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Despite affirmation that students with disabilities should have equal access to education, individuals with disabilities are still not participating to the same degree as individuals without disabilities, particularly within postsecondary institutions. Students in Health and Human Service (HHS) programs experience many unique challenges and disadvantages. In-depth focus groups and interviews were conducted with 14 university stakeholders in HHS programs regarding their perceptions and experiences of working with students with disabilities. We found that the rhetoric of citizenship, specifically notions of rationality, autonomy, and productivity, interacts with beliefs about students with disabilities to allow stakeholders to justify their exclusion or limited participation. Our findings demonstrate how taken-for-granted beliefs can limit the inclusion of students with disabilities in ways that seem natural and unproblematic.  相似文献   
This study considers the problem of testing for a parameter change in integer-valued time series models in which the conditional density of current observations is assumed to follow a Poisson distribution. As a test, we consider the CUSUM of the squares test based on the residuals from INGARCH models and find that the test converges weakly to the supremum of a Brownian bridge. A simulation study demonstrates its superiority to the residual and standardized residual-based CUSUM tests of Kang and Lee [Parameter change test for Poisson autoregressive models. Scand J Statist. 2014;41:1136–1152] and Lee and Lee [CUSUM tests for general nonlinear inter-valued GARCH models: comparison study. Ann Inst Stat Math. 2019;71:1033–1057.] as well as the CUSUM of squares test based on standardized residuals.  相似文献   
The paper is based on original empirical research into the lifestyle migration of European migrants, primarily British, to Thailand and Malaysia, and of Hong Kong Chinese migrants to Mainland China. We combine strong structuration theory (SST) with Heideggerian phenomenology to develop a distinctive approach to the interplay between social structures and the lived experience of migrants. The approach enables a rich engagement with the subjectivities of migrants, an engagement that is powerfully enhanced by close attention to how these inner lives are deeply interwoven with relevant structural contexts. The approach is presented as one that could be fruitfully adopted to explore parallel issues within all types of migration. As is intrinsic to lifestyle migration, commitment to a better quality of life is central to the East Asian migrants, but they seek an uncomplicated, physically enhanced texture of life, framed more by a phenomenology of prosaic well‐being than of self‐realization or transcendence. In spite of possessing economic and status privileges due to their relatively elite position within global structures the reality for a good number of the lifestyle migrants falls short of their prior expectations. They are subject to particular kinds of socio‐structural marginaliszation as a consequence of the character of their migration, and they find themselves relatively isolated and facing a distinct range of challenges. A comparison with research into various groups of migrants to the USA brings into relief the specificities of the socio‐structural positioning of the lifestyle migrants of the study. Those East Asian migrants who express the greatest sense of ease and contentment seem to be those who have responded creatively to the specific challenges of their socio‐structural situation. Often, this appears to have been achieved through understated but active involvements with their new settings and through sustaining focused transnational connections and relationships.  相似文献   
Discourses regarding a ‘global obesity crisis’ and alternative frames (e.g. weight‐inclusive approaches to health) have proliferated through various media of communication. These media range from traditional print and visual formats (e.g. newspapers and television shows) to digital media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube), which enable different publics to produce, and not just consume, text, images and other data relating to the body. Reflecting a sociological understanding of educational practices as extending beyond formal schooling, mediated obesity discourse and counter‐movements have also been conceptualised as public pedagogies, which instruct people how to relate to their own and other's bodies, health and subjectivities. This article examines what is critically known about various media at a time when governments and agencies are reinvigorating the global war on obesity, with populations being ‘advised’ to become and remain conscientious weight watchers. In conclusion, the article underscores the salience of social studies of the media when seeking to rethink obesity, incorporating critical reference to moral panic theory and the need to better understand what media can ‘do’ as enactments of public pedagogy.  相似文献   
AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis - We introduce the novel notion of the integrated characteristic function and its empirical counterpart. Some basic properties of these new objects are...  相似文献   
We consider a logistic regression model for a binary response where part of its covariates are subject‐specific random intercepts and slopes from a large number of longitudinal covariates. These random effect covariates must be estimated from the observed data, and therefore, the model essentially involves errors in covariates. Because of high dimension and high correlation of the random effects, we employ longitudinal principal component analysis to reduce the total number of random effects to some manageable number of random effects. To deal with errors in covariates, we extend the conditional‐score equation approach to this moderate dimensional logistic regression model with random effect covariates. To reliably solve the conditional‐score equations in moderate/high dimension, we apply a majorization on the first derivative of the conditional‐score functions and a penalized estimation by the smoothly clipped absolute deviation. The method was evaluated through a set of simulation studies and applied to a data set with longitudinal cortical thickness of 68 regions of interest to identify biomarkers that are related to dementia transition.  相似文献   
A serious concern throughout the world, the ever‐rising cost of healthcare is particularly challenging in resource‐strapped emerging economies. A study of the management of expensive operating rooms in a public hospital in a northern region of Malaysia highlights how effective scheduling of operations and a reduction in the number of cancellations can help contain healthcare costs. It also identifies five categories of disruptions to operating room schedules, pinpoints the underlying root causes, and offers recommendations on how these problems might be avoided. The findings are relevant to any nation that faces the twin problems of an increased demand for healthcare services from a rapidly growing elderly population and rising costs of advanced surgical techniques. It also shows how several tactics that typically are associated with manufacturing can be used to address problems in the service sector.  相似文献   
This paper examines the effectiveness and efficiency of welfare programmes that are relevant to child poverty reduction in Hong Kong. We employ data from a cross‐sectional survey of a representative sample of families, conducted in 2015 through face‐to‐face interviews. Our results indicate that all four welfare programmes were inadequate in alleviating child poverty. This was either due to the deep poverty gap to be filled or high rates of exclusion error. Most programmes are also inefficient because of inclusion error. We conclude by suggesting some policy implications for the welfare programmes.  相似文献   
My social identity as a diasporic Korean American male sometimes engendered doubts about my competency as a cultural anthropologist of South Korea. Such ethnonational gatekeeping by my ‘native’ Korean colleagues laid bare broader critiques of ‘the West’. Paradoxically, they also prompted re-entrenchments of nativeness (and implicitly, non-nativeness) by my colleagues despite their increasingly ‘non-native’ transnational identities. These embodied cultural boundaries are less visible (and arguably less consequential) to those viewed as recognisably non-native Asian (for example, white, Euro-American) or native Asian. But they are markedly visible and relevant to diasporic subjects who fit less comfortably within both boundary-enforcing classifications. The figure of the diasporic anthropologist reveals presumed racialised and gendered markers of difference—chiefly the unmarked but organising role of whiteness—conveniently subsumed under categories of ‘the West’ and ‘Asia’. Consequently, recent calls for ‘global anthropology’ against ‘Euro-American academic hegemony’ that fail to address this essentialising tendency, although important, remain inadequate.  相似文献   
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