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This paper asks whether educational mismatches can account for the positive association between education and wage inequality found in the data. We use two different data sources, the European Community Household Panel and the Portuguese Labour Force Survey, and consider several types of mismatch, including overqualification, underqualification and skills mismatch. We test our hypothesis using two different measurement methods, the ‘statistical’ and the ‘subjective’ approach. The results are robust to the different choices and unambiguously show that the positive effect of education on wage inequality is not due to the prevalence of educational mismatches in the labour market.  相似文献   
Based on data from the Survey on Social Conditions in the Canary Islands of the Instituto Canario de Estadística, this study analyzes poverty in Canary households by island of residence, age, employment and the educational level of the main provider. In addition to accepted objective measures, we also estimate poverty using subjective methods, in which the poverty line is defined or obtained by the opinion of household members of their own level of poverty.  相似文献   
In this article, we study behavior in a series of two‐player supply chain game experiments. Each player simultaneously chooses a capacity before demand is realized, and sales are given by the minimum of realized demand and chosen capacities. We focus on the differences in behavior under fixed pairs and random rematching. Intuition suggests that long‐run relations should lead to more profitable outcomes. However, our results go against this intuition. While subjects' capacity choices are better aligned (i.e., closer together) under fixed pairs, average profits are more variable. Moreover, learning is slower under fixed pairs—so much so that over the last five periods, average profits are actually higher under random rematching. The underlying cause for this finding appears to be a “first‐impressions” bias, present only under fixed matching, in which the greater the misalignment in initial choices, the lower are average profits.  相似文献   
While recent studies underscore how financial stress and lack of tangible assets significantly increase the odds of intimate partner violence (IPV) among couples, little is known about these effects over time. Theoretically informed by family stress theory, this study examines the influence of changing subjective reports of economic hardship over time on the risk for IPV. Specifically, we test two hypotheses: (1) change in economic hardship significantly predicts IPV; and, specifically, (2) increased economic hardship or unstable economic conditions increases the risk of IPV. Using longitudinal data from the Fragile Families and Child Well-being Study, we assess the incidence of IPV for 941 women in committed relationships. Results from our logistic regression analyses suggest that after controlling for numerous demographic factors, women who never experienced economic hardship had lower odds of experiencing IPV than those who did. Further, women who experienced high levels of economic hardship over time had the highest odds of experiencing IPV. However, the effects of changing economic hardship on IPV were attenuated once maternal depression and parenting stress were controlled. Results are discussed in terms of practice and policy implications.  相似文献   
The usual approach for diagnosing collinearity proceeds by centering and standardizing the regressors. The sample correlation matrix of the predictors is then the basic tool for describing approximate linear combinations that may distort the conclusions of a standard least-square analysis. However, as indicated by several authors, centering may eventually fail to detect the sources of ill-conditioning. In spite of this earlier claim, there does not seem to be in the literature a fully clear explanation of the reasons for this bad potential behavior of the traditional strategy for analyzing collinearity. This note studies this issue in some detail. Results derived are motivated by the analysis of a well-known real dataset. Practical conclusions are illustrated with several examples.  相似文献   
This paper aims to contribute to the literature on poverty and social exclusion by analysing the type of deprivation of the household where the child lives and the level of deprivation that child experiences. Using the EU-SILC 2009 module on deprivation for Spain, we find that the level of child deprivation varies among household types, that is, even after controlling for the socio-economic characteristics of the household and parents, the lack of certain items at the household level induces a more intense child deprivation. Therefore, we can conclude that there exists an association between child deprivation and the household deprivation profile that surpasses the socio-demographic characteristics of the household and parents.  相似文献   
A perturbative approach is used to derive approximations of arbitrary order to estimate high percentiles of sums of positive independent random variables that exhibit heavy tails. Closed-form expressions for the successive approximations are obtained both when the number of terms in the sum is deterministic and when it is random. The zeroth order approximation is the percentile of the maximum term in the sum. Higher orders in the perturbative series involve the right-truncated moments of the individual random variables that appear in the sum. These censored moments are always finite. As a result, and in contrast to previous approximations proposed in the literature, the perturbative series has the same form regardless of whether these random variables have a finite mean or not. For high percentiles, and specially for heavier tails, the quality of the estimate improves as more terms are included in the series, up to a certain order. Beyond that order the convergence of the series deteriorates. Nevertheless, the approximations obtained by truncating the perturbative series at intermediate orders are remarkably accurate for a variety of distributions in a wide range of parameters.  相似文献   
A new diagnostic method for VARMA(p,q) time series models is introduced. The procedure is based on a statistic that generalizes to a multivariate setting the properties of the usual univariate ARMA(p,q) residual correlations. A multiple version of the cumulative periodogram statistic is also suggested. Simulation studies and one real data application are presented.  相似文献   
We introduce a Bayesian instrumental variable procedure with spatial random effects that handles endogeneity, and spatial dependence with unobserved heterogeneity. We find through a limited Monte Carlo experiment that our proposal works well in terms of point estimates and prediction. We apply our method to analyze the welfare effects generated by a process of electricity tariff unification on the poorest households. In particular, we deduce an Equivalent Variation measure where there is a budget constraint for a two-tiered pricing scheme, and find that 10% of the poorest municipalities attained welfare gains above 2% of their initial income.  相似文献   
The current study examines whether daily coping moderates the effects of daily stress on same‐day mood and next‐day mood among 58 Latino adolescents (Mage = 13.31; 53% male). The daily diary design capitalized on repeated measurements, boosting power to detect effects and allowing for a robust understanding of the day‐to‐day experiences of Latino adolescents. Hierarchical linear modeling revealed that on days when youth reported higher levels of peer and academic stress, they also reported more negative moods. However, only poverty‐related stress predicted mood the following day. Engagement coping buffered the effect of poverty‐related stress on next‐day negative and positive mood, while disengagement exacerbated the effects of academic and peer stress. The need for interventions promoting balanced coping repertoires is discussed.  相似文献   
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