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In this paper, we are interested in the weighted distributions of a bivariate three parameter logarithmic series distribution studied by Kocherlakota and Kocherlakota (1990). The weighted versions of the model are derived with weight W(x,y) = x[r] y[s]. Explicit expressions for the probability mass function and probability generating functions are derived in the case r = s = l. The marginal and conditional distributions are derived in the general case. The maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters, in both two parameter and three parameter cases, is studied. A procedure for computer generation of bivariate data from a discrete distribution is described. This enables us to present two examples, in order to illustrate the methods developed, for finding the maximum likelihood estimates.  相似文献   
In a series of papers, Kshirsagar (1964, 1971) and McHenry and Kshirsagar (1977), factorize Wilks' A into a number of factors and find the independent null multivariate beta densities of these factors. These factors are the likelihood ratio test criteria for testing the goodness of fit of certain assigned discriminant functions or canonical variables either in the space of independent or dependent variables. Essentially the factors of Wilks' A are the factors of certain multivariate beta distributed matrix or its determinant. The Bartlett decomposition of the underlying multivariate beta distribution into independent factors determines the distribution of these factors. The present paper generalizes Kshirsagar's (1971) normal theory to the elliptically contoured model, and shows that his results are null robust for the elliptically contoured model.  相似文献   
In this paper we study the distribution of the number of customers served in a busy period in the framework of modified power series distribution introduced by Gupta (197U) and obtain the moments and probability generating function of this distribution. We also study the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameter θand the variance and the asymptotic bias of the MLE are also obtained. The minimum variance unbiased estimate of θris investigated and an estimate of the probabilities is given.  相似文献   
The concept of inclusion probability proportional to size sampling plans excluding adjacent units separated by at most a distance of m (≥ 1) units {IPPSEA plans} is introduced. IPPSEA plans ensure that the first-order inclusion probabilities of units are proportional to size measures of the units, while the second-order inclusion probabilities are zero for pairs of adjacent units separated by a distance of m units or less. IPPSEA plans have been obtained by making use of binary, proper, and unequireplicated block designs and linear programing approach. The performance of IPPSEA plans using Horvitz–Thompson estimator of population total has been compared with existing sampling plans such as simple random sampling without replacement (SRSWOR), balanced sampling plans excluding adjacent units {BSA (m) plans}, probability proportional to size with replacement, Hartley and Rao's plan (1962 Hartley , H. O. , Rao , J. N. K. ( 1962 ). Sampling with unequal probabilities and without replacement . Ann. Math. Statist. 33 : 350374 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), Rao et al.'s strategy (1962 Rao , J. N. K. , Hartley , H. O. , Cochran , W. G. ( 1962 ). On a simple procedure of unequal probability sampling without replacement . J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B 24 : 482491 . [Google Scholar]), and Sampford's IPPS plan (1967 Sampford , M. R. ( 1967 ). On sampling without replacement with unequal probabilities of selection . Biometrika 54 ( 3 ): 499513 .[Crossref], [PubMed] [Google Scholar]) using a real life population. Unbiased estimation of Horvitz–Thompson estimator of population total is not possible in these types of plans because some of the second-order inclusion probabilities are zero. To resolve this problem, one approximate variance estimation technique has been suggested.  相似文献   
Jen Tang  A.K. Gupta 《Statistics》2013,47(3):379-387
In this paper, WILKS'type-B integral equation is solved in the general form of a series of beta functions and a series of weighted gamma functions as proposed by WALD and BROOKNER 1941. The coefficients in both representations can be obtained by explicit recurrence relartions, therefore the results solve many distributional problems and have the fewest computational difficulties of any representation that has surfaced to date. The radius of convergence of the second series representation is given, whereas the convergence property of the first series representation is given, whereas the convergence property of the first series representation was studied by WALD and Brookner. The exact null distributions of WILKS' statistic A for testing the independence of several groups of variables and of V = -log A are given. The coefficients in all the series representration can be computed recursilvely and hence can be obtained easily with the help of modern computatinal facilities  相似文献   
For the model considered by Chaturvedi, Pandey and Gupta (1991), two classes of sequential procedures are developed to construct confidence regions (which may be interval, ellipsoidal or spherical) of ‘pre-assigned width and coverage probability’ for the parameters of interest and for the minimum risk point estimation (taking loss to be quadratic plus linear cost of sampling) of the nuisance parameter. Second-Order approximations are derived for the expected sample size, coverage probability and ‘regret’ associated with the two classes of sequential procedures. A simple and direct method of obtaining the asymptotic distribution of the stopping time is provided. By means of examples, it is illustrated that several estimation problems can be tackled with the help of proposed classes of sequential procedures.  相似文献   
Two types of estimates of process level, namely repeated median estimates (Siegel, 1982 Siegel , A. F. ( 1982 ). Robust regression using repeated medians . Biometrika 69 : 242244 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and full online estimates (Gather et al., 2006 Gather , U. , Schettlinger , K. , Fried , R. ( 2006 ). Online signal extraction by robust linear regression . Computational Statistics 21 : 3351 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) based on repeated median filters, are used to develop control charts. The distributional properties of the estimates are studied using simulation and these are found to closely follow normal distribution. The repeated median being robust against outliers with asymptotically 50% breakdown value and having small standard deviation is found to be useful as a basis for monitoring process averages. The control charts using repeated median estimates have been recommended for general use.  相似文献   
Several models for studies related to tensile strength of materials are proposed in the literature where the size or length component has been taken to be an important factor for studying the specimens’ failure behaviour. An important model, developed on the basis of cumulative damage approach, is the three-parameter extension of the Birnbaum–Saunders fatigue model that incorporates size of the specimen as an additional variable. This model is a strong competitor of the commonly used Weibull model and stands better than the traditional models, which do not incorporate the size effect. The paper considers two such cumulative damage models, checks their compatibility with a real dataset, compares them with some of the recent toolkits, and finally recommends a model, which appears an appropriate one. Throughout the study is Bayesian based on Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   
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