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李珊 《统计研究》1988,5(6):56-57
工业企业统计执行的是“报告统计”模式,统计工作主要是为计划和上级服务的。经济体制改革以来,工业企业的内部条件、外部环境,特别是企业的性质发生了深刻的变化。传统的工业企业统计已难以满足企业发展的需要。建立适应我国经济体制改革需要的工业企业统计新模式,就成为必须解决的重大课题。从企业改革的实际来看,建立工业企业统计的新模式应遵守下列原则:(1)一定要满足生产经营型工业企业的需要。(2)要实现工业企业统计总体观念的转变。(3)与国家整个经济体制改革相适应。  相似文献   
在我国,扣押是一种常规的对物的侦查手段。在启动程序、决定程序、配套程序、程序救济与制裁等方面,我国扣押制度存在一系列问题,影响了它在域外资产追回中应有的作用。当前,我国可在坚持司法主权的原则下,将扣押界定为刑事强制处分、明确其所有权归属、坚持司法救济原则、完善司法协助中异议与裁决机制。  相似文献   
万历《顺天府志》是北京历史上第一部保存完整的府志,也是现存最完整的一部明代官修北京志书,具有重要的文献价值。作者从分析其体例结构和纂修特点入手,将它与清人纂修的康熙、光绪《顺天府志》和乾隆《日下旧闻考》作了基本比较,指出志书究竟是篇幅宏大好还是简明扼要好,何为质量上乘的精品佳志,不能一概而论,要作系统研究和具体分析,认为从版本学、方志学、文献学和历史研究而言,万历《顺天府志》都具有不可或缺的重要意义。  相似文献   
"孤"和"寡人"二词历来被释为王侯自称的谦词,但学术界对此争论不断。文章结合二词的本义,对《左传》中二词的全部102条用例进行了穷尽性的分析、比较,认为春秋时期诸侯有凶事时自称曰"孤",其余一般情况下自称为"寡人",即"有凶称孤,无凶则称寡人"。  相似文献   
自创业板市场开启以来,我国私募股权基金与创业板市场双双得到长足发展。相对于创业板市场,私募股权基金无疑是天使,促进了创业板市场的发展与完善。然而,行业的无序竞争、普通合伙人融资困难、基金投资短视等弊端暴露了我国私募股权基金行业法制建设落后、监管制度不健全、配套机制建设滞后等问题,中国私募股权基金第一弊案正是这些问题的集中反映。天使在某种情况下也会变成魔鬼,不健全的私募股权基金将会严重损害创业板市场的发展。对此,我国应当通过构建完备的法律体系、强化监管制度、推动配套机制建设等多种方式,促使私募股权基金与创业板市场的协调发展。  相似文献   
UMHexagonS算法是H.264/AVC所采纳的整像素的快速运动估计算法之一,该算法在保持良好的率失真性能的前提下,相比全搜索算法(FS)可节约70%的运算量。根据UMHexagonS算法的特点,可从三个方面对该算法进行优化:加入零运动块判决;改进的5*5螺旋搜索;优化的多层次六边形搜索。仿真实验结果表明,在保证PSNR和码率几乎不变的情况下,优化算法可有效降低运动估计时间,从而提高H.264/AVC编码器的实时性。  相似文献   

This study investigated the roles and interconnections among community organizations belonging to local disaster coalitions in Midwest in supporting older residents. Representatives from 44 organizations participated in one-time survey. Most were non-profit (68%) or federal/state/local government agencies (23%). The analyses of 761 relationships showed stronger collaborations in assessment (average strength=2.88 on a 5-point scale), emergency response (2.72), and planning (2.61); and weaker collaborations in co-sponsoring programs (1.71) and supporting older residents (2.03). The extent of collaboration (network density) to support older adults was also low. Coalitions may enhance network density and centralization by developing sub-committee structure and strengthening existing collaborations.  相似文献   
This article deals with the topic of optimal allocation of two standby redundancies in a two-component series/parallel system. There are two original components C1 and C2 which can be used to construct a series/parallel system, and two spares R1 (same as C1) and R2 (different from both C1 and C2) at hand with them being standby redundancies so as to enhance the reliability level of the system. The goal for an engineer is to seek after the optimal allocation policy in this framework. It is shown that, for the series structure, the engineer should allocate R2 to C1 and R1 to C2 provided that C1 (or R1) performs either the best or worst among all the units; otherwise, the allocation policy should be reversed. For the parallel structure, the optimal allocation strategy is just opposed to that of series case. We also provide some numerical examples for illustrating the theoretical results.  相似文献   
Four testing procedures are considered for testing the response rate of one sample correlated binary data with a cluster size of one or two, which often occurs in otolaryngologic and ophthalmologic studies. Although an asymptotic approach is often used for statistical inference, it is criticized for unsatisfactory type I error control in small sample settings. An alternative to the asymptotic approach is an unconditional approach. The first unconditional approach is the one based on estimation, also known as parametric bootstrap (Lee and Young in Stat Probab Lett 71(2):143–153, 2005). The other two unconditional approaches considered in this article are an approach based on maximization (Basu in J Am Stat Assoc 72(358):355–366, 1977), and an approach based on estimation and maximization (Lloyd in Biometrics 64(3):716–723, 2008a). These two unconditional approaches guarantee the test size and are generally more reliable than the asymptotic approach. We compare these four approaches in conjunction with a test proposed by Lee and Dubin (Stat Med 13(12):1241–1252, 1994) and a likelihood ratio test derived in this article, in regards to type I error rate and power for sample sizes from small to medium. An example from an otolaryngologic study is provided to illustrate the various testing procedures. The unconditional approach based on estimation and maximization using the test in Lee and Dubin (Stat Med 13(12):1241–1252, 1994) is preferable due to the power advantageous.  相似文献   
循环经济的发展除了需要外源性的制度安排,更重要的是企业要有内源性动力.企业家是创新的行为主体,循环经济产生与演进过程离不开企业家这一重要角色.企业家精神的三大要素与循环经济发展具有内在的一致性,企业家精神和企业家网络在循环经济发展中发挥着重要作用,可以从激发企业家精神和建设企业家网络两个角度采取措施,促进循环经济发展.  相似文献   
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