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Book reviews     
Franco Ferrarotti The Myth of Inevitable Progress, Greenwood Press, 1985, pp.VIII,208.

Peter Grootings, Bjorn Gustavsen, and Lajos Héthy (eds.) New Forms of Work Organization and Their Social and Economic Development, Budapest, Statistical Publishing House, 1986, pp. VIII, 297.

Janusz Lewandowski and Jan Szomberg Samorzad w dobie “Solidarnosci”. Wspolpraca samorzadow pracowniczych Pomorza Gdanskiego na tle sytuacji w kraju w latach 1980/81 (Self‐government in the time of Solidarity. Cooperation of the self‐governmental bodies in the Baltic region and its general background during the period 1980/81), London, Odnowa, 1985, pp. 109.  相似文献   

Cet article permet de connaître le fonctionnement des conseils d'administration interdépendants des 250 premières entreprises et réseaux associés du Canada et d'Australie dans les années 1990. Ces conseils reflètent les relations sociales d'une classe hégémonique et représentent des instruments d'accumulation du capital le long d'un axe financier et industriel intégre (capital financier). Au Canada, ces deux aspects du pouvoir corporatif sont extrêmement centralisés au sein d'une élite essentiellement nationale. Le réseau australien est plus lâche, mais comporte un noyau visible, bien que le secteur financier y occupe une place moins importante et que les intérêts étrangers, quoique non dominants, soient plus présents sur le plan structurel. Au Canada, la classe capitaliste possède toutes les caractéristiques propres au capital financier tandis qu'en Australie les mécanismes d'intégration de la classe capitaliste, dans le cadre de l'interdépendance des entreprises, sont moins évidents. Dans cet article, on démontre que des systèmes differents d'intégration des classes sont ancrés historiquement dans les deux pays, et les auteurs s'interrogent sur le rôle du capital financier national dans le contexte contemporain de la mondialisation du capital. This paper examines the top 250 corporations and associated networks of interlocking directorates in Canada and Australia in the 1990s. Interlocks are interpreted both as social relations of class hegemony and as vehicles in the accumulation of capital along an integrated financial-industrial axis (finance capital). In Canada both these sides of corporate power are highly centralized within a predominantly national corporate elite. The Australian network is much sparser but still has a discernible core, although its financial sector has less presence at the core, and foreign interests while not dominant are somewhat more structurally prominent. The Canadian capitalist class exhibits all the characteristics suggested by finance capital; the mechanisms of capitalist class integration through corporate interlocking in Australia are weaker. We argue that different systems of class integration are historically embedded in the two countries, and speculate about the role of nationally organized finance capital in the contemporary globalization of capital.  相似文献   
The Subtle and Overt Scale of Psychological Abuse (Marshall, 1999a) is a measure designed to examine previously unevaluated forms of psychological abuse. The scale was originally divided into seven subscales (overt: dominance, indifference, monitoring and discrediting; subtle: undermining, discounting, isolating). A sample of 172 women was used to evaluate the construct validity of this measure. In other words, the internal structure of the measure, its relation to other measures of physical and psychological abuse, and its relationship to other psychological outcomes. Empirical and theoretical approaches were used to replicate and examine the dimensions of this scale. Results revealed that this scale represents a unidimensional construct that is highly correlated to other measures of psychological abuse. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   
Contingent staffing arrangements are defined as conditional and transitory work arrangements. In the drug abuse treatment sector, contingent staffing arrangements have the potential to improve treatment if they are used to increase access to needed services. Alternatively, such arrangements could interfere with the development of consistent, long-term client-staff relationships. Unfortunately, little is known about the consequences of or influences on contingent staff arrangements in this sector. The goal of this study is to examine the conditions under which outpatient substance abuse treatment organizations are more likely to use contingent staffing arrangements. Building on previous research on the social organization of health care structures and practices, we develop a conceptual model based in market economics and institutional perspectives to suggest that treatment organizations choose contingent arrangements in response to market conditions and uncertainty, institutional demands, and client needs. Using data from a nationally representative study conducted in 1988, 1990, and 1995, we find limited evidence that drug treatment units use contingent staff in response to market pressures. Labor market and demand uncertainty, however, are systematically associated with greater use of contingent staff. Study results suggest that expectations and norms from the institutional environment, particularly the organizational context of the treatment unit are strong predictors of the use of contingent staff. By considering both market and social influences of contingent staffing, we contribute to a growing body of research on how markets and institutions interact to influence organizational structures and practices in the health care system.  相似文献   
This is the first multisite, prospective study of behavioral and mental health disorders of youth in residential treatment centers (RTC) and therapeutic foster care (TFC), and the first study to compare the two. This study addressed two questions in a sample of 22 agencies in 13 states: (1) how prevalent were emotional and behavioral disorders in the youth admitted to RTCs and TFC?, and (2) were the youth in RTCs significantly more likely to be disturbed than youth served in TFCs? Data were drawn from the Time 1 phase of the longitudinal national "Odyssey Project" developed by the Child Welfare League of America (1995). Measures included an extensive child and family characteristics form (CFC) and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). The results revealed extremely high levels of behavioral and mental health disorders in the sample as a whole, well above the norms for a non-child welfare population. The prevalence of disorder in the RTC population was substantially greater than in the TFC population.  相似文献   
Most Transdisciplinary Research (TdR) projects combine scientific research with the building of decision making capacity for the involved stakeholders. These projects usually deal with complex, societally relevant, real-world problems. This paper focuses on TdR projects, which integrate the knowledge of researchers and stakeholders in a collaborative transdisciplinary process through structured methods of mutual learning. Previous research on the evaluation of TdR has insufficiently explored the intended effects of transdisciplinary processes on the real world (societal effects). We developed an evaluation framework for assessing the societal effects of transdisciplinary processes. Outputs (measured as procedural and product-related involvement of the stakeholders), impacts (intermediate effects connecting outputs and outcomes) and outcomes (enhanced decision making capacity) are distinguished as three types of societal effects. Our model links outputs and outcomes of transdisciplinary processes via the impacts using a mediating variables approach. We applied this model in an ex post evaluation of a transdisciplinary process. 84 out of 188 agents participated in a survey. The results show significant mediation effects of the two impacts "network building" and "transformation knowledge". These results indicate an influence of a transdisciplinary process on the decision making capacity of stakeholders, especially through social network building and the generation of knowledge relevant for action.  相似文献   
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