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求开放平板线、外正三角形內圆同轴线、外方內圆同轴线、外正六边形內圆同轴线的特性阻抗而建立的精确保角变换的基础上,本文进一步讨论了显式逆变换函数,从而求得了这几种传输线的场分布的闭合表达式。由于所用保角变换的精确性,所得的显式场分布在内导体和外导体的内接圆尺寸之比小于0.5in。基本上是准确的,在这个尺寸比稍大些时也可作为参考。这些场分布对于了解传输线的功率容量,计算衰减常数,考虑功率耦合,设计有关的有源器件等都是必不可少的。文中获得的几种传输线的场分布的显著特点是计算方便,在一般实用范围內有足够的精度。  相似文献   
一、问题的提出指数是一个古老且为大家熟悉的经济分析方法。在复杂经济系统中,对于不同商品的总体,在数量上往往是不能直接加总的,要综合测定其变动程度,只有通过引进一个同度量因素,使之过渡到可以直接加总的综合指标,而后进行不同区域间或不同时期的对比,来测定...  相似文献   
The study of the dependence between two medical diagnostic tests is an important issue in health research since it can modify the diagnosis and, therefore, the decision regarding a therapeutic treatment for an individual. In many practical situations, the diagnostic procedure includes the use of two tests, with outcomes on a continuous scale. For final classification, usually there is an additional “gold standard” or reference test. Considering binary test responses, we usually assume independence between tests or a joint binary structure for dependence. In this article, we introduce a simulation study assuming two dependent dichotomized tests using two copula function dependence structures in the presence or absence of verification bias. We compare the test parameter estimators obtained under copula structure dependence with those obtained assuming binary dependence or assuming independent tests.  相似文献   
We describe methods to detect influential observations in a sample of pre-shapes when the underlying distribution is assumed to be complex Bingham. One of these methods is based on Cook's distance, which is derived from the likelihood of the complex Bingham distribution. Other method is related to the tangent space, which is based on the local influence for the multivariate normal distribution. A method to detect outliers is also explained. The application of the methods is illustrated in both a real dataset and a simulated sample.  相似文献   
We propose a novel observation-driven finite mixture model for the study of banking data. The model accommodates time-varying component means and covariance matrices, normal and Student’s t distributed mixtures, and economic determinants of time-varying parameters. Monte Carlo experiments suggest that units of interest can be classified reliably into distinct components in a variety of settings. In an empirical study of 208 European banks between 2008Q1–2015Q4, we identify six business model components and discuss how their properties evolve over time. Changes in the yield curve predict changes in average business model characteristics.  相似文献   
Questions related to lotteries are usually of interest to the public since people think there is a magic formula which will help them to win lottery draws. This note shows how to compute the expected waiting time to observe specific numbers in a sequence of lottery draws and show that surprising facts are expected to occur.  相似文献   
The generalized standard two-sided power (GTSP) distribution was mentioned only in passing by Kotz and van Dorp Beyond Beta, Other Continuous Families of Distributions with Bounded Support and Applications, World Scientific Press, Singapore, 2004. In this paper, we shall further investigate this three-parameter distribution by presenting some novel properties and use its more general form to contrast the chronology of developments of various authors on the two-parameter TSP distribution since its initial introduction. GTSP distributions allow for J-shaped forms of its pdf, whereas TSP distributions are limited to U-shaped and unimodal forms. Hence, GTSP distributions possess the same three distributional shapes as the classical beta distributions. A novel method and algorithm for the indirect elicitation of the two-power parameters of the GTSP distribution is developed. We present a Project Evaluation Review Technique example that utilizes this algorithm and demonstrates the benefit of separate powers for the two branches of activity GTSP distributions for project completion time uncertainty estimation.  相似文献   
在国外,对语言焦虑的研究起步较早,成果也较多。然而国内此类研究主要始于2000年,虽然短短的几年,但所发表的论文很多。作者仅从语言焦虑对听说读写的作用以及与英语学习成绩相关性两个角度,对国内学者发表于国内各种刊物上的调查报告和实证研究进行综述,在指出这些研究不足之处的同时提出今后研究的建议,最后简要探讨了焦虑研究对英语教学的启示。  相似文献   
意大利是欧洲资本主义萌芽诞生最早的国家,在欧洲的经济发展过程中处于举足轻重的地位。但是,在由中世纪向近代转变的过程中,意大利的经济却逐渐处于衰退的地位,最终被其他新兴的欧洲国家所取代。意大利的经济衰退主要是由于国内经济和国际经济环境因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   
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