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This study explored a career readiness typology of 629 8th‐grade students using the Career Factors Inventory. Data revealed developmentally appropriate elevated needs for information, specifically self‐knowledge. In addition, cluster analysis demonstrated the heterogeneity of career development needs of 8th‐grade students. Typal membership revealed little variance on sociodemographic factors. Career development implications are presented.  相似文献   
Humans exist not only as unique individuals, but also as members of social groups that are formed on the basis of ethnicity, gender, age and so forth. Reflecting this duality are interpersonal and intergroup modes of behaviour, respectively. Thus, humans can act in terms of their personal self and treat others as individuals (interpersonal behaviour); they can also act in terms of group membership and relate to others as members of this or that group (intergroup behaviour). In a mixed marriage, for example, the couple's behaviour toward each other is ‘normally’ interpersonal, but can become intergroup when war breaks out between their respective ethnic groups. Contrary to common sense, factors more minimal than a war are often sufficient to trigger intergroup behaviour. Indeed, seemingly interpersonal encounters are in fact intergroup. How does behaviour shift from interpersonal to intergroup, and with what consequences? To address these questions, I outline a social psychological perspective based on social identity theory and conclude with a discussion on the enigmas of ethnicity.  相似文献   
Monitoring the metropolitanization process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alternative approaches have led to different interpretations of the metropolitanization process in the United States. We identify and illustrate several methods and procedures for monitoring metropolitan-nonmetropolitan population change using the 1950-1980 U.S. decennial censuses. Two basic approaches are compared: constant area approaches and component methods. In addition, we assess the effects of changing metropolitan definitions on metropolitan-nonmetropolitan growth. The results clearly reveal that the underlying mechanics of metropolitanization not only are complex but have changed substantially during the 1950-1980 period. We conclude with observations regarding the use of these procedures in future research.  相似文献   
Sounds of Silence: narrative research with inarticulate subjects   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
This article addresses the challenge of using narrative methods with people who have learning difficulties. Such informants present four particular interview problems: inarticulateness; unresponsiveness; a concrete frame of reference; and difficulties with the concept of time. The authors focus on the first two of these problems and argue that neither of them constitutes an insuperable barrier to people telling their story. Drawing on detailed interview material from an informant with learning difficulties, the authors set out to show in practical terms how these problems might be tackled, emphasising in particular the importance of being attentive to what goes unsaid. They conclude that researchers should put more emphasis on overcoming the barriers that impede the involvement of inarticulate subjects in narrative research instead of dwelling on their limitations as informants.  相似文献   
现代新儒家对中华民族精神内涵的认识是不尽相同的,但中华民族精神蕴含在中华儒家文化之中是其理论共识。儒家的"和谐"与"理性"、"内圣外王"之道、人文精神、"极高明而道中庸"及"心性之学"等,都是中华民族精神固有的内涵。现代新儒家致力于从儒家文化视角来解读中华民族精神,是有失公正性的,不加分析地全盘肯定儒家文化及其蕴含的民族精神,也是不符合历史辩证法的。现代新儒家力图从深层的精神内核来认识儒家文化和中华民族精神,是中华民族自我认识过程的深化和发展,也是继续研究中华民族精神不可或缺的重要文化资源。  相似文献   
突破理性官僚制伦理困境的基本逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
官僚制化的行政管理是民主政治的委托授权式的他治的现代范式,但西方理性官僚制构造了形式合理性与实质非理性的伦理悖论,在公共权力运行中导致他治与自治的矛盾是公共行政的现代性困境。西方以否定他治为指向的解构理性官僚制的运动并不能为中国的公共行政改革制作范式。在人类还没有能力实现自治的境况下,否定合理的他治是乌托邦式的幻想。但面对理性官僚制发展不足的问题,应在反思理性与建构理性相统合的视阈中避免西方所遭遇的现代性悖论,需要以公共生活的智慧限制他治对主权的僭越以及克服官僚制本身的形式合理性与实质非理性的伦理困境,这一智慧在制度伦理视界体现制度与人格双重向度的整合。  相似文献   
在高校学生管理中,辅导员是预防学生矛盾激化的“第一道防线”,这要求辅导员需要具备较强的调解能力。将从高校学生矛盾冲突的现状出发,挖掘辅导员在调节能力上的不足,剖析人民调解与高校学生管理的内在联系,提出高校辅导员调解能力提升的路径。  相似文献   
在中国制造业转型时期,零部件进口对促进我国技术进步至关重要,将出口品国内技术含量作为衡量技术进步的标准,对零部件进口与中国制造业技术进步的关系进行量化分析。研究结果表明:扩大零部件进口规模对技术进步有正向影响,但发挥作用存在一定时滞,且在高技术行业中促进作用尤为显著;扩大零部件进口种类能显著促进技术进步,主要体现在低技术行业;外商直接投资、人均资本和研发投入均对技术进步有正向影响,但对不同技术层次行业的影响程度存在差异。  相似文献   
"十一五"时期是福建省全面建设小康社会、加快海峡西岸经济区建设的关键时期。要提高广大农民抗贫穷能力,走上增收致富之路,最根本的就是要加大农村地区的人力资本投资。运用社会分层、人力资本等相关理论,采用理论分析与实证分析、逻辑推理与统计分析相结合的研究方法,认为人力资本投资不足是制约农民素质提升的关键。在该观点的基础上,以海峡西岸经济区为例,从教育投资、培训投资、健康投资、迁移投资四个方面,对农村人力资本投资进行了分析,提出了加大农村人力资本投资,推动城乡和谐发展的政策建议。  相似文献   
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