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LetX 1,X 2, … be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with some continuous distribution functionF. LetX(n) be then-th record value associated with this sequence and μ n , μ n + be the variables that count the number of record values belonging to the random intervals(f−(X(n)), X(n)), (X(n), f+(X(n))), wheref−, f+ are two continuous functions satisfyingf−(x)<x, f+(x)>x. Properties of μ n , μ n + are studied in the present paper. Some statistical applications connected with these variables are also provided.  相似文献   
For semiparametric models, interval estimation and hypothesis testing based on the information matrix for the full model is a challenge because of potentially unlimited dimension. Use of the profile information matrix for a small set of parameters of interest is an appealing alternative. Existing approaches for the estimation of the profile information matrix are either subject to the curse of dimensionality, or are ad-hoc and approximate and can be unstable and numerically inefficient. We propose a numerically stable and efficient algorithm that delivers an exact observed profile information matrix for regression coefficients for the class of Nonlinear Transformation Models [A. Tsodikov (2003) J R Statist Soc Ser B 65:759-774]. The algorithm deals with the curse of dimensionality and requires neither large matrix inverses nor explicit expressions for the profile surface.  相似文献   
Semiparametric Bayesian classification with longitudinal markers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary.  We analyse data from a study involving 173 pregnant women. The data are observed values of the β human chorionic gonadotropin hormone measured during the first 80 days of gestational age, including from one up to six longitudinal responses for each woman. The main objective in this study is to predict normal versus abnormal pregnancy outcomes from data that are available at the early stages of pregnancy. We achieve the desired classification with a semiparametric hierarchical model. Specifically, we consider a Dirichlet process mixture prior for the distribution of the random effects in each group. The unknown random-effects distributions are allowed to vary across groups but are made dependent by using a design vector to select different features of a single underlying random probability measure. The resulting model is an extension of the dependent Dirichlet process model, with an additional probability model for group classification. The model is shown to perform better than an alternative model which is based on independent Dirichlet processes for the groups. Relevant posterior distributions are summarized by using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods.  相似文献   
Summary.  We consider the Bayesian analysis of human movement data, where the subjects perform various reaching tasks. A set of markers is placed on each subject and a system of cameras records the three-dimensional Cartesian co-ordinates of the markers during the reaching movement. It is of interest to describe the mean and variability of the curves that are traced by the markers during one reaching movement, and to identify any differences due to covariates. We propose a methodology based on a hierarchical Bayesian model for the curves. An important part of the method is to obtain identifiable features of the movement so that different curves can be compared after temporal warping. We consider four landmarks and a set of equally spaced pseudolandmarks are located in between. We demonstrate that the algorithm works well in locating the landmarks, and shape analysis techniques are used to describe the posterior distribution of the mean curve. A feature of this type of data is that some parts of the movement data may be missing—the Bayesian methodology is easily adapted to cope with this situation.  相似文献   
In many situations the applied researcher wishes to combine different data sources without knowing the exact link and merging rule. This paper considers different cartographic interpolation methods for interpolating attributes from German employment office districts to German counties and vice versa. In particular, we apply dasymetric weighting as an alternative to simple area weighting, both of which are based on estimated intersection areas. We also present conditions under which the choice of interpolation method does not matter and confirm the theoretical results with a simulation study. Our application to German administrative data suggests robustness of estimation results of interpolated attributes with respect to the choice of interpolation method. We provide weighting matrices for regional data sources of the two largest German data producers.  相似文献   
This paper shows how to construct confidence bands for the difference between two simple linear regression lines. These confidence bands provide directly the information on the magnitude of the difference between the regression lines over an interval of interest and, as a by-product, can be used as a formal test of the difference between the two regression lines. Various different shapes of confidence bands are illustrated, and particular attention is paid towards confidence bands whose construction only involves critical points from standard distributions so that they are consequently easy to construct.  相似文献   
A generalized brick wall model is developed to describe intergranular corrosion in Equi-axed AA7178-T6 and Wingskin AA7178-T6 aluminum alloys. The intergranular corrosion rate is highly related to grain size and shape. High strength aluminum alloys are often elongated and anisotropic, with the fastest nominal IGC growth rate in the longitudinal direction (L) or long transverse direction (T) and the slowest in the short transverse direction (S). We propose a three-way intersection model and use it to simulate the corrosion kinetics for each direction. With a proper combination of model parameters, the generalized IGC model provides a good fit to experimental data developed by the foil penetration technique.  相似文献   
We introduce a new goodness-of-fit test which can be applied to hypothesis testing about the marginal distribution of dependent data. We derive a new test for the equivalent hypothesis in the space of wavelet coefficients. Such properties of the wavelet transform as orthogonality, localisation and sparsity make the hypothesis testing in wavelet domain easier than in the domain of distribution functions. We propose to test the null hypothesis separately at each wavelet decomposition level to overcome the problem of bi-dimensionality of wavelet indices and to be able to find the frequency where the empirical distribution function differs from the null in case the null hypothesis is rejected. We suggest a test statistic and state its asymptotic distribution under the null and under some of the alternative hypotheses.  相似文献   
We consider a continuous-time model for the evolution of social networks. A social network is here conceived as a (di-) graph on a set of vertices, representing actors, and the changes of interest are creation and disappearance over time of (arcs) edges in the graph. Hence we model a collection of random edge indicators that are not, in general, independent. We explicitly model the interdependencies between edge indicators that arise from interaction between social entities. A Markov chain is defined in terms of an embedded chain with holding times and transition probabilities. Data are observed at fixed points in time and hence we are not able to observe the embedded chain directly. Introducing a prior distribution for the parameters we may implement an MCMC algorithm for exploring the posterior distribution of the parameters by simulating the evolution of the embedded process between observations.  相似文献   
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