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This paper explores the transnationalism seen among Chicago's Chinese migrants in tandem with their Americanization in the late 19th century. While migrants' transnationalism has several dimensions, the focus of this paper has been placed on their political practices, so-called "long-distance nationalism." Previous studies on migrants' transnationalism tended to assume marginalization in and a failure to assimilate into a host society as a reason for migrants' maintaining their ties to their countries of origin. A historical study of the migrants, however, showed another picture: transnationalism and assimilation processes could be reconciled. In order to explain how this is possible, this paper provides in the first part a background on the Chinese enclave in Chicago. Here the paper illustrates how seriously divided the Chinese community was over the difference of clan. The second part is divided into three sections and shows the process by which migrants became politically transnational. First, it deals with the emerging "Chinese" consciousness of migrants, elaborating on how such an inclusive awareness began to appear while they mobilized into a movement demanding naturalization and citizenship rights. In the course of such a movement, they promoted the Americanization of Chinese migrants. Second, how such processes, that is, the emergence of "Chinese" consciousness and assimilation proceeded at the same time is explained. Third, the paper shows how and when Chinese Chicagoans became politically involved in homeland politics. Throughout the paper, the idea of transnationalism is considered in relation to assimilation.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to calculate benchmark durations and lower 95% confidence limits for benchmark durations of working hours associated with subjective fatigue symptoms by applying the benchmark dose approach while adjusting for job‐related stress using multiple logistic regression analyses. A self‐administered questionnaire was completed by 3,069 male and 412 female daytime workers (age 18–67 years) in a Japanese steel company. The eight dependent variables in the Cumulative Fatigue Symptoms Index were decreased vitality, general fatigue, physical disorders, irritability, decreased willingness to work, anxiety, depressive feelings, and chronic tiredness. Independent variables were daily working hours, four subscales (job demand, job control, interpersonal relationship, and job suitability) of the Brief Job Stress Questionnaire, and other potential covariates. Using significant parameters for working hours and those for other covariates, the benchmark durations of working hours were calculated for the corresponding Index property. Benchmark response was set at 5% or 10%. Assuming a condition of worst job stress, the benchmark duration/lower 95% confidence limit for benchmark duration of working hours per day with a benchmark response of 5% or 10% were 10.0/9.4 or 11.7/10.7 (irritability) and 9.2/8.9 or 10.4/9.8 (chronic tiredness) in men and 8.9/8.4 or 9.8/8.9 (chronic tiredness) in women. The threshold amounts of working hours for fatigue symptoms under the worst job‐related stress were very close to the standard daily working hours in Japan. The results strongly suggest that special attention should be paid to employees whose working hours exceed threshold amounts based on individual levels of job‐related stress.  相似文献   
Summary Effects of starvation on the suryival period and the respiratory rate in adults of a wolf spider,Pardosa astrigera (L. Koch), were investigated. The spiders used were divided into four groups: well-fed, starved and two limited food groups; in the latter two, each spider was supplied with one leafhopper every second or third day. Adult males and females ofP. astrigera could survive for a long time; 28.8±2.7 days and 54.4±18.9 days, respectively, without any food. The longevities shown here were 73.8% for males and 78.6% for females of those of well-fed spiders, indicating thatP. astrigera adults have a strong tolerance to starvation. The respiratory rate of well-fed adults showed no tendency to increase or decrease with their aging; the mean respiratory rates were 4.86×10−4 mg CO2/mg f.w. (fresh body weight)/hr for males and 3.80×10−4 mg CO2/mg f.w./hr for females. The respiratory rates of starved spiders increased during the first two days of starvation but decreased markedly from the third to the twelfth day, and thereafter retained an almost constant level for each sex. The mean respiratory rates after the twelfth day of starvation were 2.49×10−4 mg CO2/mg f.w./hr for males and 2.76×10−4 mg CO2/mg f.w./hr for females; these values were respectively 48.4% and 63.0% of those prior to starvation. The fresh body weight of starved spiders decreased linearly with time but the rate was small. The respiratory rates of the limited food groups tended to decline with time and thereby their weight losses were minimized. The decrease in the respiratory rate under starvation was considered not to be due to spider exhaustion or senescence but due to an intrinsic change in behaviour and/or metabolism, because when the spiders were supplied with ample food for five days after starvation, the respiratory rate and the body weight rapidly recovered to near the levels prior to starvation. It is suggested that starved spiders use a higher ratio of fat as catabolic substrate than normally fed or satiated ones. Feeding strategies of poikilo-therm predators are discussed. This work was partially supported by the Nippon Life Insurance Foundation Research Fund and Grant-in-Aid (No. 56480039) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   
