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In today's volatile global economy, where many organizations face severe pressure to downsize, the “shared services” model, in which a firm merges common functions performed by multiple units into a single service delivery organization, provides an innovative approach to make business more efficient and effective. To successfully implement shared services, firms need to strategically decide whether and how to pursue various service transformation alternatives such as simplification, standardization, consolidation, insourcing, or outsourcing. In this study, we develop the notion of real options into a unique theoretical lens for conceptualizing service organizations and their transformation in an uncertain business environment. Specifically, we view service organization as a set of strategic options that give the firm preferential access to future transformation opportunities. We create a taxonomy of these options, and introduce a decision methodology for valuing alternative shared services transformation approaches. We illustrate this methodology by applying it in a real business case to justify a global firm's decision regarding the transformation of its finance organization.  相似文献   
For location, scale and location–scale models, which are common in practical applications, we derive optimum equivariant estimators and predictors using the Pitman closeness criterion. This approach is very robust with respect to the choice of the loss function as it only requires the loss function to be strictly monotone. We also prove that, in general, the Pitman closeness comparison of any two equivariant predictors depends on the unknown parameter only through a maximal invariant, and hence it is independent of the parameter when the parameter space is transitive. We present several examples illustrating applications of our theoretical results.  相似文献   
The commonly used method of small area estimation (SAE) under a linear mixed model may not be efficient if data contain substantial proportion of zeros than would be expected under standard model assumptions (hereafter zero-inflated data). The authors discuss the SAE for zero-inflated data under a two-part random effects model that account for excess zeros in the data. Empirical results show that proposed method for SAE works well and produces an efficient set of small area estimates. An application to real survey data from the National Sample Survey Office of India demonstrates the satisfactory performance of the method. The authors describe a parametric bootstrap method to estimate the mean squared error (MSE) of the proposed estimator of small areas. The bootstrap estimates of the MSE are compared to the true MSE in simulation study.  相似文献   
Dubey DC  Choldin HM 《Demography》1967,4(2):601-614
In this study the diffusion and adoption framework is used to investigate a family planning innovation. The study indicates the utility of this framework from an analytical point of view both for the researcher to the process by which family planning comes to be adopted, and for the administrator to understand the working of the communications elements of his program.The data indicate that different communications media and informal communications networks are used at different stages of the adoption process. At the awareness stage, messages emanating from the family planning administration make their biggest impact. At the later stages of interest and evaluation, local sources of information become important, and interaction with the clinic staff takes place at high rates.Both husbands and wives are involved in the communications processes, but they have different communication patterns. Both are also involved in the final adoption decision-making processes.  相似文献   
International demographic research hasprovided many benefits for the U.S. This paperidentifies five main reasons for these benefits. First, cross-national research provides unique policyinsights that help the U.S. to develop more effectiveprograms and policies to address pressing andpersistent domestic challenges. Second, it helps theU.S. to understand and address problems and issues inmany countries or regions of the world that are ofparticular relevance to the U.S. because of theirstrategic or commercial importance to us. Third, ithelps the U.S. to address problems and issues that areglobal in nature and require international policyresponses. Fourth, it helps the U.S. to providehumanitarian aid to poor countries more effectivelyand efficiently. Finally, it contributes to theadvancement of science, which in turn stimulates andenriches research focusing on the U.S.  相似文献   
This paper indicates how what Norbert Elias described as the disciplining of the aristocracy in 17th-century France, which he took to be essential to the ascendancy of Louis XIV and the growth of the modern state, was itself part of a broader pattern of voiceless politics. The French political bureaucracy and the monarch in this period were able to accumulate power by restraining public political speech, and using a combination of rituals of subjugation and material forms like fortresses to exemplify the power and social efficacy of this political regime. The result was a new form of power, importantly demonstrated in the land and its people: what we have come to call the territorial state.  相似文献   
A computer technology known as Group Support Systems (GSS) was pilot tested in a doctoral marital and family therapy (MFT) course to explore its usefulness in teaching/learning marital and family therapy. GSS allowed participants to combine face-to-face interaction with dialogue structured by GSS on personal computers. Through linked computers, each participant contributed to group discussions both simultaneously and anonymously. GSS was used to discuss a videotape, to conduct two role plays, and to write this paper. GSS was found to improve brain-storming, enhance collaboration, reduce hierarchical status among participants, increase self-reflection, create a trusting environment, and promote group-supported active learning. Recommendations for further MFT teaching, research, and application of GSS are presented.  相似文献   
In studies about sensitive characteristics, randomized response (RR) methods are useful for generating reliable data, protecting respondents’ privacy. It is shown that all RR surveys for estimating a proportion can be encompassed in a common model and some general results for statistical inferences can be used for any given survey. The concepts of design and scheme are introduced for characterizing RR surveys. Some consequences of comparing RR designs based on statistical measures of efficiency and respondent’ protection are discussed. In particular, such comparisons lead to the designs that may not be suitable in practice. It is suggested that one should consider other criteria and the scheme parameters for planning a RR survey.  相似文献   
In this paper we obtain the. sampling properties of a scale-free estimator of "redundancy," an information theoretic measure, which is used by economists and communications engineers. We then propose a new test of exponentiality based upon the sample redun- dancy. This test is asymptotically unbiased against a large class of alternatives, and it performs a t least as well as a recently proposed test with respect to power and asymptotic relative effi- ciency.  相似文献   
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