensions as antecedents of three job outcomes. The third contribution concerns the development and testing of a new P-E fit dimension called “person-reforms” fit. 相似文献
Michał P. Garapich 《Social Identities》2016,22(1):95-111
ABSTRACTAmong the many meanings of transnationalism(s), the political significance of transnational action from the perspective of individual migrants does not always gain enough attention. It is usually framed as a way transnational migration processes affect the state, how social movements formed in the diaspora compete for the stake in the home country or how a particular state manages its diaspora through various policy means. This article will call for a more actor-centred approach in which individuals’ choices and strategic decisions have an anti-state frame of reference dominating their individualised agendas and norms of behaviour. These are not overtly political, thus falling outside a typical political science lens, but follow what James Scott refers to as ‘small scale resistance’ or ‘weapons of the weak’ of structurally subordinate groups. In the case of Polish migrants I discuss, this follows a long-lasting tradition of contestation of the state normative and institutional structures, its surveillance, migration regimes and ways in which institutions aim to control human actions. With the advent of increased mobility within the European Union due to EU integration processes and the subsequent volume of these flows, these types of behaviour and cultural attitudes gain particular prominence offering a variety of means and opportunities to manoeuver between structural constraints, contesting them and at times even changing them to individual advantage. I argue that these culturally and structurally mutually reinforcing features of anti-state culture make migrants from Poland a particular type of agents in the European web of transnational social fields. 相似文献
Elga Sikkens Stijn Sieckelinck Marion van San Micha de Winter 《Child & Family Social Work》2017,22(2):1044-1053
This paper focuses on radicalization from a parenting perspective; we propose an approach that sees radicalization as a possibility in adolescent development, and as part of the interaction with the adolescent's social environment and socialization. The aim of the study is to discover how parents react when their adolescent develops extreme ideals. Using 55 in‐depth interviews with young people who have extreme ideals and their parents, the parental reactions towards these ideals are explored. Subsequently, the reactions are categorized according to two dimensions (control and support). This study shows how parents struggle when confronted with radicalization and shift to less demanding responses due to powerlessness, dissociation and parental uncertainty. 相似文献
A gambler buys N tokens that enable him to play N rounds of the following game. A symmetric random walk on a discrete interval { ? r, …, r} starts from the point 0. The gambler knows only the number of steps made so far, but is unaware of the current position of the walk. Once the walk hits one of the barriers ? r or r for the first time in the current round, the round ends with no payoff. The gambler can start a new round by inserting a new token, if there are any tokens left. The gambler can end the game at any time getting the payoff equal to the number of steps made in the current round. We find the optimal stopping strategy for this game and calculate the expected payoff once the optimal strategy is applied. 相似文献
This paper proposes new classifiers under the assumption of multivariate normality for multivariate repeated measures data with Kronecker product covariance structures. These classifiers are especially effective when the number of observations is not large enough to estimate the covariance matrices, and thus the traditional classifiers fail. Computational scheme for maximum likelihood estimates of required class parameters are also given. The quality of these new classifiers are examined on some real data. 相似文献
Public Organization Review - Sustainable development is usually investigated from a global or national rather than a regional or local perspective. However, it is local communes that decide on the... 相似文献
Władysław Mynarski Michał Rozpara Agnieszka Nawrocka Zbigniew Borek Aneta Powerska Wiesław Garbaciak 《European review of aging and physical activity》2014,11(2):141-147
The objective of the study was to assess the level of habitual physical activity, mainly its frequency and duration, of middle-age adults aged 50–65 years in a typical week of their life in comparison to the level of these parameters recommended for health benefits. The study carried out in the Upper Silesia region in Poland in May 2010 included 456 deliberately selected subjects (234 women and 222 men) aged 50–65 years. Numeric data were collected by diagnostic survey method using the short version of IPAQ. The surveyed men were characterized by higher level of physical activity than the surveyed women (longer duration and higher frequency) (p?0.01). This regularity was observed both for moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity. At the same time, significantly higher percentage of men (41 %) than women (28 %) met the recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) on physical activity beneficial for health (p?0.01). The level of physical activity of the surveyed group of older adults was estimated as unsatisfactory—72 % of women and 59 % of men did not perform physical activity resulting in the expected health benefits. 相似文献
Katarzyna Dąbrowska Jacek Moskalewicz Łukasz Wieczorek 《Journal of gambling studies / co-sponsored by the National Council on Problem Gambling and Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming》2017,33(2):487-503
A prevalence of gambling disorders is diversified depending on the region of the world. Almost three quarters of pathological gamblers had never sought a professional treatment as well as an assistance in self-help groups. Reasons why they do not initiate a treatment are complex. The aim of the article is to compare barriers to the treatment for people with gambling disorders found in presented study and barriers to alcohol and drug treatment identified in the available literature. The semi structured interviews were applied and conducted with people with gambling disorders, social workers, therapists employed in the addiction treatment facilities, General Practitioners and psychiatrists. Selection of the respondents was based on purposive sampling. In total, 90 interviews were completed. Respondents identified individual barriers as well as structural ones. Individual barriers include internal resistance and a fear of the treatment. In turn structural barriers apply to the organization of the therapy, infrastructure, personnel, and the therapeutic program. A comparison of barriers experienced by people with gambling disorders and substance use disorders showed that they are largely similar, but people with gambling disorders also experience specific barriers. Empirical studies focused specifically on treatment needs of people experiencing gambling disorders may improve an offer of help for them. More adequate treatment options could contribute to the increasing in the number of people who start the treatment. It can result in improving their quality of life and may have positive impact on public health. 相似文献