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今天的文学理论和批评方法不是从天上掉下来的,而是从以往的文学理论和批评方法中生成、演变而来的。因此,研究批评史并不是额外附加的一项任务,而是研究文学理论和批评方法的必然要求。不懂得批评史,就无法真正深入地研究文学理论。许多文学理论和批评方法问题,惟有从批评史的角度去考察,才能获得比较深入的认识。  相似文献   
当前大学生思想政治教育内容的构建方面存在着一些非常明显的不足。创新大学生思想政治教育内容应该坚持导向性和多样性的相互结合,科学性与人文性的相互匹配,继承性同时代性的相互促进,理论性同实践性的相互联系,先进性同广泛性的相互统一,系统性与层次性的相互协调。  相似文献   
Many Korean women felt strongly positive about donating their eggs for Hwang Woo Suk’s research, in spite of the fact that Hwang was accused of fraud. It is said that there is a kind of unique ‘egg donation culture’ among Korean women, which urged them to donate their eggs for his research. However, positing such a Korean ‘egg donation culture’ does not seem to give a sufficient explanation of why so many Korean women were seemingly willing to provide their own eggs for Hwang’s research. Instead, we suggest that egg donation issues in the Hwang affair can be interpreted under the paradoxical context, in which Korean women are situated in the age of biotechnology. On the one hand, the invisibility of women as subjects in the public sphere led to their lack of social control over ova trafficking and made it possible for a huge number of eggs to be supplied secretly for Hwang’s team. The patriarchal structure of family, the myth of economic growth, and the restricted activities of feminist organizations are possible contributors to the invisibility of Korean women. On the other hand, in the practices of bodily technologies such as cosmetic surgery and reproductive technologies, Korean women have been highly visible. With the help of those technological instruments, women have been empowered to own their own bodies and to have them at their disposal. We argue that these dualistic realities of women as egg owners can explain the egg donation culture among Korean women in the Hwang affair.
Jin Hee Park (Corresponding author)Email:
应对欧美反倾销中对我国实施的"替代国"政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧美(欧盟与美国)反倾销实践中对我国实施的"替代国"政策是我国企业屡屡成为欧美反倾销措施牺牲品的根本原因之一.我国是在全球被诉倾销最多的国家.利用"替代国"政策实践中的不合理性是欧美诉中国企业出口产品倾销的"杀手锏".扼制欧美滥用反倾销措施,对其"替代国"政策实践中的不公正和不合理之处据理力争,提出质疑和抗议,直至要求世贸组织最终废除"替代国"政策,以从根本上减轻其对中国出口产品的危害,是中国企业摆脱反倾销困扰的关键.  相似文献   
80后大学生的种种社会表现已广泛引起社会的注意,他们的理想信念如何,关乎我国的社会发展和民族前途。因此了解他们的理想信念实际并探讨理想信念构建的对策是关乎国运的一件大事。  相似文献   
周作人与日本文学的关系一直以来都备受瞩目。周作人将“余裕”作为漱石文学的特色,最为看重和推崇的也是以《我是猫》为代表的能够体现“余裕”特色的前期作品。其闲适文学观深得“余裕”论神髓,但他对于“余裕”论的片面理解则消极影响了文学创作。  相似文献   
国家实施振兴东北老工业基地的战略,对內蒙古东部四盟市是一次难得的历史机遇。蒙东四盟市与东北三省山水相连、文化相同、人缘相亲,在人才、技术、自然资源等诸多方面有互补性,奠定了合作开发的基础。振兴东北,拉动内蒙,实现区域经济一体化,是应对区域经济一体化大趋势的必然选择,也是全面建设小康社会的战略要求。三省一区联合互动,必然会促进区域经济一体化进程,将会带动东三省和蒙东四盟市的新一轮共同发展。  相似文献   
We propose an exploratory data analysis approach when data are observed as intervals in a nonparametric regression setting. The interval-valued data contain richer information than single-valued data in the sense that they provide both center and range information of the underlying structure. Conventionally, these two attributes have been studied separately as traditional tools can be readily used for single-valued data analysis. We propose a unified data analysis tool that attempts to capture the relationship between response and covariate by simultaneously accounting for variability present in the data. It utilizes a kernel smoothing approach, which is conducted in scale-space so that it considers a wide range of smoothing parameters rather than selecting an optimal value. It also visually summarizes the significance of trends in the data as a color map across multiple locations and scales. We demonstrate its effectiveness as an exploratory data analysis tool for interval-valued data using simulated and real examples.  相似文献   
The Physical Activity Questionnaire for Elderly Japanese (PAQ-EJ) is a self-administered physical activity questionnaire for elderly Japanese; the authors report here on its repeatability and direct and indirect validity. Reliability was assessed by repeat administration after 1 month. Direct validation was based on accelerometer data collected every 4 s for 1 month in 147 individuals age 65-85 years. Indirect validation against a 10-item Barthel index (activities of daily living [ADL]) was completed in 3,084 individuals age 65-99 years. The test-retest coefficient was high (r = .64-.71). Total and subtotal scores for lower (transportation, housework, and labor) and higher intensity activities (exercise/sports) were significantly correlated with step counts and durations of physical activity <3 and >or=3 METs (r = .41, .28, .53), respectively. Controlling for age and ADL, scores for transportation, exercise/sports, and labor were greater in men, but women performed more housework. Sex- and ADL- or age-adjusted PAQ-EJ scores were significantly lower in older and dependent people. PAQ-EJ repeatability and validity seem comparable to those of instruments used in Western epidemiological studies.  相似文献   
We propose a novel method to quantify the similarity between an impression (Q) from an unknown source and a test impression (K) from a known source. Using the property of geometrical congruence in the impressions, the degree of correspondence is quantified using ideas from graph theory and maximum clique (MC). The algorithm uses the x and y coordinates of the edges in the images as the data. We focus on local areas in Q and the corresponding regions in K and extract features for comparison. Using pairs of images with known origin, we train a random forest to classify pairs into mates and non-mates. We collected impressions from 60 pairs of shoes of the same brand and model, worn over six months. Using a different set of very similar shoes, we evaluated the performance of the algorithm in terms of the accuracy with which it correctly classified images into source classes. Using classification error rates and ROC curves, we compare the proposed method to other algorithms in the literature and show that for these data, our method shows good classification performance relative to other methods. The algorithm can be implemented with the R package shoeprintr.  相似文献   
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