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Reducing non-marital childbearing and making nonresidential fathers take greater responsibility for their children were identified as goals of numerous policy changes since the 1980s. Child-support award rates for children born to unmarried parents have been quite low historically, leading lawmakers to focus on increasing both award and payment rates for this group. Nonmarital fathers are also much less likely to have contact with their children. Although evidence suggests that policy efforts increase child support awards and receipt, the link between child support policies, child support outcomes, and father-child contact has received less attention. This paper uses data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation on children born between 1985–1997 to investigate the relationship between child-support award and receipt and the amount of contact that fathers have with their non-residential children. Since it is likely that both of these behaviors are, in part, determined by unobservable characteristics of the father, we estimate an instrumental variables Tobit model. The model is identified by our assumption that child support policy variables can impact child support awards and payments, but father-child contact cannot be directly legislated. Our results suggest that there are unintended, but desirable effects of child support establishment and collection. Policies to collect child support not only increase financial resources to families, but through their impact on payments increase visitation and contact between these children and their fathers. The estimated impact of receiving child support on contact is more than 27 days per year.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Economic Association, Washington DC, January 2003 and the Annual Meetings of the Association of Public Policy and Management, November 2003. Support from NICHD Grant # HD30944 is gratefully acknowledged. We would like to thank Suzann Eshleman for excellent computer programming and James Scully for providing us with data on genetic testing laws.  相似文献   
In this paper, we use data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) to estimate the effects of income, maternal employment, family structure, and public policies on several measures of childrens living arrangements. We use both linear probability models and discrete-time event history models to explore the effects of these factors on: (1) the probability that a child is living out-of-home in a given year; (2) the probability that a child is removed from home in a given year, conditional on the child living at home in the previous year; (3) the probability that a child is removed from home for the first time; (4) the probability that a child is reunified with his/her biological parent(s) given that the child was living out-of-home in the previous year. We also analyze whether these estimates differ by types of out-of-home placements. Our results suggest that children from lower-income, single-mother, and mother–partner families are considerably more likely both to be living out-of-home and to be removed from home. A change in family structure also tends to place a child at higher risk of an out-of-home living arrangement, unless this transition functions to bring a childs father back into the household. Maternal work appears to increase the probability that a child lives at home. Additionally, once a removal has taken place, we do not find a relationship between income and the probability of a family reunification, but we do find that single-mother and mother–partner families are less likely to reunify. Finally, our analyses provide some evidence that welfare benefit levels are negatively related to out-of-home placements.Funding for this project was provided the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development through grant number 5 F32 HD044 302-02. We are grateful to Shoshana Grossbard-Shechtman, Jennifer Hill, Sanders Korenman, Leonard Lopoo, Katherine Magnuson, and Christina Paxson for their excellent comments and advice.JEL Classification: D10, I30, J13  相似文献   
This paper uses a contingent value survey in a Rocky Mountain city to measure the national income accounting value of leisure activities. Such direct measurement avoids shortcomings of the previously used labor value approach and individually values various types of leisure, e.g., napping and socializing. The results of the study indicate promise for this measurement approach but also raise some issues that require further research. Included are suggestions for overcoming problems discovered with this method and for future research.The authors wish to thank two anonymous referees of this journal who provided insightful comments and suggestions which improved the paper significantly.  相似文献   
In the first two sections of the paper, some basic terminological distinctions regarding freedom of the will as a philosophical problem are expounded and discussed. On this basis, the third section focuses on the examination of two neurophysiological experiments (one by Benjamin Libet and one by William Grey Walter), which in recent times are often interpreted as providing an empirical vindication of determinism and, accordingly, a refutation of positions maintaining freedom of the will. It will be argued that both experiments fall short in this respect, and that in general—for methodical reasons—the prospects of ever deciding the dispute about freedom of the will through empirical research are rather poor.
Zusammenfassung  In den ersten beiden Teilen dieses Beitrags werden einige grundlegende terminologische Unterscheidungen bezüglich Willensfreiheit als philosophisches Problem erläutert und diskutiert. Auf dieser Grundlage befasst sich der dritte Teil mit der Untersuchung zweier neurophysiologischer Experimente (eines von Benjamin Libet, das andere von William Grey Walter), die in jüngerer Zeit gern als empirische Bestätigung des Determinismus und damit als Widerlegung von Positionen interpretiert werden, die eine Freiheit des Willens behaupten. Wir argumentieren, dass beide Experimente in dieser Hinsicht mangelhaft sind und dass allgemein die Aussichten, den Disput über Willensfreiheit durch empirische Forschung zu lösen, aus methodischen Gründen eher gering sind.

