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微格教学是借助电化教学手段,如摄录像系统、录音设备、计算机处理系统的辅助,将学习者分成人数较少的小组,通过小型的教学实践,使师范院校学生或在职教师掌握教学技能的一种教学手段.这种系统训练方法,包括备课、授课、反馈、评价几个环节,是一种使教学技能的获得、提高沿螺旋式上升的培训模式,能有效地提高师范生的教学技能  相似文献   
从变态贝塞尔方程出发,构造了它的一个变换形式,利用微积分学中的定理,巧妙地求得了含两个变态贝塞尔函数和的积的一个普遍的积分公式。进而利用变态贝塞尔函数的性质,可简洁地推导出电磁场领域中两类非常重要的积分的解析表达式,在处理圆柱结构下有关电磁场能量或电磁波传输功率的计算问题时,具有普遍的应用价值。  相似文献   
本文针对目前Internet访问速度缓慢问题,进行了剖析并提出了若干解决办法。  相似文献   
A set of low-risk gambling limits were recently produced using Canadian epidemiological data on the intensity of gambling behavior and related consequences (Currie et al. Addiction 101:570–580, 2006). The empirically derived limits (gambling no more than two to three times per month, spending no more than $501–$100°CAN per year or no more than 1% of gross income spent on gambling) accurately predicted risk of gambling-related harm after controlling for other risk factors. The present study sought to replicate these limits on data collected in three independently conducted Canadian provincial gambling surveys. Dose–response curves and logistic regression analyses were applied to gambling prevalence data collected in surveys conducted in 2001–2002 within the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario (combined sample N = 7,675). A comparable dose–response relationship between gambling intensity and risk of harm was found in each province. The optimal thresholds for defining an upper limit of low-risk gambling were similar across the three provinces despite variations in the availability and organization of legalized gambling opportunities within each region. These results provide additional evidence supporting the validity of the low-risk gambling limits. Quantitative limits could be used to augment existing responsible gambling guidelines.
Shawn R. CurrieEmail:
We consider methods for reducing the effect of fitting nuisance parameters on a general estimating function, when the estimating function depends on not only a vector of parameters of interest, θθ, but also on a vector of nuisance parameters, λλ. We propose a class of modified profile estimating functions with plug-in bias reduced by two orders. A robust version of the adjustment term does not require any information about the probability mechanism beyond that required by the original estimating function. An important application of this method is bias correction for the generalized estimating equation in analyzing stratified longitudinal data, where the stratum-specific intercepts are considered as fixed nuisance parameters, the dependence of the expected outcome on the covariates is of interest, and the intracluster correlation structure is unknown. Furthermore, when the quasi-scores for θθ and λλ are available, we propose an additional multiplicative adjustment term such that the modified profile estimating function is approximately information unbiased. This multiplicative adjustment term can serve as an optimal weight in the analysis of stratified studies. A brief simulation study shows that the proposed method considerably reduces the impact of the nuisance parameters.  相似文献   
The authors studied contributors to stress among undergraduate residence hall students at a midwestern, land grant university using a 76-item survey consisting of personal, health, academic, and environmental questions and 1 qualitative question asking what thing stressed them the most. Of 964 students selected at random, 462 (48%) responded to the survey. The authors weighted data to reflect the overall university-wide undergraduate population (55% men, 12% minority or international, and 25% freshmen). Women and US citizens experienced greater stress than did men and non-US citizens, respectively. Frequency of experiencing chronic illness, depression, anxiety disorder, seasonal affective disorder, mononucleosis, and sleep difficulties were significant stress predictors. Although alcohol use was a positive predictor, drug use was a negative predictor of stress. Both a conflict and a satisfactory relationship with a roommate, as well as a conflict with a faculty or staff member, were also significant predictors of stress.  相似文献   
Gambling screening tools such as the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) and a DSM-IV Screen for Gambling Problems (NODS) developed by the National Opinion Research Council have psychometrically validated lifetime and past-year versions. As research questions often dictate shorter time intervals, researchers have adapted the time frames of these instruments to their specific purposes without examining whether changing the time frame affects the psychometric properties. In this study, 3-month versions of SOGS and NODS were administered to a sample of 80 pathological gamblers (59 men, 21 women, mean age 44) seeking treatment at a state-funded facility. The 3-months versions had good internal consistency, good convergent validity with each other, with gambling behaviors assessed via the timeline followback method, and with measures of impulsivity. The 3-month versions also showed good discriminant validity with demographic variables and a measure of verbal IQ. Together the data indicate that shortening the time frame to 3 months does not seem to have adverse effects on the psychometric properties of SOGS and NODS. Thus these adapted versions could profitably be used for shorter time intervals, including as pre/post-treatment and follow-up measures in treatment outcome studies.  相似文献   
Do participants make decisions consistent with risk-value tradeoffs? One hundred and five undergraduate business students made risk and preference judgments about lottery pairs in a series of paper surveys. The data indicate that the participants’ responses were generally consistent with the key assumptions of risk-value models, but that some extensions of the theory would improve this consistency. In particular, we find that modifying the risk assumptions of the risk-value theory so they are consistent the concept of the reflection of the risk attitude in the domains of gains and losses increases the agreement between the theory and the participants’ responses.  相似文献   
《到灯塔去》是英国著名意识流女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的意识流代表作。她主要通过小说的重要角色莉丽·布里斯库自己的意识流动来塑造莉丽的形象。伍尔夫是从客观时间与主观时间交织、现实与回忆相糅来传达她的创作旨趣的。  相似文献   
张弘  王小红 《民族学刊》2021,12(10):59-64, 123
丹巴位于“藏彝走廊”的核心区域,其对汉藏民族关系、中央政权与边疆地区的稳定均具有重要影响。自忽必烈时期开始丹巴即开始实行土司制度直至新中国成立,研究丹巴的土司制度发展历史对梳理“藏彝走廊”民族关系及社会发展历史具有重要作用。本文对丹巴土司制度的发展历史进行了考证,并对其境内的四个土司的管辖范围、权力地位进行了梳理,以期对该地区历史发展研究提供一些参考与借鉴。  相似文献   
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