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Weibull distributions have received wide ranging applications in many areas including reliability, hydrology and communication systems. Many estimation methods have been proposed for Weibull distributions. But there has not been a comprehensive comparison of these estimation methods. Most studies have focused on comparing the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) with one of the other approaches. In this paper, we first propose an L-moment estimator for the Weibull distribution. Then, a comprehensive comparison is made of the following methods: the method of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), the method of logarithmic moments, the percentile method, the method of moments and the method of L-moments. 相似文献
Robert W. Lien Seyed M. R. Iravani Karen Smilowitz Michal Tzur 《Production and Operations Management》2011,20(5):699-713
Transshipment, the sharing of inventory among parties at the same echelon level of a supply chain, can be used to reduce costs. The effectiveness of transshipment is in part determined by the configuration of the transshipment network. We introduce chain configurations in transshipment settings, where every party is linked in one connected loop. Under simplifying assumptions we show analytically that the chain configuration is superior to configurations suggested in the literature. In addition, we demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of chain configurations for more general scenarios and provide managerial insights regarding preferred configurations for different problem parameters. 相似文献
Mehdi Amini Robert F. Otondo Brian D. Janz Mitzi G. Pitts 《Production and Operations Management》2007,16(5):586-598
RFID technology provides in‐depth, real‐time visibility into the status of assets throughout the supply chain. However, the deployment of RFID technology may have collateral value in the high‐quality data generated by these assets. This study explores the potential value of RFID data for tactical and strategic purposes and the redesign of processes within supply chain through the deployment of simulation modeling and analysis. We present a simulation study conducted at a regional hospital for which data related to trauma patient movement was collected with an RFID‐based system. We find that not only does this data serve as the basis for successful simulation modeling, but that RFID technology may address several data‐related challenges previously identified in the simulation literature. 相似文献
Mehdi Khashei 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2013,42(9):2625-2640
ABSTRACTSeries hybrid models are one of the most widely-used hybrid models that in which a time series is assumed to be composed of two linear and nonlinear components. In this paper, the performance of two types of these hybrid models is evaluated for predicting stock prices in order to introduce the more reliable series hybrid model. For this purpose, ARIMA and MLPs are elected for constructing series hybrid models. Empirical results for forecasting three benchmark data sets indicate that despite of more popularity of the conventional ARIMA-ANN model, the ANN-ARIMA hybrid model can overall achieved more accurate results. 相似文献
Although multivariate statistical process control has been receiving a well-deserved attention in the literature, little work has been done to deal with multi-attribute processes. While by the NORTA algorithm one can generate an arbitrary multi-dimensional random vector by transforming a multi-dimensional standard normal vector, in this article, using inverse transformation method, we initially transform a multi-attribute random vector so that the marginal probability distributions associated with the transformed random variables are approximately normal. Then, we estimate the covariance matrix of the transformed vector via simulation. Finally, we apply the well-known T 2 control chart to the transformed vector. We use some simulation experiments to illustrate the proposed method and to compare its performance with that of the deleted-Y method. The results show that the proposed method works better than the deleted-Y method in terms of the out-of-control average run length criterion. 相似文献
Most existing risk management models for process industries do not consider the effect of insurance coverage, which results in an overestimation of overall risk. A model is presented in this article to study the effect of insurance coverage of health, safety, environmental, and business risks. The effect of insurance recovery is modeled through the application of adjustment factors by considering the stochastic factors affecting insurance recovery. The insurance contract's conditions, deductibles, and policy limits are considered in developing the insurance recovery adjustment factors. Copula functions and Monte Carlo simulations are used to develop the distribution of the aggregate loss by considering the dependence among loss classes. A case study is used to demonstrate both the practical application of the proposed insurance model to improve management decisions, and the mitigating effect of insurance to minimize the residual risk. 相似文献
Mehdi Jabbari Nooghabi 《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2019,89(8):1466-1481
In this paper, we introduce two new statistics for detecting outliers in the Pareto distribution. These new statistics are the extension of the statistics for detecting outliers in exponential and gamma distributions. In fact, we compare the power of our test statistics with the other statistics and select the best test statistic for detecting outliers in the Pareto distribution. Finally, numerical examples of different insurance claims are used to see the performance of the test. 相似文献
In this article, by considering a multivariate normal mean–variance mixture distribution, we derive the exact joint distribution of linear combinations of order statistics and their concomitants. From this general result, we then deduce the exact marginal and conditional distributions of order statistics and their concomitants arising from this distribution. We finally illustrate the usefulness of these results by using a Swiss markets dataset. 相似文献
Mehrab Tanhaeean Negin Nazari Seyed Hosein Iranmanesh Majid Abdollahzade 《Risk analysis》2023,43(1):19-43
Having started since late 2019, COVID-19 has spread through far many nations around the globe. Not being known profoundly, the novel virus of the Coronaviruses family has already caused more than half a million deaths and put the lives of many more people in danger. Policymakers have implemented preventive measures to curb the outbreak of the virus, and health practitioners along with epidemiologists have pointed out many social and hygienic factors associated with the virus incidence and mortality. However, a clearer vision of how the various factors cited hitherto can affect total death in different communities is yet to be analyzed. This study has put this issue forward. Applying artificial intelligence techniques, the relationship between COVID-19 death toll and determinants mentioned as strongly influential in earlier studies was investigated. In the first stage, employing Best-Worst Method, the weight of the primer contributing factor, effectiveness of strategies, was estimated. Then, using an integrated Best-Worst Method–local linear neuro-fuzzy–adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system approach, the relationship between COVID-19 mortality rate and all factors namely effectiveness of strategies, age pyramid, health system status, and community health status was elucidated more specifically. 相似文献
This paper examines the effect of ethical performance on the value of a company and the attractiveness of its stocks for major owners; institutional investors and insiders. Using the Ethisphere® Institute Ethics Quotient to distinguish between ethical and unethical companies, results show that good ethical performance enhanced company value for a sample of 240 large US companies. Furthermore, strong evidence is found that institutional investors are attracted to ethical companies, but that insiders do not show any investment preferences based on the ethical performance of a company.