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Our objective was to estimate the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) and to explore its association with childhood maltreatment, substance misuse, posttraumatic stress, and suicidal behavior in a representative community sample of women. IPV was operationalized as a "physical attack or beating by a spouse, boyfriend, or live-in partner." We surveyed 637 women in Memphis, Tennessee, by telephone survey. Sixteen percent reported ever experiencing IPV by a male partner, and 75% endorsed multiple assaultive acts. Of abused women, 5.9% met current PTSD diagnostic criteria, and an additional 11.8% were assessed with subthreshold symptoms. Abused women were more likely than other women to be divorced, to have less than 13 years education, to endorse high levels of childhood victimization, to have abused drugs and alcohol, and to have attempted suicide. Twenty-three percent of IPV+ (abused) women reported a suicide attempt at some time in their lives compared with 3% of IPV- (nonabused) women (p < .0001). Further, multiple logistic regression analysis showed that childhood sexual and emotional abuse and low educational attainment were the only significant predictors of IPV. These results suggest that in women who endorse IPV, careful inquiry of past abuse, trauma-related symptoms, suicidal behavior, and drug use may be important, so that interventions can be both timely and appropriate. 相似文献
Abstract This paper examines the tendency towards income convergence among China's main provinces during the two periods: the pre‐reform period 1953–1977 and the reform period 1978–1997 using the framework of the Solow growth model. The panel data method accounts for not only province‐specific initial technology level but also the heterogeneity of the technological progress rate between the fast‐growing coastal and interior provinces. Estimation problems of weak instruments and endogeneity are addressed by the use of a system generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator. The main empirical finding is that there is a system‐wide income divergence during the reform period because the coastal provinces do not share a common technology progress rate with the interior provinces. 相似文献
Urban Ecosystems - Urban agriculture can provide food security that is essential to sustainable development goals. Citizen education plays a vital role in urban agriculture formation. The present... 相似文献
Rebecca Soraya Gorjy Angela Fielding Marita Falkmer 《Child & Family Social Work》2017,22(4):1488-1496
This article reports on the lived experiences of 11 adolescents who have a brother or a sister with a diagnosis of autism spectrum condition. Through semistructured, in‐depth, in‐person interviews, these adolescents shared their experiences and perceptions. These exploratory findings can be used to inform the practice of social workers and other health professionals, and future research. Implications for practice focus on the importance of exploring experiences and perceptions of siblings of children diagnosed with autism spectrum condition to enhance support services for these siblings. 相似文献
Mark Tremayne 《Social movement studies》2014,13(1):110-126
Two months before the first Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protest in September 2011, activists were using Twitter to organize and spread the movement. In this study, the earliest Twitter messages regarding #OccupyWallStreet were subjected to network analysis to answer these questions: What were the central hubs in the OWS discourse on Twitter in the summer of 2011? How did OWS emerge from among several social movement organizations to lead a nationwide series of demonstrations? What were the key points in the Twitter dialogue that aided the process of scale shift? By addressing these questions, this research connects social movement concepts with network centrality measures to provide a clearer picture of movements in the digital era. 相似文献
Useful models for time series of counts or simply wrong ones? 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
There has been a considerable and growing interest in low integer-valued time series data leading to a diversification of modelling approaches. In addition to static regression models, both observation-driven and parameter-driven models are considered here. We compare and contrast a variety of time series models for counts using two very different data sets as a testbed. A range of diagnostic devices is employed to help inform model adequacy. Special attention is paid to dynamic structure and underlying distributional assumptions including associated dispersion properties. Competing models show attractive features, but overall no one modelling approach is seen to dominate. 相似文献