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In all cases of newborn adoption where placement is made directly into the permanent adoptive home, the adoptive parents become the psychological parents for that child. While adoptive parents enter the development phase of parenthood, the task is complicated by the fact that the child they are about to raise is not their biological child. We discuss the biological and psychological foundations of parenthood and examine the tasks that adoptive parents face when confronted with either an open or confidential adoption. We focus on the ways in which either procedure may assist or disrupt the adoptive parents' ability to form and maintain an on-going healthy attachment to the child.There is a new trend in the field of child welfare toward openness in adoption, which purports to change traditional confidential adoptions. We discuss the crucial aspects of the intrapsychic difference for an adoptive parent experiencing an open or confidential adoption.And so they wrangled before the King ... Kings II, Ch. VThis paper was presented to the National Committee for Adoption Convention, October, 1982; the First International Conference on Pediatric Social Work, August, 1982 and to the Child Care Association of Illinois Convention, April, 1982. All authors have the M.A. degree and are affiliated with St. Mary's Services, an Episcopal Child Welfare Agency, est. 1894, 5725 North Kenmore Avenue, Chicago, IL 60660.  相似文献   
This study examines how family organization is associated with the quality of family life for parents in first marriages, remarriages with biological children, and several types of stepfamilies. Data are drawn from the 1987–1988 National Survey of Families and Households; only married couples in which both spouses participated in the survey and who had children under age 19 in the household are considered (N=3,120). Results indicate that respondents in different family structures differ in the perceived quality of parent-child relationships, that differences in family structure are not related to differences in family organization, and that some aspects of family organization are related to marital quality and the quality of parent-chil relationships. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicate that family structure and family organization are independently related to the quality of family life. This research was supported by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Grant R15 HD28198-01. The National Survey of Families and Households was funded by a grant (HD21009) from the Center for Population Research of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. The survey was designed and carried out at the Center for Demography and Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison under the direction of Larry Bumpass and James Sweet. The fieldwork was done by the Institute for Survey Research at Temple University. A previous version of this article was presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Orlando, November 1992. Her research interests include the work/family interface and family policy. She received her Ph.D. from Wayne State University. His research interests include the effects of divorce and remarriage on parents and children. He received his Ph.D. from Ohio State University. Her research interests include adolescents and adoption. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Delaware.  相似文献   
This study investigated nonverbal approach and avoidance behaviors exhibited by 30 families with a target child between 7 and 16 years old during a family interaction task. It was hypothesized that avoidance in the form of shame and contempt would be displayed more frequently by early and mid-adolescents than by younger pre-adolescents. It was also expected that approach behaviors would not differ across these age groups. Results provided evidence for increased avoidance and stability of approach behaviors in the parent-child dyad from pre-adolescence to mid-adolescence. Compared to pre-adolescent children (7–10), early adolescents (11–13) displayed more avoidance behaviors toward their parents, particularly shame. Both older adolescents (14–16) and their parents displayed increased avoidance in the form of reciprocated contempt. Despite increased avoidance in adolescence, no age group differences emerged in the amount of approach displayed between mothers, fathers, and children. This dynamic of attachment and separation occurred in both mother-child and father-child dyads, suggesting that both parents play an important role in the adolescent's developing autonomy.This research is based on the doctoral dissertation of Patricia E. Kahlbaugh under the direction of Jeannette M. Haviland at the Graduate School at Rutgers University. We thank the families who gave of their time to participate in this project and the individuals who helped in data recruitment, collection, and coding.  相似文献   
Although the community care reforms raised the profile of respite services for adults with learning disabilities, little is known about the character of respite provision in Britain. This lack of information is compounded by the way the literature about respite is dispersed across user groups and is often restricted to particular types of services or to specific localities. In order to highlight some of the key issues associated with respite, this paper draws on a wide range of literature. Regardless of differences in terms of the service user groups, common themes are identified which are relevant to service planning and provision for adults with learning disabilities. The paper discusses these themes and argues that a break with the traditional notion of respite as primarily a way to relieve carer burden is long overdue. Adopting the perspective of the primary service users affords the opportunity to re-think respite services.  相似文献   
This study examined the looking behavior of married couples during a 10 minute interaction segment. The variables examined included marital adjustment level, interaction role (speaking or listening) and type of message. Wives were more likely to look at their spouses than husbands were, and speakers were more likely to look at their partners than were listeners. While high marital adjustment spouses looked less over all types of mesages, low marital adjustment spouses particularly looked more than the highs on negative messages, suggesting either a confrontation component to the looking, or a strong need to monitor the partner's reactions in such situations. There was also evidence of more displayed competitiveness in the low marital adjustment couples. Correlational analyses revealed that there were different relationships between the looking behavior of the speaking spouse and the looking behavior of the listening spouse, and between the spouses' patterns of looking when speaking or listening and that these differences were dependent on marital adjustment level.  相似文献   
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