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乡村旅游是乡村振兴与"双循环"背景下脱贫攻坚、推进乡村振兴和扩大内需的重要路径之一,而乡村旅游事业的发展离不开乡村旅游空间网络的构建,对其分析可为乡村旅游空间结构的优化提供实践指导和理论依据.环巢湖十二个乡镇的旅游空间互动模型网络中心性分析显示,环巢湖乡村旅游发展整体处于中等水平,三河镇构成较为突出的一极,乡村旅游发展初具规模,旅游进一步发展潜力大;旅游特征向量中心性值未出现较大变化,说明核心节点的辐射作用不足;旅游网络系统尚未健全,中心节点数量偏少,密度较低,有效连接性差.建议从空间结构上对环巢湖乡村旅游进行优化.  相似文献   
知识经济对各国的经济和社会发展的各个方面带来了巨大的冲击。知识经济的内在要求是高素质的创新型人才,也对人才培养提出了现实的挑战。为了应对知识经济时代的挑战,高校教育应当适时调整教育战略,落实科学发展观,努力培养创新型人才,以求在未来竞争中处于有利地位。  相似文献   
文章通过分析在我国建立保安处分的理论与现实合理性,提出了在我国刑法体系中建立完整的保安处分制度的实体设想和程序设想,以期其在成为我国刑罚体系的组成部分之后,能够更加有效地实现防卫社会的目标。  相似文献   
对我国行政诉讼制度与公民权利保护问题的检视与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
行政诉讼法立法的根本宗旨是保护公民权利。行政诉讼法的制定、实施一方面表明了党和政府依法治国的决心,但另一方面,目前我国行政诉讼在立法上还存在重国家权力维护、轻公民权利保障,对公民权利的保护不够充分等不足,在实施上也存在诉讼成本高、审判结果公信度低、对公民权利保护弱化等不足。在推进依法治国的进程中,必须从机制、体制建构等方面着手,切实对上述不足加以改变。  相似文献   
The percentage of part‐time workers in Italy is very low compared with most European countries. In this paper we try to contribute to an explanation. We use data on the employees of a large Italian company operating in the service sector, and apply a particular econometric framework that allows identification of potential demand and supply. We find that demand and supply are potentially very large on average, but they are difficult to match at the individual worker/job level. The firm might observe a relevant employee’s characteristics that are positively correlated with the employee’s propensity to a part‐time job but are negatively correlated with the profitability of that employee on that job. The firm might also use the revealed willingness to switch to a part‐time job as a sign that the employee is likely to be unprofitable for the company.  相似文献   
网络语言中的仿篇现象探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与传统的语言仿篇现象相比,网络语言中的仿篇现象,在容量上得以扩展,形式上更加灵活,一旦被认可,新的仿文便迅速大量增加。网络语言中的仿篇现象具有夸张、讽喻、幽默等特点,但部分内容显得牵强,适用性也较差,影响了网络语言中仿篇的大量出现,不过部分表达贴切的仿文会借助网络传递出旺盛的生命力。  相似文献   
Although coastal oil spills tend to be highly publicized, crude oil spills in the United States affect inland areas relatively often. Spills to inland areas often affect sensitive environments and can have greater impacts to health and welfare than spills to coastal areas. For these reasons, the authors investigated inland crude oil spill threats, vulnerabilities, and emergency response in the midwestern U.S. states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. These states work with the Region 5 Offices of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Region 5's geospatial data in the Inland Sensitivity Atlas were turned into metrics indicating inland crude oil spill threats and vulnerabilities among the Region's sub‐watersheds. These threats and vulnerabilities were weighted using data from the National Response Center and the Department of Energy's Environmental Restoration Priority System. The locations of the Region's emergency responders were geocoded in GIS. The GIS calculated the emergency response times to the Region's sub‐watersheds. The resulting scatter plots are connected to the sub‐watersheds in the map so stakeholders can (1) see the outlying sub‐watersheds of concern and (2) better understand how reducing threats and better response time can reduce the risk of inland crude oil spills.  相似文献   
Corruption is a critical phenomenon, both domestically and internationally. Corruption is a concept difficult to circumscribe referring to a large variety of levels, expressions and profiles. Due to its characteristics corruption has to be approached assuming a multi-perspective view. We believe that corruption ha to be studies assuming that this is multi-perspective and multi-disciplinary. We support the idea that governance perspective has to be considered central and innovative. The multi-disciplinary perspective wasn't completely explored in order to comprehend how the corruption phenomenon works and which consequences it is able to determine. Our study aims to stimulate the debate on the link between governance and the phenomenon of corruption as an illness affecting our capitalistic societies in many respects.  相似文献   
In this paper we propose a simple multistep regression smoother which is constructed in an iterative manner, by learning the Nadaraya–Watson estimator with L2L2 boosting. We find, in both theoretical analysis and simulation experiments, that the bias converges exponentially fast, and the variance diverges exponentially slow. The first boosting step is analysed in more detail, giving asymptotic expressions as functions of the smoothing parameter, and relationships with previous work are explored. Practical performance is illustrated by both simulated and real data.  相似文献   
安鲁  马靓 《青海社会科学》2006,(2):90-92,86
中国水文化丰富多彩,这其中就包含了人们赋予水的信仰。本文通过对文献和民俗资料的调查,从水能增强生殖力、生命力以及人们经过沐浴以敬神这三个层面,进一步说明沐浴这一与水有关的活动对古人精神信仰的影响及作用。  相似文献   
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