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彊村被近代词坛尊为清季词学之大成者,其词学吴文英,又学苏轼。以微言寄托忧国之感,柔厚而深涩,意隐而不露。在意象锤炼方面极意求工,特别注重借特定物象来抒发幽深之情。又注重词境创造,一些写景之作,或由景抒情,或融情于景,具有感人的艺术魅力。彊村性灵高洁,襟抱冲远,其词冲淡醇雅,格高意远,词品极为高致,不愧为结穴千年传统词的殿军。  相似文献   
围绕城郊发展都市农业是重庆城乡统筹实践的重要内容。重庆在发展都市农业中应把握好已经提出或规划的城乡发展思路和契机,探索都市农业发展模式,逐步缩小城乡差别,转变生产生活方式,实现城乡统筹协调发展。  相似文献   
论五四时期中国社会的公民观念启蒙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经历先进中国人的探索与实践,新文化运动的知识精英认为挽救民族危机的根本途径在于启发民众思想,塑造新型人格国民,达到“人的解放”,而启蒙知识精英认为,中国传统社会伦理最大的缺陷就在于个人价值未被发现与承认。于是,五四启蒙知识分子以近代公民精神为诉求,从独立人格、个人权利、法治契约、功利取向、理性思维等方面输入西方公民意识,力图塑造新型人格的国民,承担起变革社会的重任,以达到国强民富的民族主义目标,但近代中国社会无法为公民观念的发育提供有效土壤,启蒙思潮面临外在困境与内在价值矛盾。  相似文献   
刘正 《殷都学刊》2008,(3):20-23
《库、方二氏藏甲骨卜辞》一书中第1506片甲骨刻辞涉及到所谓的“家谱刻辞”,对其真伪的研究,在过去的百年甲骨学史上,一直是甲骨学界和殷商史研究中争议不决的热点问题。而且,明显地形成了观点截然对立的以于省吾先生和胡厚宣先生为代表的真伪两派学术阵营。本文在认真考证和分析研究的基础上,得出了这片甲骨为真品的结论。  相似文献   
Although racial profiling is widely studied, the related issue of citizenship profiling by law enforcement has received little scholarly attention. In this study we begin to address citizenship profiling, which may be highly salient in light of the increasing policing of immigration in the United States through Secure Communities and other federal, state and local efforts to localize the enforcement of immigration laws. Using a sample of 563 Latina/o adults residing in 46 neighborhoods in El Paso County, Texas, USA, we assess the impacts of a variety of individual and neighborhood characteristics on the likelihood of being questioned about citizenship status by law enforcement. Results using hierarchical generalized linear models (HGLMs) show that, at the individual-level, first-generation Latina/o immigrants and second-Latina/os are more likely to be questioned about citizenship status than third- and later-generation Latina/os. At the neighborhood-level, living in a neighborhood with a mid-level of Latina/o immigrant characteristics increased the probability of being questioned. The implications of these findings for citizenship profiling are discussed.  相似文献   
Previous sociological research shows that exposure to stress varies by individuals’ social statuses and is a central mechanism in producing mental health disparities. This line of research suggests that ethnoracial groups are more exposed to racial discrimination, thus negatively impacting their mental health. There has also been a growing literature showing how legal status impacts the mental health of immigrants and their families. However, the sociology of mental health and migration literature has largely remained disparate. This paper bridges these literatures to highlight how living a deportation threat manifests itself as an anticipatory stressor that negatively impacts undocumented Mexican migrant women’s access to resources, social relationships, and social roles. Based on 30 semi-structured in-depth interviews with undocumented Mexican immigrant women from Houston, Texas, my findings reveal living a deportation threat is a perpetual anticipatory stressor that intensifies the effects of avoiding authorities, family fragmentation, and economic uncertainty. I argue this anticipatory stressor transforms into a chronic stressor that undocumented Mexican women confront daily. By situating this study within an anti-immigrant social context, it highlights the social processes and mechanisms that exacerbate the stressors undocumented Mexican immigrant women confront.  相似文献   
Research has established that being undocumented is a risk factor for mental and physical health conditions. Much of this work emphasizes undocumented immigrants’ chronic stress, yet key questions about pathways to health remain. The mere state of being undocumented is viewed as a general stressor, without considering actual levels of stress or identifying dimensions of documentation status that contribute to overall stress levels. Drawing on surveys and interviews with undocumented students at the University of California, we uncover the everyday manifestations of four dimensions of immigrant “illegality”: academic concerns, future concerns, financial concerns, and deportation concerns, and their association with reported stress levels and self-rated health. Survey data establish undocumented students’ high levels of stress and poorer health, in comparison to previous research on other national samples. In a structural equation model, we found academic and future concerns to be significantly associated with higher stress, which was in turn, associated with poorer self-rated health. Financial concerns were not associated with higher perceived stress but were directly associated with poorer self-rated health. Notably, deportation concerns did not have any significant independent associations with stress or health. We use our qualitative data to identify specific stressors embedded within these four dimensions. Our findings inform understandings of the health risks arising from documentation status.  相似文献   
从马克思主义文化观审视大众文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大众文化是一种新兴知识分子文化观念之产物,它充分地体现了大众的文化创造精神,是文化发展从自在到自觉的转变,鼓励大众的文化创造精神,利用大众文化形式是马克思主义文化观发展的必由之路,也是构建社会主义核心价值体系的重要形式。  相似文献   
本文主要探讨王阳明的生死智慧,并进而指出其现代意义。认为,阳明子以"尽性至命之学"来超越"生死之念",包括"惧死恋生之念"和"求死解脱之念",从而大悟"良知"之旨,实现了"昼夜生死"之体知;阳明子还以"死得其所"为生死践履,既要求人们为道义、事业而勇于献身,又要求人们应该保身全生(性),不要为取外物而伤身害命。阳明子的生死智慧既具有深远的历史意义,也具有现实的应用价值。  相似文献   
中国共产党正是以思想路线的坚持、发展与创新为动力不断推进着马克思主义中国化的历史进程,创立了一个又一个伟大理论成果。从逻辑和历史的角度进一步厘清党的思想路线与马克思主义中国化的内在联系,对于继续推进马克思主义中国化的伟大事业至关重要。党的思想路线是马克思主义中国化的哲学基础,党的思想路线是马克思主义中国化的生命线,党的思想路线创新是马克思主义中国化的精神动力。  相似文献   
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