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为什么说一封推荐信不能让中国学生在国外得到承认?“你的信能改变我的命运。”这是一个中国学生对我说的话,她毕生的梦想就是去美国学习。我在2007年9月遇见了她,恰好是我来清华大学新闻与传播学院当客座教授的那一周。这个学生来参加我的午餐演讲会,我们彼此交谈了一些开心的事情。她随后用电子邮件给我发来一封问候信,  相似文献   
The concept of disorganized attachment gives a framework with which to understand patients who present a confusing pattern of relatedness. The therapist may experience feeling connected with the patient only to see a sudden retreat, expressed by silence, argumentativeness, or missed sessions. After presenting a theoretical summary of disorganized attachment, I give two clinical examples. The first illustrates the theoretical material that is presented and gives the reader an idea of what a disorganized attachment pattern looks like in the clinical setting, while the second briefly shows how use of this framework increased my comfort level.  相似文献   
In spite of the fact that much of the work done by sociologists is of high quality, there appears to be a pervasive sense among sociologists that as a field sociology is not developing an accumulating base of knowledge that involves a combination of theory and empirical “facts.” Social constructs are a basic component of most human behavior, and such behaviors cannot be understood without attention to the nature of those social constructs. However, humans are also biological beings, their biological attributes are relatively stable, and variations in these attributes often have a strong effect on behavior. It is also the case that what persons experience and how they behave has an effect on their biological attributes. We suggest that if sociologists were attentive to the interactions of biological attributes and social constructs, sociologists would be in a position to develop a constantly expanding base of scientific social knowledge. As an illustrative example, we have focused on the issue of how gender and sex-dimorphic characteristics are intrinsically interrelated.  相似文献   
This study examined whether the prevalence of self-reportedhealth risk behaviors among high school students varied by surveysetting (school versus home) and mode of administration (paperand pencil versus computer). Students in grades 9 and 11 wereassigned randomly to one of four conditions—school paper-and-pencilinstrument (PAPI), school computer-assisted self-interview (CASI),home PAPI, and home CASI. During the spring of 2004, 4,506 studentscompleted identically worded questionnaires based on the YouthRisk Behavior Survey questionnaire. Logistic regression analysescontrolling for sex, grade, and race/ethnicity revealed thatsetting was associated significantly with the reporting of 30of the 55 risk behaviors examined, and mode was associated significantlywith the reporting of 7 of the 55 behaviors. For all behaviorswith a significant setting main effect, the odds of reportingthe behavior were greater among students who completed questionnairesat school than among students who completed questionnaires athome. For all behaviors with a significant mode main effect,PAPI mode students had lower odds of reporting the behaviorthan CASI mode students. Because social measurement researchassumes that higher prevalence estimates are more valid thanlower estimates, methodological factors shown to increase estimates,such as setting and mode, should be considered when planningsurveys.  相似文献   
The present study indicated that both attachment bonds and self‐rated attachment style were significantly related to fear of commitment and, to a lesser extent, career decision‐making self‐efficacy. Given previous research showing that fear of commitment is related to career indecisiveness and “floundering,” the possible importance of attention to attachment bonds and styles in career counseling is suggested.  相似文献   
The author provides a brief overview of A. Bandura's (1977, 1997) self‐efficacy theory, followed by a discussion of the value of this theory to career counselors, which includes particularly useful features of the concept of self‐efficacy and suggestions for its application in career assessment and counseling, with a special focus on group interventions.  相似文献   
In line-transect sampling data are collected continuously along the path travelled. These data are then used to estimate some characteristic of an entire region. We model the characteristic of the region as a linear functional of Z(), a realization of a random field, and our data as the values of Z(x) for x along the path. We study how to estimate the characteristic of interest and how to choose the path to accurately estimate it.  相似文献   
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