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This article examines, experimentally, whether inequality affects the social capital of trust in non-market and market settings. We consider three experimental treatments, one with equality, one with inequality but no knowledge of the income of other agents, and one with inequality and knowledge. Inequality, particularly when it is known, has a corrosive effect on trusting behaviours in this experiment. Agents appear to be less sensitive to known relative income differentials in markets than they are in the non-market settings, but trust in markets appears generally more vulnerable to the introduction of inequality than in the non-market setting.  相似文献   
Many providers recognize the importance of creating culturally competent services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older adults. Although multiple resources list steps to make professional practices more LGBT-welcoming, these resources provide no empirical data to support their recommendations. LGBT older adults (N = 327) were asked to describe what signals that a provider is LGBT-welcoming. Six of the top 10 signals related to provider behavior and suggest the importance of staff training; the balance included display of signage and rainbow flags, use of inclusive language on forms and the presence of LGBT-identified staff. Results provide evidence-based recommendations for working with LGBT older adults.  相似文献   
Caregivers of older persons with severe mental illness (SMI) contend with the double challenge of providing assistance related to both the psychiatric condition and older age of their family member. Study explored factors influencing negative psychological outcomes experienced by caregivers (n = 96) of older adults with SMI. One-quarter of caregivers scored at or above the clinical point for depression. Low income, care recipient gender, poor health, problems dealing with care recipient’s symptoms and the interaction of health and problems dealing with symptoms were associated with higher rates of depression. Implications for service provision and future research are discussed.  相似文献   
A high prevalence of youth is overweight or obese, and a frequent lack of monitoring of their weight control strategies is observed. Consequently, this paper compares the eating habits and physical activities of male and female dieters and non-dieters. Data are obtained from the large cross-national WHO collaborative study “Health Behavior in School-aged Children 2010”. The current sample consists of 9,444 students aged 11, 13 and 15 years from England and Spain. Participants are asked about dieting, vigorous and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, breakfast frequency and fruit, vegetable, sweet and soft drink consumption. A logistic regression is used to examine the differences between dieters and non-dieters with regard to the aforementioned eating and physical activity habits. Differences between genders, countries, and those associated with BMI (body mass index) are also considered. The results suggest that the reality of weight control differs from the major health promotion recommendations during adolescence.  相似文献   
A dominant theme of the philanthropy research literature is conservative funder influence on social movements. In this paper we look at a “reverse” case, focusing on a philanthropic funder using financial clout to move non-profit organizations in a more liberal direction. We interviewed a random sample of 48 executive directors from the 634 non-profit organizations that were funded recently by the Gay & Lesbian Fund for Colorado (GLFC). GLFC required grantees to change personnel policies toward greater inclusiveness and to publicly acknowledge GLFC funding. Directors responded to interview questions on reactions to sponsorship and changes in diversity and inclusivity. Results show retaliation, a serious form of resistance or pushback, was rare and is more common from external sources, especially donors, than internal sources (e.g. staff; p < .05). Because some organizations are diverse prior to grant application, further increases in organizational personnel diversity and constituent outreach are difficult. Therefore, the efficacy of attaching strings to funding was mixed.  相似文献   

Employment hope is an aspect of psychological self-sufficiency that captures the process of empowerment for low-income job seekers. It is posited that this process of maintaining and developing employment hope contributes to the economic self-sufficiency outcome. The preliminary 14-item 2-factor Employment Hope Scale (EHS) was previously developed using an exploratory factor analysis (Hong, Polanin, & Pigott, 2012). This study examines whether the same items could be validated using a multisample confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Given the unsatisfied model fit of the original 2-factor model, it was modified into a 4-factor model guided by theoretical suggestion from an earlier focus-group study. The multisample CFA on the modified model explained the data significantly better than did the initial model across 2 independent samples. Reliability and validity tests confirmed the factor structure of the modified model. This study confirms that the revalidated Short EHS (EHS-14) is a more robust version of the scale. Further research is needed to demonstrate its utility as a tool to benchmark the pre-employment client empowerment process in workforce development and to monitor postemployment employee support needs in the workplace for retention.  相似文献   
Anxiety disorders and related symptoms commonly occur in older people with cognitive impairment or dementia, significantly worsening functioning and reducing quality of life. This review of the literature outlines the extent of the problem, and focuses on current best practices in psychosocial interventions anxiety in persons with dementia. Discussion follows on promising nonpharmacological interventions that are recommended for further consideration and future research.  相似文献   
We analyze mechanisms of moral disengagement used to eliminate moral consequences by industries whose products or production practices are harmful to human health. Moral disengagement removes the restraint of self-censure from harmful practices. Moral self-sanctions can be selectively disengaged from harmful activities by investing them with socially worthy purposes, sanitizing and exonerating them, displacing and diffusing responsibility, minimizing or disputing harmful consequences, making advantageous comparisons, and disparaging and blaming critics and victims. Internal industry documents and public statements related to the research activities of these industries were coded for modes of moral disengagement by the tobacco, lead, vinyl chloride (VC), and silicosis-producing industries. All but one of the modes of moral disengagement were used by each of these industries. We present possible safeguards designed to protect the integrity of research.  相似文献   
Making an allegation of research misconduct can be stressful for a whistleblower. The Research Integrity Officer (RIO) can play an important role in helping reduce the stress by thoroughly discussing what whistleblowers can expect if they make an allegation. Through interviews with 77 RIOs who had recently handled a research misconduct case, we found that RIOs who addressed more topics as well as specific aspects of the topics were more likely to have used some type of memory aide in their initial contact with whistleblowers, talked with ORI staff or other RIOs about “hypothetical” research misconduct cases, or attended a RIO boot camp training. We believe that RIOs who more fully inform whistleblowers are providing timely preparation and building whistleblowers' confidence so they can make a more informed decision about reporting and experience less stress.  相似文献   

This article reports on focus group data analysis that was used to understand initial, largely positive outcomes from a university-based initiative to disseminate and implement an evidence-based practice (EBP)—Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment for Substance Use (SBIRT)—into student fieldwork placements, which are usual care social work settings. Focus groups were conducted with three groups of stakeholders involved in the ongoing project: social work department faculty (n = 10), bachelor- and master-level social work students (n = 8), and social work fieldwork instructors (n = 6). Dimensional analysis of the focus group data yielded results indicating that dissemination and implementation of SBIRT was influenced by agency- and school-level factors and perceived fit between the EBP and individual professional identity, intrapersonal characteristics, and timing. The resulting model, developed through the focus group analysis, is offered and shows how these factors interacted and affected training, supervision, and use of the EBP. The model provides social work educational programs and agencies a working tool for diagnosing and proactively addressing barriers and breakdowns in the EBP implementation process. Future research that tests the model as a diagnostic tool and generates knowledge about its influence in developing competent evidence-based practitioners is indicated. Future focus groups in relation to this initiative are needed to better understand these barriers and facilitators in the EBP implementation process and their critical roles in the process of translating SBIRT into standard social work practice.  相似文献   
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