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This article deals with the multiple-outlier exponential model. The likelihood ratio order between m-spacings of the combined sample is developed, some results extend the conclusions on simple spacings in Wen et al. (2007 Wen , S. , Lu , Q. , Hu , T. ( 2007 ). Likelihood ratio order of spacings of heterogeneous exponential random variables . J. Multivariate Anal. 98 : 743756 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   
对新世纪以来江西发展状况的理性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
彭道宾 《统计研究》2005,22(12):71-4
进入新世纪以来,江西经济社会发生了深刻的变化,进入到一个重要的发展阶段。但在我国新一轮经济增长周期中,各地都在抢抓机遇、争创优势、加快发展,形成了你追我赶、高招迭出、亮点纷呈的竞争格局。面对新形势,我们应当保持冷静的头脑,站在全局的高度,理性地看待江西的发展变化。一、江西崛起态势已见端倪世纪之交,江西经济纵向比较,取得了很大的进展,横向比较,却是令人忧虑的下滑态势。2000年,全省人均生产总值4851元,相当于全国1995年人均国内生产总值水平(4854元),只及全国的68·5%,与1990年相比,其比值下降2·5个百分点;与邻省安徽相比…  相似文献   

A nonprofit’s reputation is a crucial intangible asset that can bring significant benefits to the organization. Using a multidimensional framework, this study tested the effects of three dimensions of nonprofit reputation—financial efficiency, media visibility, accreditation status—on charitable giving behavior. The findings of this 2 × 2 × 2 full-factorial survey experiment show that each of the reputation dimensions has a significant individual effect on giving behavior. Furthermore, financial efficiency and accreditation status have an interaction effect on giving behavior. The findings also demonstrate the cross-level interaction between financial efficiency and the real-life giving behavior of individuals and between accreditation and the real-life volunteering behavior. This study provides implications for our understanding of the components of nonprofit reputation and their impact on charitable giving.

作为一种新兴的社会现象,城市业主维权运动主要形成于20世纪90年代中后期,并给中国城市基层社会的政治生态带来重大影响。本文试图基于对城市业主维权抗争实践的观察和研究,提出法权抗争这一分析范式,并将之具体化为上访维权、诉讼维权和立法维权三个基本类型;在此分析架构下,本文将为当代中国城市业主维权研究提供一个初步的描述类型学。  相似文献   
王询  彭树宏 《中国人口科学》2012,(5):47-55,111,112
文章采用多种不平等指数,从静态和动态两方面分析了1983~2010年中国行业工资差距的演化与特征。无论是用基尼系数、泰尔指数还是阿特金森指数计算的行业工资差距均表明,中国行业工资差距在20世纪80年代呈下降趋势,并于1988年达到最低点,之后开始持续上升至今。行业工资分布的演化表明,中国行业工资呈现出高者愈高、低者愈低的行业"马太效应"。基于广义基尼系数的行业工资差距变化分解结果表明,20世纪80年代的行业工资增长更多地集中于低工资行业,90年代以后的行业工资增长更多地集中于高工资行业。基于行业工资转换矩阵和流动性指数的测算结果表明,在考察期内,中国行业工资流动性越来越弱,只有在1983~1992年的行业工资流动性才是社会合意的,其他时期的行业工资流动性过低。  相似文献   
老龄社会学理论:研究现状和政策意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李兵  杜鹏 《人口研究》2005,29(5):66-72
本文基于对老年学教学与科研的发展,回顾了中外老龄社会学理论研究的现状和发展历程,并对老龄社会学理论的分析层次、基本假设和理论的政策意义,以及今后的研究方向进行了初步分析。  相似文献   
彭超  徐希平 《民族学刊》2016,7(5):49-57,111-112
“Tangwu” is an alternative name for the descendants of the Xixia dynasty. In 1227 AD, a number of these Xixia descendants moved inland after the destruction of the Xixia Dynasty by the Mongolians. One group of them migrated to the area near Puyang, Henan Province. Tangwu Chongxi ( Yang Chongxi ) of the Yuan Dynasty compiled the Shu San Ji, which is divided into three volumes: Shansu, Yucai and Xingshi, and appended with the biography of Boyan Zongdao. It reflects the historical origins, social class, living conditions and the relations with the Han people of the descendants of the Dangxiangqiang minority af-ter they moved to Puyang. This book attracted a lot of attention in academic circles, and it was there-fore reorganized and published in 1985 after being treasured by the people for more than 600 years. It has high academic value for its comprehensive his-torical records. We can not only acquaint ourselves with the history of the make-up of the Chinese na-tion, but also research this diversity from multiple perspectives, such as history, nationality and folk-lore . That is why it has drawn so much attention a-mong academic researchers. The book contains po-ems, prose and biographies, which belong to dif-ferent celebrated scholars from different ethnic mi-norities, all of whom had relationships with Tang-wu Chongxi. It is also a typical model of Qiang-Han literature, which is very rare. This paper gives a preliminary exploration on the book, and