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VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - The government of the Communist Party of China (CPC) rolled out a national policy to contract out social and welfare...  相似文献   
Based on a two-year self-study by a group of early-career scholars of color, we explore and purposefully name our role, within the contemporary context of neoliberal reform, as educational researchers of color who are former K-12 teachers. We capture the insights that emerged from our self-study through a close reading of dominant neoliberal educational reform discourses, particularly through an examination of the writings of Michelle Rhee and Wendy Kopp. Along three dimensions of: (1) experience as teachers; (2) solidarity with teachers; and (3) analyses of racism in schooling, we characterize prominent discourses through which educators, researchers, and the public describe teachers and teaching. We name these discursive frames to make explicit the assumptions that are embedded in each and the intentional or inadvertent consequences of each. Finally, we propose a teacher solidarity lens through which we strive to approach our research and work with teachers.  相似文献   
The existence of bias against gay men and lesbians presents an issue for the profession of social work since social workers are committed to working with vulnerable populations without prejudice. Public opinion polls suggest a growing complexity in heterosexuals' attitudes toward lesbians and gay men and this article explores a modern multidimensional perspective to assist social work educators to improve the educational curriculum in this area. This more complex view of social workers' attitudes toward lesbians and gay men identifies overt, as well as subtle, forms of sexual prejudice.  相似文献   
Japan and Sweden both have national systems of long-term care (LTC) and face similar challenges. This study compared various indicators of disability in LTC recipients in nine large urban, midsize urban, and rural municipalities in both countries. The aim was to establish whether urban-rural differences exist and whether they follow similar patterns in Japan and Sweden. It was found that LTC recipients in large urban municipalities in both countries were on average significantly less disabled than those from the other types of municipalities, regardless of the indicator for disability. Fewer persons in large urban municipalities live in extended families, which may increase the propensity to apply for LTC. The number of older people living alone in Japan is increasing, which means that the formal LTC system will come under increased pressure.  相似文献   

For older people using long-term care services, the conditions of their life-space may be critical. The relationships between the physical housing environment and aspects of health were examined among older people in Japan (aged 65+ years, N?=?1,928) by multivariable logistic regression analysis, adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics. Lack of safety, low access to emergency assistance, low or high indoor temperature, poor sanitary conditions, and state of home disrepair were significantly associated with negative aspects of health among people with low activities of daily living (ADL) independence. Home care service providers and policymakers need to consider the importance of appropriate environmental conditions for the most vulnerable groups.  相似文献   

The demographic statistics in developed countries suggest growth in the elderly segment of the population. At the same time, other studies forecast a shortage of nurses, increasing the pressure on hospitals to provide treatment for longer periods of time. These trends suggest a need for new ways of taking care of the elderly population that support safe, comfortable, and independent living. Meanwhile, prominent advances in information and communications technology (ICT) have enabled new systems that address various needs of the elderly. This article presents a case study of a rehabilitation facility located in Tampere, Finland, that uses an automation system in which ambient assisted living (AAL) and building automation (BA) system functionalities are combined. It details a field study summarizing the needs of the users, describes functional scenarios supported by the system, and reports the results of the first usability tests suggesting acceptance of a new technology by residents and caregivers. The unique combination of ambient assisted living and building automation offers a safer and more comfortable environment for the elderly as well as helps caregivers on-site in managing their workloads.  相似文献   
This article analyzes how a community of Syrian Orthodox Christians (Urfallis), who were forced to emigrate from Urfa to Aleppo in 1924, reconstruct their collective history. These displaced Christians maintain silence about two important events in their history. The reason for their emigration and their participation in the Syrian nationalist movement during the 1930s are either wiped from their memories or deliberately concealed. This selective amnesia is conditioned largely by the complex relationship between the ruling elite, whether French or Syrian, and ordinary Urfallis. The process of historical reconstruction suggests that the ambivalent position of these Christians, which stems from their religious affiliation and immigrant origin, makes them design alternative narratives in order to adapt to the changing political situation whilst they establish a secure position for themselves within Syrian society.  相似文献   
This paper examines the writings and influence of Anna Julia Cooper. The honest, historical narrative of scholarship is in question when theorists of color are repeatedly forgotten or removed from the academic record. Anna Julia Cooper is just one example of someone who has been overlooked. I detail how Cooper's analysis of group identity, located in shared experience, provided the groundwork for intersectional frameworks and feminist standpoint theory. I further contend that Cooper's lived-experience narrative not only informed her own work but the work of others of her time, including the more esteemed W.E.B. Du Bois. She addressed how race-gendered politics and the legacies of slavery and colonialism shape scholarship. Cooper's critique of academia determined that the relationship between colonialism and academia is intrinsically tied. My analysis examines how the work of theorists of color is often omitted, erased, or contextualized within the writings of white theorists due, in part, to a lack of generational intellectual wealth. A concept that recognizes the historical discrepancy in scholarship between white scholars and scholars of color and how that exclusion has shaped and defined established knowledge. This paper analyzes Cooper's placement within the lineage of the academic canon.  相似文献   
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