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The LM test is modified to test any value of the ratio of two variance components in a mixed effects linear model with two variance components. The test is exact, so it can be used to construct exact confidence intervals on this ratio.Exact Neyman-Pearson (NP) tests on the variance ratio are described.Their powers provide attainable upper bounds on powers of tests on the variance ratio.Efficiencies of LM tests, which include ANOVA tests, and NP tests are compared for unbalanced, random, one-way ANOVA models.Confidence intervals corresponding to LM tests and NP tests are described.  相似文献   
In this paper a new class of shrinkage estimators has been introduced for the shape parameter in an independently identically distributed two-parameterWeibull model under censored sampling. The main idea is to incorporate the prior guessed value by correcting the standard estimator, which is essentially an unbiased estimator, with optimally weighted ratios of the guessed value and the standard estimator, instead of considering a convex combination of the standard estimator and the difference of the guessed value and the standard estimator. The resulting estimator dominates the standard estimator in a surprisingly large neighborhood of the guessed value. The suggested estimator has also been compared with the minimum mean squared error estimator and a class of estimators suggested by Singh and Shukla in IAPQR Trans 25(2), 107–118, 2000. It is found that the suggested class of estimators has lesser bias as well as lesser mean squared error than its competitors subject to certain conditions.   相似文献   
The marketing environment has experienced significant advancements due to the transformative influence of technologies such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, decision sciences, and robotics. These innovations have entirely reshaped the fundamental marketing principles as we know them. This study uses bibliometric analysis to conduct a systematic literature review of research on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing and provides future research directions. It also aims to identify the most influential and productive contributors and progression of research on AI in marketing. The bibliographic data of 317 documents on artificial intelligence in marketing research was extracted from the Scopus database. The bibliometric analysis is performed to comprehensively understand the most influential and productive articles, authors, sources, and the top contributing countries and institutions towards the discipline of AI in marketing research. The results and the publication trend show exponential growth yearly in AI in marketing research. Furthermore, it discovered four main thematic clusters: Data mining and deep learning in decision support systems, big data and generative AI in marketing, AI-enabled commerce, and chatbots and marketing Tech that represent the recent research being carried out under AI in marketing. The trending topics recognized are marketing algorithms for decision-making, AI-enabled marketing, the Internet of Things (IoT) and marketing, natural language processing and customer service, robotic services, and chatbots. This study also emphasizes potential future research areas, building upon the established thematic clusters.  相似文献   
Many wireless communication problems is based on a convex relaxation of the maximum likelihood problem which further can be cast as binary quadratic programs (BQPs). The two standard relaxation methods that are widely used for solving general BQPs such as spectral methods and semidefinite programming problem (SDP), each have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is widely accepted that small and medium sized SDP problems can be solved efficiently by interior point methods. Albeit, semidefinite relaxation has a tighter bound for large scale problems, but its computational complexity is high. However, Row-by-Row method (RBR) for solving SDPs could be opted for an alternative for large-scale MIMO detection because of low complexity. The present work is a spectral SDP-cut formulation to which the RBR is applied for large-scale MIMO detection. A modified RBR algorithm with tighter bound is presented to specify the efficiency in detecting massive MIMO.  相似文献   
The identification and location of materials losses in nuclear facilities is an important issue. Many complexities arise in monitoring such losses. These complexities include the dependency among materials balance observations and the influence of errors (outliers) on parameter estimates of various monitoring methods. The proposed Joint Estimation procedure is superior to standard methods (control chart and CUSUM) and to methods that build in correlation (ARMA control chart, ARMA CUSUM, and the Generalized M procedure) in the detection of nuclear materials losses. The Joint Estimation procedure is robust to the influence of outliers, is flexible in accommodating a range of dependencies among observations, and provides information on the type of loss. Further, the procedure is reliable in that it yields a probability of false alarms and a probability of detecting losses closer to specifications.  相似文献   
Estimating the parameters of the sum of a sinusoidal model in presence of additive noise is a classical problem. It is well known to be a difficult problem when the two adjacent frequencies are not well separated or when the number of components is very large. In this paper we propose a simple sequential procedure to estimate the unknown frequencies and amplitudes of the sinusoidal signals. It is observed that if there are p components in the signal then at the k  th (k?p)(k?p) stage our procedure produces strongly consistent estimators of the k   dominant sinusoids. For k>pk>p, the amplitude estimators converge to zero almost surely. Asymptotic distribution of the proposed estimators is also established and it is observed that it coincides with the asymptotic distribution of the least squares estimators. Numerical simulations are performed to observe the performance of the proposed estimators for different sample sizes and for different models. One ECG data and one synthesized data are analyzed for illustrative purpose.  相似文献   
Computers are routinely anthropomorphized in contemporary societies. Yet, few studies seriously examine the personification of computers at the workplace. This paper focuses on the discourse of anthropomorphism and work computerization. Based on the findings of an ethnographic study that looked at the computerization of administrative processes in a Health Maintenance Organization, the paper demonstrates how the discourse of anthropomorphism simultaneously reflects attitudes towards the computer, and structures relationships with the technology in the workplace. Three themes emerged within the discourse of anthropomorphism in the organization. They were (1) the intelligent & cerebral computer, (2) the human computer, and (3) the computer as superior life form. These themes also performed certain ideological functions by glamorizing the computer and thereby legitimizing it in the organization. At the same time, employees discursively resisted the ideology of the ‘smart’ machine by interpreting it in ways that were contrary to managerial expectations. Overall, the paper presents a complex picture of human-machine relationships revolving around the personification of computers at the workplace.  相似文献   
This article treats Europe's claim to universality as its problematic, and contends that any serious attempt to reorganize the past and/or the future must subvert the European appropriation of the universal. Noting that the justification for Europe's ‘confiscation’ of the universal is often grounded in the argument that only Europe has succeeded in inventing an epistemological tool (namely, Baconian science) that successfully opens the doors to Truth, the article seeks to further its project of provincializing Europe by demonstrating the inadequacy of Euro-science as humanity's chosen vehicle to Truth. This the article does by developing the thesis that violence is encoded in the very fabric of modern science. Following a broadly Gandhian perspective, therefore, the article rejects science's epistemological pretensions. Such rejection of Euro-science, the article points out, leads also to a denial of Europe's presumed universality. Finally, the paper offers some preliminary thoughts on a post-science reorganization of knowledge-creative practices.  相似文献   
There has been significant new work published recently on the subject of model selection. Notably Rissanen (1986, 1987, 1988) has introduced new criteria based on the notion of stochastic complexity and Hurvich and Tsai(1989) have introduced a bias corrected version of Akaike's information criterion. In this paper, a Monte Carlo study is conducted to evaluate the relative performance of these new model selection criteria against the commonly used alternatives. In addition, we compare the performance of all the criteria in a number of situations not considered in earlier studies: robustness to distributional assumptions, collinearity among regressors, and non-stationarity in a time series. The evaluation is based on the number of times the correct model is chosen and the out of sample prediction error. The results of this study suggest that Rissanen's criteria are sensitive to the assumptions and choices that need to made in their application, and so are sometimes unreliable. While many of the criteria often perform satisfactorily, across experiments the Schwartz Bayesian Information Criterion (and the related Bayesian Estimation Criterion of Geweke-Meese) seem to consistently outperfom the other alternatives considered.  相似文献   
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