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Ying-Ying Zhang Ze-Yu Wang Zheng-Min Duan Wen Mi 《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2019,89(16):3061-3074
For the hierarchical Poisson and gamma model, we calculate the Bayes posterior estimator of the parameter of the Poisson distribution under Stein's loss function which penalizes gross overestimation and gross underestimation equally and the corresponding Posterior Expected Stein's Loss (PESL). We also obtain the Bayes posterior estimator of the parameter under the squared error loss and the corresponding PESL. Moreover, we obtain the empirical Bayes estimators of the parameter of the Poisson distribution with a conjugate gamma prior by two methods. In numerical simulations, we have illustrated: The two inequalities of the Bayes posterior estimators and the PESLs; the moment estimators and the Maximum Likelihood Estimators (MLEs) are consistent estimators of the hyperparameters; the goodness-of-fit of the model to the simulated data. The numerical results indicate that the MLEs are better than the moment estimators when estimating the hyperparameters. Finally, we exploit the attendance data on 314 high school juniors from two urban high schools to illustrate our theoretical studies. 相似文献
ABSTRACT This paper mainly focuses on the development of disaster social work in Mainland China and the intervention of social work in disaster relief. Before the Wenchuan earthquake and in the initial stage of post-earthquake, disaster social work was mainly based on individual psychotherapy; from the earthquake to the year of 2012 in which post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction was completed, the disaster relief began to emphasise community building and integration, while the basic framework for disaster social work was also established. Social workers begin to explore the new mode of developmental and localised disaster social work. By combining with the practical experiences from disaster social work, this paper tries to highlight the dilemmas confronting disaster relief in Mainland China and put forward some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, which could improve the future disaster relief system in Mainland China. 相似文献
Yuebao Wang 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2020,49(14):3352-3374
AbstractOn the basis of Wang and Cheng (J. Math. Anal. Appl. 384 (2011) 597–606), this paper further investigates elementary renewal theorems for counting processes generated by random walks with widely orthant dependent increments. The obtained results improve the corresponding ones of the above-mentioned paper mainly in the sense of weakening the moment conditions on the positive parts of the increments. Meanwhile, a revised version of strong law of large numbers for random walks with widely orthant dependent increments is established, which improves Theorem 1.4 of Wang and Cheng (2011) by enlarging the regions of dominating coefficients. Finally, by using the above results, some precise large deviation results for a nonstandard renewal risk model are established, in which the innovations are widely orthant dependent random variables with common heavy tails, and the inter-arrival times are also widely orthant dependent. 相似文献
维护职工合法权益是工会的基本职责。近年来高校工会工作对象从编制内人员扩展到非编制人员,维权服务工作面临着新的问题和挑战。基于S省高校的抽样调查数据与深度访谈资料显示,各高校在签订劳动合同、缴纳社会保险等方面都能按照要求规范进行,能按时足额发放薪酬,有相应的制度和管理规范,非编制人员的基本权益得到了保障。各高校工会组织积极履职,提高非编制人员的组织化程度和维权意识,帮助他们反映合理诉求,维护和保障非编制人员的合法权益,保证了职工队伍的稳定和谐。但也存在着工会维权职能发挥不充分,法治方式运用不足;工会制度不到位,维权机制不健全;工会主动作为不够,作用发挥不充分等问题。因此,创新高校工会非编制人员维权工作,必须加强法治思维,树立依法维权的理念;加强制度建设,完善工会维权机制;加强人文关怀,发挥工会桥梁和纽带作用。 相似文献
AbstractWith a shift to more automation technology, social acceptance of technology plays an important role in the manufacturing sector. To what extent this occurs, and affects the adoption of technology, has been less researched, but is important in deciding how such technology is introduced, and the nature of the shift from labour-intensive manufacturing to automation. This research applies the revised technology acceptance model (TAM) to examine the impact of social and individual antecedents on the acceptance of automation manufacturing technology. Survey data are collected from 258 Chinese manufacturers. Results suggest that perceived norms significantly affect organizational intention to use automation manufacturing technology both directly and via perceived usefulness; organizational efficacy explains the intention to use via mediating effect of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. This research is one of the first extending and applying TAM from individuals to organizations. 相似文献
Chenyang Wang 《Studies in Gender and Sexuality》2020,21(1):1-11
ABSTRACTSexual difference, as understood by contemporary Lacanian scholars, is the Real that marks a constitutive gap or discord beneath the construction of sexual identity, but in what way does the Real relate to the Symbolic in a process of becoming a sexed subject? This article explores the possibility of sexual differentiation through a psychoanalytic conceptualization of temporal organization and rearrangement. Taking the moment of the “primal view” in Freud’s text as its point of departure, this article demonstrates that the origin of sexual difference in psychoanalysis is actually a temporal difference between two processes of becoming, explained by Freud’s Nachträglichkeit and Lacan’s future anterior, respectively. In comparison with women’s time, it is argued that the Lacanian temporal relationality promotes a new epistemology of sexed subjectivity that permits an expanded understanding of the lived experience of being sexed. 相似文献
中阿教育合作的现状与未来--从中埃教育合作谈起 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对于包括中国和阿拉伯国家在内的发展中国家来说,教育国际化犹如一把"双刃剑",既为之带来难得的机遇,又使之面临严峻的挑战.因此,中阿双方应积极参与教育国际化,构筑中阿教育合作的平台,使各自的民族教育以高起点和高速度融入国际教育主流,缩小与发达国家在教育领域的差距.事实上,由于双方多年来的共同努力,中阿教育合作已呈现出合作规模不断扩大、合作领域逐渐拓宽、合作层次日益提高的趋势.鉴于埃及是与中国开展教育合作起步最早、成绩最为显著的阿拉伯国家,本文在简要回顾中埃教育合作现状和分析中阿教育合作有利因素的基础上,对中阿双方如何进一步加强教育合作提出几点具体建议. 相似文献
清代回疆地区法律典章的研究与注释 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
作者首先对回疆地区单行法规《回疆则例》的名称、内容、修订情况、性质作了新的阐发。其次考释了嘉庆年间回疆参赞大臣署衙所藏法律文献,并结合史实分析全国性法规在回疆的实施情况。复次在前人研究的基础上对回疆地区伊斯兰教经典的文本、著者、内容及影响作了更深入的研究。最后分析了回疆法律体系的特点。作者认为,清代法律和伊斯兰教法律各具鲜明特点,同时又有较强的互补性,它们的结合使回疆法律呈现出多元化的特点。 相似文献
20世纪90年代以来,对华侨、华人的研究涉及历史、政治、经济、文化、社会等众多领域,涌现了一批有重要学术价值的专著。其中,韩方明博士在其论著《华人与马来西亚现代化进程》中,以马来西亚为例阐释了“华人三重性”即中华性、本地性、国际性的基本内涵。他提出的“华人三重性”理论使笔者深受启发。他指出:“华人三重性是对海外华人本质特征的一个理论表述……在不同的国家会有不同的内容及表现形式,对此进行研究,可以揭示不同国家华人问题的共性和个性。”①而目前学术界多侧重对同一地域不同国家的华人进行比较研究,尚未有人将“华人三重… 相似文献
民族区域自治是中国共产党运用马克思列宁主义民族理论,结合中国实际情况解决中国民族问题的基本政策,也是国家的一项基本政治制度。民族区域自治的核心是民族自治权,它体现了各民族一律平等的原则和尊重各少数民族人民自主管理本民族内部事物的权利。新疆民族教育事业的发展和取得的巨大成就,就是党的民族区域自治制度在新疆实践的丰硕成果。 相似文献