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This article sets out to explore service provision for families affected by domestic violence and abuse. For most families where there are child protection concerns, there are possibilities for intervention from child welfare agencies and domestic abuse services, but these have been criticised as having distinct and disconnected practice cultures and orientation. Recognising this divergence, in this paper, we advocate for safeguarding children affected by domestic violence and abuse using the family group conference (FGC) model. This offers possibilities for a coherent response that integrates both child‐ and women‐centred concerns in a holistic approach to family safety and well‐being. Furthermore, it is well documented that safeguarding work involves professionally‐led decision‐making that is pre‐occupied with the management of risk. FGCs, however, promote a partnership approach that engages families in a more democratic decision‐making process. As such, FGCs offer families the opportunity to develop their own safety and support plans for the protection and care of children recognising the family's inherent strengths. 相似文献
James Cresswell Cody Rogers Jon Halvorsen Stephan Bonfield 《Journal for the theory of social behaviour》2019,49(2):198-211
This paper discusses cultural psychology and psychological training in football (soccer). Self‐Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1980) has shown to be pragmatically successful in sport and suggests that being regulated by autonomous forms of motivation leads to better psychological outcomes. Cultural psychologists would be tempted to dismiss SDT because it is predicated on an a‐cultural approach to mind. It is possible to nurture a stronger and more effective team culture by reframing SDT in a cultural direction. As such, this paper outlines a cultural approach that reconceptualizes SDT in a way that retains the latter's pragmatic value while not approaching mind in a self‐contained individualist manner. 相似文献
Beyond “identity” 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Theory and Society - 相似文献
Estimates of the prevalence of male‐male sexual contact are derived using data from five probability surveys conducted between 1970 and 1990. Estimated minimums of 5 to 7 percent of U.S. men report some same‐gender sexual contact during adulthood. Because of the likelihood of underreporting, these estimates might be considered lower bounds on the actual prevalence of such contact. Estimates show relatively little variation across social and demographic subgroups with the major exception that higher prevalence is reported among never‐married men, particularly those 35 and older. Some lesser variations are also found by service in the military, current residence, and current religious affiliation. Fragmentary evidence from these surveys suggests that some men may have episodic male‐male contact in adulthood while other men may have a relatively consistent and exclusive pattern of same‐gender contacts. Only one‐quarter to one‐half of the U.S. men who report male‐male contacts in adulthood also report having had such contacts during the preceding 12 months. In addition, the majority of men reporting same‐gender contacts in adulthood also report some male‐female contacts. Among men reporting same‐gender contacts in the preceding 12 months, however, the majority report exclusively male sexual contacts throughout adulthood. Potential implications of these findings for HIV prevention and research are discussed. 相似文献
Mary Rogers Gillmore Jan Gaylord Jane Hartway Marilyn J. Hoppe Diane M. Morrison Barbara C. Leigh 《Journal of sex research》2013,50(1):35-42
This article documents some findings of a sociological research project which was done in West Germany from 1970 ‐ 1973 (Dannecker/Reiche 1974). 139 contact‐persons, chosen by the authors, distributed 1617 questionnaires to homosexuals. 789 were filled out and sent back and constitute our sample. The complete research project comprises six themes: coming out; homosexual subculture; homosexual friendships; sexuality of homosexuals; jobs and the employments of homosexuals; the collective neurosis of homosexuals. 相似文献
RG DÜRRSCHMIDT 《全球网;跨国事务杂志》2006,6(3):245-263
Abstract The building blocks of global society are conventionally thought of in terms of ‘flows’, ‘scapes’, ‘key nodes’, and ‘global cities’, to name a few. We rarely consider borders and border regions. However, state borders provide a crucial component of a globalizing society in transition. Exhibiting a structural ambivalence, borders can be seedbeds of cosmopolitanism, sites of cultural closure, or often both simultaneously. To understand cross‐border interaction we have to engage with a complex configuration of global and sub‐global dynamics. In this article I argue that borders are revealing analytical tools that must be included in any grounded theory of global change. I draw on fieldwork conducted in the German‐Polish border region, mostly in the German‐Polish twin city Guben/Gubin. Here we are confronted with the simultaneous processes of globalization, European integration and post‐socialist transformation. 相似文献
We examined the influence of 3‐year‐olds’ facial characteristics on adults’ predictions of children's gender‐typical behaviors. Eighty‐nine adults viewed 12 photographs of children's faces differing in masculinity/femininity but matched for attractiveness. Half of the adults were told the sex of each child; half were not. Adults reported that masculine‐looking girls would be more likely to engage in masculine gender‐typical behavior and less likely to engage in feminine gender‐typical behavior compared with feminine‐looking girls. Adults also indicated that feminine‐looking boys would be more likely to engage in feminine gender‐typical behavior and less likely to engage in masculine gender‐typical behavior compared with masculine‐looking boys. When presented with both gender information and appearance cues, adults relied more heavily on the perceptual cue of appearance when predicting gender‐typical behaviors for both boys and girls. 相似文献
Christine Puckering John Rogers Maggie Mills A. D. Cox Magdalena Mattsson-G Raff 《Child Abuse Review》1994,3(4):299-310
Twenty-one mothers with severe parenting difficulties, including 12 children on the Child Protection Register, were involved in an intensive parenting intervention. The 4-month group-based package included psychotherapy to allow mothers to come to terms with past and present stressors, and direct and video work with mothers and children using a multi-dimensional model of parenting. Considerable positive change in interaction and child centredness was evident when before and after videotapes of the mothers and children were compared. Negative interaction dropped to one-quarter of the pre-group level and mothers were more effective in exercising appropriate control. Of the 12 children on the Child Protection Register, 10 subsequently had their names removed, with both remaining children returning to the mother's care from compulsory care. This compares favourably with area figures, suggesting that about one-third of children are removed annually from the register. The multi-dimensional model of parenting not only provided a basis for measuring mother's skills but a coherent focus for intervention. 相似文献
Rogers T.E. Orock 《Social Dynamics》2013,39(2):408-428
Violent crime poses important challenges for quotidian concerns over security and safety by ordinary citizens in several Africa states. This is especially so in contexts where state security agents are perceived as highly corrupt and/or where African states seem unable to “protect” their citizens from violent crime. The widespread sense of anxiety over various forms of violent crime and state failure to guarantee protection for citizens generates a quest for alternative practices of safety-making that, in turn, evoke serious concerns over state power and sovereignty in Africa. Focusing on mob justice in Cameroon, this article argues that the political contextualisation of sovereignty must pay attention not only to the sovereign’s right to kill and let live, but also its responsibility to guarantee safety for those citizens it chooses to let live. The paper demonstrates that in Cameroon mob justice is an insurgent mode of social control or securitisation as well as a contextual expression of contested sovereignty directed at the state’s unwillingness or incapacity to contain dangerous forms of violent crime. 相似文献
This study investigated victim culpability, credibility, and assault severity in a hypothetical sexual abuse case. A 2 (respondent gender)?×?3 (victim age)?×?3 (perpetrator type) between-subjects design was employed. Members (391) of the U.K. general public read the depiction of a female child assaulted by an adult male perpetrator. Respondents then completed an attributions questionnaire. Findings showed that male respondents were less positive toward victims and considered the victim less credible than female respondents. Younger victims (aged five years) were considered more credible than older children (aged 15 years). Victims of strangers were considered more positively and more credible than victims of someone known to them (their father or a family friend). Suggestions for future work are proposed. 相似文献