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In this article, a test for exponentiality against gamma DFR alternative based on a quadratic form of the logarithmic observations is proposed. The percentage points and the power of the test are computed through Monte-Carlo simulation. The test is seen to perform well as compared to a chi-square test proposed by Bain and Engelhardt(1975).  相似文献   
A reconciliation is offered for the diverse test results on Friedman's permanent income hypothesis. A large data sample of those receiving windfall income in the Bureau of Labor Statistics' 1972–1973 Consumer Expenditure Survey is divided according to the size of the windfall relative to estimated permanent income. A pattern of a declining marginal propensity to consume windfall income as the relative size of the windfall increases is apparent. These results support the permanent income hypothesis for relatively large windfalls.  相似文献   
Andrews and Phillips (1986) gave a simplified proof for the result that established the nonnegative definiteness of the difference of the Moore-Penrose inverses of two nonoegative definite matrices, a result originally due to Milliken and Akdeniz (1977), The purpose of this paper is to offer a simple proof for a generalization of this result,  相似文献   
In this paper we have proposed chain ratio type estimators for ratio of two population means using two auxiliary characters. The expressions for bias and mean square error of these estimators have been derived. A comparison of the proposed estimator with that of double sampling estimator has been made in terms of mean square error. An emperical study has also been made.  相似文献   
The results of Hoeffding (1956), Pledger and Proschan (1971), Gleser (1975) and Boland and Proschan (1983) are used to obtain Buehler (1957) 1-α lower confidence limits for the reliability of k of n systems of independent components when the subsystem data have equal sample sizes and the observed failures satisfy certain conditions. To the best of our knowledge, for k ≠ 1 or n, this is the first time the exact optimal lower confidence limits for system reliability have been given. The observed failure vectors are a generalization of key test results for k of n systems, k ≠ n (Soms (1984) and Winterbottom (1974)). Two examples applying the above theory are also given.  相似文献   
A new discrete distribution defined over all the positive integers and with the name of Geeta distribution is described. It is L-shaped like the logarithmic series distribution, Yule distribution and the discrete Pareto distribution but is far more versatile than them as it has two parameters. It belongs to the classes of location parameter distributions, modified power series distributions, Lagrange series distributions and exponential distributions. Its mean fi, variance a2 and two recurrence formulae for higher central moments are obtained. Convolution theorem and variations in the model with changes in the parameters have been considered. ML estimators, MVU estimators and estimators based of mean and variance and on mean and first frequency have been derived.  相似文献   
A new class of location-parameter discrete probability distributions (LDPD) has been defined where the population mean is the location parameter. It has been shown that some single parameter discrete distributions do not belong to this class and all discrete probability distributions belonging to this class can be characterized by their variances only. Expressions are given for the first four central moments and a recurrence formula for higher central moments has been obtained. Eight theorems are given to characterize the various distributions in the LDPD class.  相似文献   
Certain recurrence relations for the moments of different orders of the largest order statistic from a gamma distribution with shape parameter p are obtained. By using this it is shown that for obtaining the moment of any order of each order statistic of a sample of size n from the gamma distribution, one has to evaluate at most n-2 single integrals.  相似文献   
The problem of classifying a covariance stationary normal time series is considered. Under certain regularity conditions, a compact form of the linear discriminant function in the sense of maximizing the Bhattacharyya distance is obtained.  相似文献   
Several estimators for estimating the mean of a principal variable are proposed based on double sampling for stratification (DSS) and multivariate auxiliary information. The general properties of the proposed estimators are studied, search for optimum estimators is made and the proposed estimators are compared with the corresponding estimators based on unstratified double sampling (USDS).  相似文献   
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