Résumé  Les deux premières sections de larticle exposent et discutent certaines distinctions terminologiques concernant le « libre arbitre » en tant que problème philosophique. Sur cette base, la troisième section se concentre sur lexamen de deux expériences neurophysiologiques (lune par Benjamin Libet et lautre par William Grey Walter), souvent interprétées ces derniers temps comme fournissant une justification au déterminisme et, par conséquent, une réfutation des positions affirmant la liberté de la volonté. Largumentation fait ressortir que les deux expériences ne parviennent pas à leur but à cet égard et que de façon générale, pour des raisons méthodologiques, les perspectives de trancher la question du libre arbitre par la recherche empirique sont plutôt mauvaises.

Dirk HartmannEmail: Phone: +49-201-1834631
The paper highlights the need to clarify the definition of psychic capacities and the difficulty in distinguishing between improved capacity and improved functioning. Before considering whether it is legally permissible to undertake an intervention on psychic capacities, and if so under what conditions, it is necessary to consider whether such an intervention is ethically appropriate. If the intervention is ethically appropriate, whether it is legally permissible according to the instruments of the Council of Europe will depend on the persons status (for example, whether the person is an adult or a child, or able or not able to give consent), the type of intervention proposed, and in certain cases the type of material used in the intervention. The paper discusses the regulations that are relevant to these different situations.
Zusammenfassung  Dieser Beitrag unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit, die Definition des Begriffs psychische Fähigkeiten zu klären, und die Schwierigkeit, zwischen verbesserten Fähigkeiten und verbesserter Funktion zu unterscheiden. Bevor wir erörtern, ob ein Eingriff in psychische Fähigkeiten rechtlich zulässig ist und, wenn ja, unter welchen Bedingungen, müssen wir überlegen, ob eine solche Intervention ethisch angemessen ist. Wenn das der Fall ist, hängt die rechtliche Zulässigkeit, entsprechend den Instrumenten des Europäischen Rates, vom Status der betroffenen Person ab (zum Beispiel, ob es sich um einen Erwachsen oder ein Kind handelt), von der Art des Eingriffs, der zur Debatte steht, und in bestimmten Fällen dem Material, das bei diesem Eingriff benutzt wird. Der Beitrag behandelt die Vorschriften, die in diesen unterschiedlichen Situationen zum Tragen kommen.

Résumé  Cet article met en lumière le besoin de clarifier la définition des « capacités psychiques » et la difficulté à faire la différence entre capacité améliorée et fonctionnement amélioré. Avant de décider sil est légalement licite dintervenir sur les capacités psychiques, et si oui, dans quelles conditions, il est nécessaire de se demander si une telle intervention est justifiée du point de vue éthique. La question de savoir si une intervention est appropriée du point de vue éthique et si elle est légalement licite en vertu des instruments du Conseil de lEurope, dépend du statut de la personne (si la personne est un adulte ou un enfant, si elle est capable ou non de donner son consentement, etc.), du type dintervention envisagé, et dans certains cas du type de matériel utilisé pour lintervention. Larticle examine les réglementations qui sappliquent à ces différentes situations.

All opinions expressed in this paper are solely those of the author.
Elaine GaddEmail:
Dialogue in the sense of David Bohm invites individuals and groups to consider together their ways of thinking and learning. By exploring mental models, which usually hinder reaching deeper agreement, this kind of dialogue opens new grounds and is, at the latest, since Peter Senge’;s management-bestseller “The fifth discipline” (1990), considered to be a basic process for team learning in groups and organisations. The article refers to university projects on ‘open dialogue’ with students at the universities of Oldenburg and Bochum between 2001–2003. Characteristics of “open dialogue” are represented as ways of attentiveness learning. Students practical reports are used to work out recommendations based upon “open dialogue” for the development of central deep ecology and human competences.  相似文献   
I personally understand succession processes as an interface of organization evolutions. The way in which these are settled indicates the development direction of the organization as a conservative or a progressive one. The following will discuss organization changes regarding fluidity and virtuality.The limits of such an organization are more and more psychological, the management personality has a big influence regarding the chances related to changes.In how far, at the leadership level, the deviation readiness can be established through arranged successors, essentially determines the organization’s chance to adjust to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   
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