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Correspondence to David Phillips, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN. Summary This paper presents the findings of a major follow-up studyof independent living schemes (ILSs) for people with mentalhealth problems and people with learning difficulties. The surveywas undertaken in four local authority areas and covered 171schemes accommodating 481 residents. Information was gatheredon the characteristics of the schemes and their occupants, withparticular reference to the suitability of the ILSs in meetingresidents' needs. It was found that mixed-sex ILSs and ILSsrun by voluntary bodies in cooperation with statutory agencieshad higher than average success rates.  相似文献   
Correspondence to Dr Ray Jones, Director of Social Services, Wiltshire County Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wilts BA14 8LE Summary A survey was undertaken of 701 decisions in ‘child protection’;and ‘child-care’ cases within one local authority.Decision making at four filter points in case career was analysed.Filter 1 was when the case was initially referred to socialservices, Filter 2 was when consideration was given to holdinga case conference, Filter 3 was when a case conference was held,and Filter 4 was the review case conference following the initialcase conference. The major risk factors which determined decisionswere highlighted, and these were different at each filter level.The percentage of children who remained within the ‘childprotection system’ after decisions were taken at eachfilter level was analysed and recorded. The research found that,based on the risk factor weightings given by the independentauditors, workers were appropriately discriminating between‘child protection’ and ‘child-care’cases.  相似文献   
Summary Current criticisms of the correctional approach to offendersare examined, viz. (a) that it is ineffective, (b) that it isoften unjust, (c) that it is deterministic and (d) that thereare other approaches to which these strictures do not apply.It is concluded that these arguments do not justify the abandonmentof correctional policies.  相似文献   
Correspondence to Richard Pugh, North East Wales Institute of Higher Education, Plas Coch, Mold, Road, Wrexham, LL11 2AW, Wales. Summary This article contends that language should be seen as an importantelement of social difference and not simply subsumed under ‘race’.While it acknowledges the complex role of language as perhapsthe most significant means by which power is exercised, theprimary focus is upon understanding language as an importantaspect of differentiation that social service agencies needto consider. The results of a survey into Welsh language provisionwithin the guardian ad litem service in Wales are describedand used to develop a discussion on language policies, linguisticawareness, and anti-discriminatory practice more generally.The article contextualizes the Welsh results within the UK andoffers suggestions as to how services might be improved. Finally,it restates the broader relevance of the study of language asa necessary element in the analysis of discrimination.  相似文献   
Summary The Portsmouth Fostering Study was the first project undertakenby the Portsmouth Social Services Research and IntelligenceUnit which was set up in August 1972 under the joint auspicesof Portsmouth Polytechnic and Portsmouth Social Services Department. This article summarizes the report of the Study, the main focusof which was on the experiences of ex-foster parents and theproblems they had encountered. The study concludes that therole of the foster parent is not always made clear, and thatthe foster parent is placed in the position of being half client/halfcolleague  相似文献   
Although a significant econometric literature is concerned with the implicit demand for the attributes of differentiated goods in hedonic pricing models, the literature has developed independently of modern econometric demand analysis. This study estimates factor demand systems using data on player characteristics employed by Major League Baseball teams, and associated estimated hedonic prices. It is found that the implicit demand for player attributes by teams is largely consistent with the predictions of the neoclassical theory of the firm, in contrast to the results often obtained by empirical demand studies using conventional data sets. (JEL D21)  相似文献   
Suppose a number of countries produce a commodity which employs local labor and a type of capital that is internationally mobile. Within the framework of a specific-factors model the paper argues that there is a presumption about the international movement of capital when the relative price of the industry using that capital rises on world markets. Capital flows towards countries less heavily involved in producing the commodity; internal labor flows contribute toward worldwide industry dispersion; and the volume of international trade in that commodity tends to fall.  相似文献   
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