Using data from the first wave of the Millennium Cohort Study, covering a large birth cohort of children in the UK at age 8 to 12 months, this paper examines the effects of leave-taking and work hours on fathers’ involvement in four specific types of activities: being the main caregiver; changing diapers; feeding the baby; and getting up during the night. We also investigate the effects of policies on fathers’ leave-taking and work hours. We find that taking leave and working shorter hours are related to fathers being more involved with the baby, and that policies affect both these aspects of fathers’ employment behaviour. Thus, we conclude that policies that provide parental leave or shorter work hours could increase fathers’ involvement with their young children.  相似文献   
Summary Two species competition model is built up by assuming the hypothetical second order interactions in order to consider effects of exploitation on two competing fish species with non-linear interactions. Most important characteristic of this model, compared withLotka-Volterra type linear competition model, is that this model can possess multiple stable equilibrium points. Therefore there is a possibility that two species keeping the equilibrium state at one stable equilibrium point will be attracted to the other stable equilibrium point after a heavy perturbation. In this model reversible change of the fishing pressure does not always results in that of the equilibrium catch. In this sence MSY concept for single species can not be extended to this model. If there are multiple stable equilibrium points, the change of the dominant fish species, catastrophic and irreversible change of each equilibrium catch may be observed when the perturbation by the exploitation is added. This phenomenon immediately reminds us of the change of the dominant fish species between Japanese common mackerel and Pacific saury in the northwest Pacific Ocean. In case of the management of two competing fish species with nonlinear interactions, the consideration on the balance between the fishing pressure for each species may be as important as the decision on the catch limit for each species. MSY level for each species based on the single-species theory could be quite erroneous.  相似文献   
The problem of detecting influential observations in principalcomponent analysis was discussed by several authors. Radhakrishnan and kshirsagar ( 1981 ), Critchley ( 1985 ), jolliffe ( 1986 )among others discussed this topicby using the influence functions I(X;θs)and I(X;Vs)of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, which wwere derived under the assumption that the eigenvalues of interest were simple. In this paper we propose the influence functionsI(X;∑q s=1θsVsVs T)and I(x;∑q s=1VsVs t)(q<p;p:number of variables) to investigate the influence onthe subspace spanned by principal components. These influence functions are applicable not only to the case where the edigenvalues of interst are all simple but also to the case where there are some multiple eigenvalues among those of interest.  相似文献   
The present paper deals with sensitivity analysis in maximum likelihood factor analysis. To investigate the influence of a small change of data we derive theoretical influence functions I(x; LLT ) and I(x; Δ) for a common variance matrix T= LLT and a unique variance matrix Δ respectively. Numerical examples are shown to illustrate our procedure.  相似文献   
Consider an estimation problem of a linear combination of population means in a multivariate normal distribution under LINEX loss function. Necessary and sufficient conditions for linear estimators to be admissible are given. Further, it is shown that the result is an extension of the quadratic loss case as well as the univariate normal case.  相似文献   
In this study, we consider the problem of selecting explanatory variables of fixed effects in linear mixed models under covariate shift, which is when the values of covariates in the model for prediction differ from those in the model for observed data. We construct a variable selection criterion based on the conditional Akaike information introduced by Vaida & Blanchard (2005). We focus especially on covariate shift in small area estimation and demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed criterion. In addition, numerical performance is investigated through simulations, one of which is a design‐based simulation using a real dataset of land prices. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 46: 316–335; 2018 © 2018 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
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