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Mortality deceleration is the observed but yet to be understood phenomenon that the increase in the late-life death rate slows down after a certain species-related advanced age. Various definitions of onsets of mortality deceleration are examined. A new distribution based on the Strehler-Mildvan theory of aging takes on the required shapes. The application is done on mortality data from the 1892 cohort of Swedish women and on Mediterranean fruit flies.  相似文献   
This article proposes some simplifications of the residual variance estimator of Gasset, Sroka, and Jeneen-Steinmetz (GSJ, 1986) which is often used in conjunction with non parametric regression. The GSJ estimator is a quadratic form of the data, which depends on the relative spacings of the design points. When the errors are independent, identically distributed Gaussian variables, and the true regression curve is flat, the estimate is distributed as a weighted sum of x2 variables. By matching the first two moments, the distribution can be approximated by a x2 with degrees of freedom determined by the coefficients of the. quadratic form. Computation of the estimated degrees of freedom requires computing the trace of the square of an n x n matrix, where n is the number of design points. In this article, (n-2)/3 is shown to be a conservative estimate of the approximate degrees of freedom, and (n-2)/2 is shown to be conservative for many designs. In addition, a simplified version of the estimator is shown to be asymptotically equivalent, under many conditions.  相似文献   
鄂伦春族历史上是中国东北地区比较典型的一个狩猎民族.在鄂伦春族独特的历史发展过程中,产生并传承了大量具有其民族特点的伦理思想.本文主要就其丰富的民间文化中的伦理思想、独特婚姻习俗中的伦理思想、质朴的传统习俗中的伦理思想以及抵抗斗争中的伦理思想共四个方面进行归纳、概括和总结,将鄂伦春族人民热爱生活、以人为本、平等团结以及热爱祖国的伦理思想进行了分析.  相似文献   
There are numerous ethical theories from which faculty may choose to teach in undergraduate philosophical ethics courses. Whether learning such theories results in ethical behavior change remains an open question. If one of the goals of teaching ethics is to support ethical behavior, then alternative approaches are merited. Within the past decades, there has been a growing emphasis on mindfulness and compassion-based practices in particular, as applied to psychotherapy in the field of psychology. Such findings have bearing on ways in which compassion-based practices might be fruitful in the philosophical ethics classroom. This article will identify issues with the dominant approach to teaching philosophical ethics, focusing on the need for a bridge between theory and action. It will also explore the potential benefits of utilizing mindfulness in the classroom, with a focus on compassion-based practices such as loving-kindness, to contribute to meeting this need to enhance the teaching of undergraduate philosophical ethics.  相似文献   
The weighted and integrated squared error between the sample characteristic function and the assumed characteristic function is shown to be an effective procedure for estimation of mixing proportions. For a particular form of the weighting, this procedure is equivalent to that of minimization with respect to the mixing proportions of the integrated squared error between a density and its kernel estimate. The efficiency, mean squared error, and ease of computation properties of this procedure are compared against those of several competitors.  相似文献   
Relations between dispositional characteristics (e.g., personality traits, affective style, and coping styles) and work-family conflict (WFC) and family-work conflict (FWC) were investigated. Participants were employed adults recruited through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. Results showed conscientiousness and extraversion related to emotion-focused coping (EFC), positive affect positively related to problem-focused coping (PFC) and EFC, and neuroticism related to avoidance-focused coping (AFC). Additionally, AFC, conscientiousness, and negative affect related to FWC, and positive affect related to more WFC. Results highlight the importance of personality and affect relating to dispositional coping, yet coping styles added little to understanding of conflict. Overall, finding that negative affect and AFC related to conflict suggests that interventions that target these dispositional traits would likely be beneficial to reducing conflict between domains.  相似文献   
This article examines the determinants of financial market participation for a particular group of immigrants: Hmong refugees in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota. Our findings indicate that controlling for income and education, Hmong immigrants are less likely to have savings accounts and credit cards and are more likely to use currency exchanges, compared to randomly selected non-Hmong households living in the same neighborhoods. However, these effects are mitigated by time spent in the US. Financial assimilation appears to take 15–20 years. These findings expand our understanding of immigrant assimilation and highlight some of the complexities associated with the process of assimilation.
Sherrie L. W. RhineEmail:
The authors explored attitudes regarding career counseling. Interview data were analyzed and conceptualized using grounded theory methods. Peers, faculty, and programs influenced participants' attitudes. Participants' observations regarding instruction and developed understanding of their own career development figured into favorable attitudes regarding career counseling. Data revealed that students did not perceive that they were competent or confident conducting career counseling. Implications for counselor education are discussed.  相似文献   
以南京紫金山国家森林公园为例,探究森林公园地理位置由城郊入城后所受的干扰形式、强度、频率的变化。结果表明频繁的休闲活动、不合理开发、快速交通网络的包围、分割及偷猎等人为干扰造成紫金山环境承载压力加大、水土流失、白色污染、交通拥堵、生物多样性降低、声景观协调度减弱。规划将紫金山划分为生态保育区、核心敏感区、智慧旅游区和人文休闲区,通过优化林分结构、保护野生动物、强化防火监查等生态调整,并利用信息技术控制游人量及进山车辆,改善旅游体验,完善便民服务体系,监测林业资源等智慧管控措施优化空间分区管理方式,构建生态智慧型复合发展模式,为森林公园经营管理提供重要指导。  相似文献   
马克思主义中国化与其他任何事情一样要以思维为先导.研究马克思主义中国化过程中的思维类型及其表现形式具有重要意义.马克思主义中国化可分为具体化、理论化和民族化三个层面.在具体化过程中主要运用分析综合、演绎推理思维;在理论化过程中主要运用比较归纳、抽象概括思维;在民族化过程中主要运用反思扬弃、融合创新思维.在运用这些逻辑思维的过程中,自觉不自觉地理解和阐明了马克思主义中国化过程中事物的对立统一性、量变质变性和否定之否定的辩证性质.逻辑思维与辩证思维具有内在的一致性,明智的做法是以辩证思维为指导进行逻辑思维.  相似文献   
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