shows a small part of its comprehensive value. Shu San Ji is not a merely personal collec-tion, but is also different from general literature collections. The compilation of the book took a long time. Shu San Ji Xuxie ( Continuation of Shu San Ji) , written by Zhang Yining, was finished in the 18 th year of the Zhizheng Period in the Yuan Dynasty (1358), which indicates that the Shu San Ji had already been finished by that time . Zeng wuwei chushi yangxiangxian xu ( Presented to Chu Shi Yang Xingxian·Preface ) , written by Wei Su and finished in the 24 th year of Zhizheng ( 1364 ) , suggests that the Shu San Ji had been compiled in-to a book by that time, and that it was compiled with the compositions of social celebrities of the time. However, the Shu San Ji, as it has been handed down to us today, includes the Song Yang-gong Xiangxian gui Tanyuan xu ( Preface of Send-ing Yanggong Xiangxian Back to Tanyuan) by Tao Kai, written in March in the 5 th year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty ( 1372 ) . It indicates that Yang Xiangxian kept on collecting articles even after the book was finished. The Xu yangshi yiji ( Preface of Yang’s Last Collection) by Wang Chongqing, writ-ten in the 6th year of Jiajing (1527), indicates that the Shu San Ji was still being written after Yang Chongxi’s death. At the end of the Shu San Ji , Boyang Zongdao zhuan ( Biography of Boyang Zongdao) and Weiti shi (Poems) were collected in the 16 th year of Zhengde in the Ming Dynasty (1529) and in the 16th year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1629), respectively. It suggests that the
Shu San Ji had been supplemented and continually recompiled since Yang Chongxi firstly finished his book in 1358. After 271 years, in 1629, the Shu San Ji, as we read it today, was finally comple-ted. Through the basic components of the Shu San Ji,readers can understand that the Tangwu family was a harmonious, multi-ethnic family. A number of multi-ethnic writers spent long periods compos-ing works collected in the Shu San Ji and Tangwu Chongxi was also influenced by China’s diverse culture and traditional Confucian culture. The work is strongly connected with his study in Guozixue. In the late Yuan Dynasty, the restora-tion of the imperial examinations promoted Confucianism’s influence further. Pan Di, as Tang-wu Chongxi’s teacher in Guozixue, wrote most arti-cles in the Shu San Ji, which shows their close re-lationship and his influences on Tangwu Chongxi’s literature and Confucian studies. Tangwu Chongxi and others’ works reflected their sense of admira-tion for and deep feelings for their Dangxiang an-cestors, but more so helped to propagate the con-cepts of Confucian edification, diligence, thrifti-ness and benevolence, and some of them did so in a very polemic way. For example, Boyan Zongdao wrote the Jiefu xu ( preface of “Jiefu”) and Tang-wu Chongxi wrote the Jiefu houxu ( epilogue of“Jiefu”) , which reflect the social reality and ide-ology of all scholars with different ethnic back-grounds at that time. His work, “Tangwu gong-bei” fushi ( Poem inscribed on Tangwu Tablet ) , was written in a plain and authentic way and showed that he always remembered his origins and his ethnic desire to inherit the family’s heritage. Meanwhile , it was also mixed with the popular ide-as of upholding the honor of their ancestors from the central plains and Han areas, which shows the
editorial purpose of the Shu San Ji and also dem-onstrates the value of Chinese multi-ethnic litera-ture and cultural integration.  相似文献   
阿育他耶曾经是泰国大城王朝时期的政治、经济、文化中心,因其水路交通之便,水居生活方式一度成为当地人民生活方式的主流,后来因社会文化的发展而渐渐式微.本文通过对阿育他耶的历史文献研究和实地田野调查,试图展现当地水居文化的发履和变迁过程.  相似文献   
利用物理学原理对算法的隐含并行性进行了分析,提出算法的不确定性和高熵态是隐含并行性出现的根源,但算法的隐含并行性会导致算法结果的不确定性。智能算法中先验知识确定程序的搜索方向,隐含并行性提供了对解空间的高速并行搜索,为研究和设计智能算法提供了理论基础。提高算法的先验信息量和隐含并行能力可以得到具备较高智能水平的算法。  相似文献   
采用变量轮换法对支持向量机(SVM)参数进行优化处理,结合时间序列分析理论,建立起隧道围岩变形时间序列非线性模型,并以此对隧道围岩变形进行预测。结果表明:改进的支持向量机具有简单、方便、实时等特点,对围岩后续变形预报准确,可科学地指导现场监测和施工建设。  相似文献   
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