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Consider a two-sampling scheme in which an initial sample is first taken from the underlying population and then by assuming a suitable restriction on this sample, some more data points are observed as a new restricted sample. This sampling scheme is used to do inference about the lower quantiles of the underlying distribution. The results are compared with those of simple random sampling in view of mean squared error and Pitman’s measure of closeness criteria for exponential and uniform distributions. It will be shown that the proposed sampling scheme would improve the performance of the point estimators of the lower quantiles of the population.  相似文献   

In this paper we establish Kolmogrov–Feller weak law of large numbers for maximal weighted sums of i.i.d. random variables.  相似文献   
A two sample cest is proposea ior Liie hypuLiiefexo in.; LUSL observations from a second sample are equivalent, in distribution, to the smallest of r independent realisations of the first sample.

Assuming H to be true the efficiency of parameter estimation for the exponential and normal distributions is then considered  相似文献   

Harter (1979) summarized applications of order statistics to multivariate analysis up through 1949. The present paper covers the period 1950–1959. References in the two papers were selected from the first and second volumes, respectively, of the author's chronological annotated bibliography on order statistics [Harter (1978, 1983)]. Tintner (1950a) established formal relations between four special types of multivariate analysis: (1) canonical correlation, (2) principal components, (3) weighted regression, and (4) discriminant analysis, all of which depend on ordered roots of determinantal equations. During the decade 1950–1959, numerous authors contributed to distribution theory and/or computational methods for ordered roots and their applications to multivariate analysis. Test criteria for (i) multivariate analysis of variance, (ii) comparison of variance–covariance matrices, and (iii) multiple independence of groups of variates when the parent population is multivariate normal were usually derived from the likelihood ratio principle until S. N. Roy (1953) formulated the union–intersection principles on which Roy & Bose (1953) based their simultaneous test and confidence procedure. Roy & Bargmann (1958) used an alternative procedure, called the step–down procedure, in deriving a test for problem (iii), and J. Roy (1958) applied the step–down procedure to problem (i) and (ii), Various authors developed and applied distribution theory for several multivariate distributions. Advances were also made on multivariate tolerance regions [Fraser & Wormleighton (1951), Fraser (1951, 1953), Fraser & Guttman (1956), Kemperman (1956), and Somerville (1958)], a criterion for rejection of multivariate outliers [Kudô (1957)], and linear estimators, from censored samples, of parameters of multivariate normal populations [Watterson (1958, 1959)]. Textbooks on multivariate analysis were published by Kendall (1957) and Anderson (1958), as well as a monograph by Roy (1957) and a book of tables by Pillai (1957).  相似文献   
In this article, we present EM algorithms for performing maximum likelihood estimation for three multivariate skew-normal regression models of considerable practical interest. We also consider the restricted estimation of the parameters of certain important special cases of two models. The methodology developed is applied in the analysis of longitudinal data on dental plaque and cholesterol levels.  相似文献   
Sharma (1977 Sharma , V. K. ( 1977 ). Change-over designs with complete balance for first and second order residual effect . Canad. J. Statist. 5 : 121132 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and Aggarwal et al. (2006 Aggarwal , M. L. , Deng , L.-Y. , Jha , M. K. ( 2006 ). Balanced residual treatment effects designs of first and second order . Statist. Probab. Lett. 76 : 597600 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) considered non circular construction of first- and second-order balanced repeated measurements designs. Sharma et al. (2002 Sharma , V. K. , Varghese , C. , Jaggi , S. ( 2002 ). On optimality of change-over designs balanced for first and second order residual effects . Metron 60 : 153162 . [Google Scholar]) constructed circular first- and second-order balanced repeated measurements designs only for a class with parameters (v, p = 3n, n = v 2) and also showed its universal optimality. In this article, we consider circular construction of first- and second-order balanced repeated measurements designs and strongly balanced repeated measurements designs by using the method of cyclic shifts. Some new circular designs with parameters (v, p, n) for cases p = v, p < v and p > v are given.  相似文献   
An inverse regression approach to analyzing quantal response assays with one quanritative independent- variable and any number of qualitative independent variables is presented. A general factorial model ror LQC- inverted relationship and methods of testing hypotheses estimating qulitative Interest are developed. This naper provides a modified method of analysis which is easier to apply than previously existing methods.  相似文献   
Standard resulrs on the extrema of quotients of quadratic forms are extended to the non-negative definite case. The maximum and the set over which it is achieved are characterized explicitly both in terms of generalized inverse matrices and generalized eigenvalues. These results become the basis of Scheffe type multiple comparisons in the usual way. To demonstrate their application to statistics with singular covariance matrices, the method is detailed for Mantel-Haenszel, Breslow, and Cox statistics. An example is presented illustrating a situation where the proposed Scheffe type comparisons may be better than the pairwise method.  相似文献   
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